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About westr

  • Birthday 06/30/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
    Classic Sims: Tornado US Navy Fighters and Microprose classics
    DCS World + most modules
    Falcon BMS
    IL2 COD
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  1. Yeah I’ve tried so many different slots then restarted the PC multiple times. I have read about a powered usb unit but in 3-4 years it’s always worked so I’m not sure? Did you physically have to re-install windows 11 and that actually worked for you?
  2. Many thanks for your responses guys reading through them and it’s appreciated, when you say a reset button do you mean the small button that turns the power on/off on the flat square box? Do you have to hold it down for a period of time to do a reset? Yes testing it on another pc could be a possibility, would a windows update work I wonder may be worth looking if there are any updates available although I have my win 11 set for auto updates. I can’t be at my pc for a couple of days but will have a look at that when I can.
  3. Hi DCS community, I’m after your help/advice. I’ve had reverb G2 and prior to that a G1. My G1 originally started flickering and after contacting HP and establishing I was within warranty I was upgraded to a G2 for free. Unfortunately on this occasion my G2 has no longer got power to the headset, I’ve checked that the lead is in the headset and having reverbs for a while Im fairly well versed on how things work, I’ve sometimes had problems where the headset can’t be detected, and after plugging in the usb into a different port or just plugging it in and out and a restart it has always managed to solve the issue quickly, on this occasion it’s different, despite having power and a light to the power box no power is reaching the headset, or certainly the HP logo is not lit. Unfortunately my G2 is no longer in warranty and HP no longer offer any assistance or support, not even the option to repair the headset. So with a few options I need to decide where I go next. I’d like to know if anyone has had the same issue and managed to solve it or perhaps advise me if I’m going to be flogging a dead horse. See I don’t want to pay for 2nd hand parts and leads only to find it doesn’t fix the issue. If this isn’t possible then I need a new headset. I don’t dislike the reverb and have been pleased with the visual quality, although maybe performance has not been quite as good, having said that over the last couple of years I’ve managed to get a decent performance/visual balance and maintain a steady 45fps in VR so it’s a generally smooth experience. I also am not in a position to spend lots of money on a headset at the moment, unfortunately this has come at a bad time and I don’t want to have to stop my hobby as I only fly in VR. I have the option to buy a 2nd hand reverb on eBay but of course I realise having had two already that have gone defective I understand this is a gamble. If it’s not a reverb I’ve seen HTC vive headsets refurbished for a reasonable amount. I have no experience with vives. So if someone could give me an honest non biased assessment of the vive I’d really appreciate it, in terms of its visual quality and performance, and if they are more reliable than the HP headsets? Or perhaps an alternative headset option that they have experience with that I could pick up refurbished for a reasonable price? your help is always appreciated dcs community… I look forward to any advice.
  4. Is it possible to set a turbulence effect when flying into cloud with simshaker?
  5. If using VR will the sim only launch into VR once in game/cockpit with this new launcher interface?
  6. I won’t be doing anything like that but it’s made me think twice about 3rd party modules. I’ve bought the F4 but think I’ll hold off buying anything else for the time being and see what happens with this. It’s a shame no breakthroughs have been made.
  7. I have both downloaded and installed stable and beta. As long as you only use one at a time you can have them both installed and alternate between the two. If you install the latest beta version I believe it has support for the new F-4e and you don’t need to install any additional files.
  8. It’s just how it is atm the difference in comparison to how the F16 & F18 run is huge in VR. With the same settings those modules run so smooth but the Phantom struggles like mad. F14 I find somewhere in between. A bit of optimisation from HB end would be helpful. In my experience HBs modules have always been more taxing in VR.
  9. No I’ve never needed to do this before is there a guide? Thanks
  10. Hi with latest beta sim shaker for aviators I no longer get speedbrake shudders effect when extending speedbrakes plus every aircraft I fly in DCS is detected as an Su27. going to revert to latest stable and see if it solves the issue. After installing and using stable none of these issues are present. I'm currently flying the F16 but there have been numerous other modules i've used with the same issue. don’t know what that was about but it’s now working
  11. Yes flown against F5 but didn’t get the same sort of fight. The fight against the F4 felt as though he was fighting for his life I was quite impressed considering it is ai. I find the ai mig21 is over performing maybe. I find my F4 doesn’t stand a chance even in the vertical.
  12. Brilliant addition I love it. Thankyou. Startling to feel like a finished product.
  13. I know this is an old thread but I flew a 1v1 against the new F4e at ace level in my F14a and boy did he make a good fight of it. I eventually managed to get him slow then dropped onto his 6 o clock but then he went into a rolling scissors manoeuvre and made it so difficult for me to gun him. This fight went on for a long time I eventually just waited for him to cross my path and just held down on the trigger and he flew into my stream of bullets but I couldn’t get the pipper on him. Best fight I’ve ever had against ai including all the WW2 modules.
  14. Yes the AI mig 21 is good in the vertical as well
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