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Posts posted by Boris

  1. Post stolen from the Pimax forums:


    The screen vertical offset value moves the whole image up or down. You can move the left/right screen up/down separately. I found that putting both to -0.5 which moves the image up a bit seems to make my eyes feel better. EDIT not really sure though


    Most of the other settings are now in the Games tab which means you can configure them per game (which I haven’t tried yet)


    The RGB adjustment applies to the Contrast and Brightness settings. Where before when you adjust Contrast or Brightness it applied to all color channels, now you can select each color channel and set their Contrast and Brightness to different values. This is pretty great as it allows a lot of color adjustment which you can (supposedly) assign to each game. Can easily fix yellowish tone of 8K or bluish tone of 5K+.


    And yes, don’t forget to click Save after changes. I just tried making changes and hitting Save and restarting and everything kept their values correctly (I think).


    And as far as Global and individual settings are concerned - This means you can choose to apply all adjustments to all games, or have adjustments for specific games only.

  2. What I don't understand is that why is the official information for scheduled and eagerly awaited patch is passed on in a thread that is located in a chit-chat forum section. I wish ED's marketing people would copy some good practices from other game developers or take a few courses on the matter of customer service.




  3. I'm not sure about this one...



    Reading the comments on this one is brain cell killing.

    It's so obviously just the contrail of another aircraft it hurts. I fly often and love my window seats and see this al the time.



    Generally, the vast majority of UFO sightings can be explained by earthly phenomena misidentification of completely normal objects or fakery.


    But there are a few intriguing accounts. Most notably the Belgian UFO wave, which was seen by thousands of people.


    The one account that is surely one of the the most interesting to us is the "tic tac", which was spotted and followed by US Navy F/A-18 pilots.

    There's even a "The Fighter Pilot Podcast" episode with one of the pilots.


    However, all any unexplained aerial phenomena proves so far, is that people see some weird stuff. Any extraterrestrial origin is pure speculation and imagination.

  4. I just watched the video... Wow, this really is bizarre and very significant.


    I wonder if fixing this is what is being done with the announced VR optimisation.


    Has anyone reproduced yet, or is it something specific to Swevivers system?

  5. As others have stated, many here are way overestimating the range at which they feel entitled to see aircraft.

    Comparisons of seeing airliners at long ranges (which depending on condidtions can also be very hard to spot) are not very fitting.


    Consider that military fighters are not meant to be seen. They are significantly smaller and typically painted in colours that are specifically designed to reduce visibility.


    This paper is an interesting discussion on the topic of aircraft spotting:



    This graph in particular should be of great interest to us:




    Note the huge difference in visibility of a 747 vs an F-16.


    While I wouldn't say the aircraft spotting in DCS can't be improved upon, as it is now, I think the spotting pretty accurately reflects the difficulty of spotting aircraft in real life. After all, they're not invisible. Flying on WW2 and Cold War servers where spotting is very important, I tend to see aircraft at the ranges more or less where they would be expected to be seen. That being said, I think they can definitely work on having aircraft glint or be darkly silhouetted in corresponding lighting conditions.

  6. Anyone else experiencing freezing issues with the Pimax?


    Every now and again (perhaps after half an hour of play) I will get a freeze in DCS with the 5k. The image in the headset will stay frozen, DCS is frozen for a few seconds, but recovers. The headset does not immediately recover and will be grey. Only after moving the headset around to wake up the tracking, will the headset resume as normal. I can continue flying after this, presuming the aircraft hasn't crashed.

    In single player I can press escape to pause the game, but in multiplayer this is often fatal.


    I am wondering what is causing this.


    Could it be only due to a loss of tracking by the headset? (I'm using two HTC base stations)


    Or maybe it's related to the micro-freezes that DCS frequently has? I got these a lot with the Rift, but tracking resumed after a few seconds. Maybe the Pimax has a harder time recovering?


    I'm thinking it might also be my graphics card overclock. I'm going to try without OC and see it that's the issue.


    Anyone else getting this?

  7. I ended up ordering this grip as it is currently on special.


    I received it yesterday and must day that it totally meets my expectations. It's a solid little grip that in shape and functionality completely mirrors a B-8 grip as found in the F-5E (with thumb hat) and therefore also closely resembles the F-86 grip.


    The twist axis (which I won't bee using due to pedals) is very solid and needs some force to move, which means it can't become accidentally activated by normal X/Y axis usage.

  8. I knew pretty much nothing about this aircraft other than seeing it as a static on many airfields in DCS.


    I'm surprised to read it's not a WW2 plane, first flight in 1947 and produced until 2001!?


    That's got to be one of the longest productions runs of any aircraft.

  9. Seeing as we have a lack of serious high-fidelity adversaries for the western aircraft, I think Iranian Tomcats in a flyable and detailed (as much as the limited information allows) state is a must.

    They also slot perfectly into the PG map.


    I'm sick of airquake servers with exactly the same aircraft on both teams.

  10. That seems a little too awkward for me. What happens when you want to keep your eyes on the target but then also need to move your head to flick switches?


    I have a mouse on the right and a track ball on the left and this is still the fastest and most reliable way in my opinion.

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