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About Mar044

  • Birthday February 15

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    From Northern Ontario Canada
    First sim was F-117 DOS
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  • Interests
  1. Can we have cold war infantry and units that fit 1960s 70s and 80s for both warsaw and western packs as to be more realistic when say fighting a battle the 70s and 80s etc?
  2. Hi since we are playing in the cold war on many aircraft, it would be great if you could add cold war era infantry and units with different skins?
  3. Hi I tried to run the update for DCS and gave me a error, something to do with A-10A. I attached a screen, I tried running the update again, same error.
  4. Norway skins for F-86 Hey can someone make skins for the F86 Sabre based on the norway airforce such as http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww3/f/1901/113/0 and post it to the DCS download page for skins
  5. Is there any plans for new units, such as LNG ship tankers, which are very common?
  6. My entry My entry for screenshot contest
  7. Ok so I seemed to fix the issue at least for me, set the head shake option high on the slider then ok, then go back in and set the option back to 0 on the slider, I also turned off G effects head, and so far the screen doesn't shack anymore.
  8. Thanks, was driving me mad, was like what am I doing wrong, also couldn't find the threat about it, and google, well don't get me started. LOL thanks for the help.
  9. Hey all, so I have tried Rctrl+enter and even remapping the key, but I can't seem to remove the axis position box of the joystick that appears at the bottom left, its a big green box with a cross. It doesn't appear on any other aircraft but the mig 21bis, on navada map, does anyone know how to turn it off or the key?
  10. I tried I tried, I thought me shooting down ordinance was entertaining, I hope someone liked it.
  11. Thank god your fixing the shaking cockpit, I love the bird so much I have been flying with the shake lol, given me a major headache.
  12. I installed VM Virtual box with network support from Oracle so I could run a older version of windows, and noticed that the MIG 21 package asked and used up a Activation after I installed Oracle VM Box, yet no other package asked for Activation, I presume because it added virtual network interface to devices, which is kinda lame
  13. U.S Fighter VS Russian Anti Air From my Channel, made by me AKA Mar-Works,has exterior also, me shooting down incomings :thumbup: Captions commentary can be turned off on youtube. Also yes I aware not a JDAM, mental fart on MAV miss ID. [ame] [/ame]
  14. My sub mig 21 flare
  15. I don't know if this is a glitch or not I was shooting up a awacs with my Mig 15 and noticed that it turns on its lights after it takes damage, has anyone noticed that?
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