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  1. SOLVED, those mods are missing the Textures folder, put the Bano. dds inside and fixed
  2. Landing ligts are working for example.. @SkateZilla maybe he can add a workaround
  3. Nope card runs perfect, other mods are running great
  4. Did it, for example in modelvewer2 they are displayed correct... Not in game
  5. Hi there, I've experienced this issue related to some planes, mostly old ones, like flyable mig-23, 27,su-17. Nav lights are under a single collection =argument lights and all point to a single Arg=49...is it a common issue, and is there a fix around for that? Thanks in advance
  6. Any fix for this issue?
  7. Hi there, I've experienced this issue related to some planes, mostly old ones, like flyable mig-23, 27,su-17. Nav lights are under a single collection =argument lights and all point to a single Arg=49...is it a common issue, and is there a fix around for that? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi Cubanace is it possible have the dragchute working on next update?
  9. Cubanace, just wonder if you can make a dark visor for su-57 pilot and a working chute brake...
  10. I will share asap
  11. Ok, I can call it done. I didn't had the time to make a new Yak-28P skin from A 2 Z so I've decided to update the existing (including NM and Roughmet) and this is the result. I hope AA-3 missing pylons will be fixed. I can provide blank textures too.
  12. Nice one, but I think the yak-28 needs an update too...
  13. Solved, removed the B-29 folder and now is fine
  14. Yes is possible, will be great that every moder will put is efforts in a cumulative pack
  15. Anyway I've done the SU-15/SU-15TM liveries with individual numbers like 13 numbers each for blue, red and yellow numbers and reskinned the MAM pilot in soviet/russian different suits
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