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Everything posted by Marshtron

  1. So My game will crash when i try to start dcs world. I have repaired the instillation and unplugged all peripherals. It doesn't record a crash log unfortunately. The odd thing is multi-player works perfectly fine, but i cannot get into DCS world to edit any settings. If anyone has insight on the issue it would be appreciated. Crashes at Loading screen 10% Thanks
  2. thanks, your advice helped me fix the issue after a couple uninstalls.
  3. Any way to actually control which box will pop up? the only way i know how to start it is by holding shift entering multi-player.
  4. Was just wondering if any of you have had issues with the cd key provided to you? for some reason when i try to input my Cd key into the dialog box it says that it is mistyped or invalid. Was just hoping someone had some insight.
  5. With only one hawg this is pretty much impossible. You can use jdams and markpoints to hit multiple non moving targets if that helps at all. Theoretically you can reset the laser code on your gbu's and have a wingman lase a 2nd target(on that code) for you, but it would be probably not worth the hassle.
  6. As paganus said make sure that your keys are mapped under the SU25 controls because they are not by default. So you may have to remap the keys you would like for the SU25 to your hotas since they are different than the A10.
  7. Count me in! Would love to pick up the rotary wing.
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