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About hansangb

  • Birthday 01/01/1966

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  • Flight Simulators
    Everything made/sold by ED (sans Migs). MS Flt Sim.
  • Location
    New York
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  1. I know this is necro'ing, but couldn't help myself. The future is already here. *IF* you use projectors. Check out RomeoKilo's YT page and how he seamless integrated a physical cockpit with VR. It's pretty amazing.
  2. Pretty good discount, I would say. Message me if interested. If shipping international, the price is $380 plus whatever the shipping cost is. For US delivery, it's just $380 with shipping included.
  3. Yeah, I saw just the 3080Ti going for (at least people wanting $650 or so) But I don't mind giving a bargain to the DCS community.
  4. OK, I've been gone for about two to three years now. Picked up woodworking and VR/DCS took a back seat for a while. Just picked up Crystal Light to see how much things have changed. So I'm selling this as a bundle for $500. Shipping will be determined after someone wants to buy it and is a function of the location that I'm shipping to. But I'll cap it at $50USD maximum (could be cheaper). I'm also going to insure it for $500. You'll get EVGA Hybrid (water cooled) 3080Ti. Reverb G2 with all accessories. And MilesD's original PointControl. I'm pretty sure the finger unit will need a battery replacement since it's been sitting in my drawers for 2 or 3 years. But ti's all included. Before I put it up on Ebay, I thought I'd check with the DCS community to see if anyone wanted to grab it first. Reverb power supply and PontCTRL system Reverb2 controllers. You can still see the stickers on the trigger as I've never used it 3080Ti 3080Ti with colling fan/unit Close up of radiator Original boxes for both Top view of Reverb G2 Original box modified to fit PointCTRL Front view of G2 Another angle of G2 G2 from the back
  5. I don't know if this belongs here since it's not "for sale" (it's free except for the shipping. But if you're interested check out the three posts below. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/316314-free-brand-new-pimax-sword-controller-but-you-pay-for-shipping-no-strings-attached/#comment-5121194 https://forum.dcs.world/topic/316312-free-new-pimax-backer-box-but-you-pay-for-shipping-no-strings-attachd/#comment-5121190 https://forum.dcs.world/topic/316311-free-2080-ti-but-you-pay-for-shpping-no-other-strings-attached/#comment-5121185
  6. OK, it's been a while and I thought there was a separate PIMAX subforum. But I don't see it... This isn't a FOR SALE post so it doesn't belong in the "for sale" forum. I have PIMAX Sword Controller- that you can have for free. I don't know if it matters but I had the Pimax 5K. It's never been used. Here are the conditions 0) You will NOT hear from me again unless you've been chosen. So please don't ask me "Did you get my email" 1) email me at DCS.hansangb AT google's info gathering...I mean, free email service. Figure it out, it's not that hard. 2) SUBJECT should be FREE SWORD CONTROLLER 3) On Saturday 7 January 2023, I'll randomly pick a winner. 4) I'll email you with the box dimensions and weight. You have to create a UPS label (no USPS, no FEDEX) and email it to me. 5) You have 48 hours to send me the shipping label from the time I sent you the confirmation email (that you've been selected). After 48 hours, I will choose another person. So if you send me a label at 49th hour, I'll just delete the email. 6) Then I'll ship it out to you. Why am I giving away these 3 things (see my other two posts for 2080TI and Pimax Backer Box). Because I don't have the Pimax anymore and i was one of the OG kickstart supporter. And i recently upgraded to 3080Ti so I don't need the 2080Ti. Just a *small* way of my giving back to the DCS community. Happy New Year.
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  7. OK, it's been a while and I thought there was a separate PIMAX subforum. But I don't see it... This isn't a FOR SALE post so it doesn't belong in the "for sale" forum. I have PIMAX Backer Box -March, 2021 time frame - that you can have for free. I don't know if it matters but I had the Pimax 5K. It's never been used. Here are the conditions 0) You will NOT hear from me again unless you've been chosen. So please don't ask me "Did you get my email" 1) email me at DCS.hansangb AT google's info gathering...I mean, free email service. Figure it out, it's not that hard. 2) SUBJECT should be FREE BACKER BOX 3) On Saturday 7 January 2023, I'll randomly pick a winner. 4) I'll email you with the box dimensions and weight. You have to create a UPS label (no USPS, no FEDEX) and email it to me. 5) You have 48 hours to send me the shipping label from the time I sent you the confirmation email (that you've been selected). After 48 hours, I will choose another person. So if you send me a label at 49th hour, I'll just delete the email. 6) Then I'll ship it out to you.
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  8. OK, it's been a while and I couldn't even find this forum, LOL. This isn't a FOR SALE post so it doesn't belong in the "for sale" forum. I have an EVGA 2080 Ti (see below) that you can have for free. Here are the conditions 0) You will NOT hear from me again unless you've been chosen. So please don't ask me "Did you get my email" 1) email me at DCS.hansangb AT google's info gathering...I mean, free email service. Figure it out, it's not that hard. 2) On Saturday 7 January 2023, I'll randomly pick a winner. 3) I'll email you with the box dimensions and weight. You have to create a UPS label (no USPS, no FEDEX) and email it to me. 4) You have 48 hours to send me the shipping label from the time I sent you the confirmation email (that you've been selected). After 48 hours, I will choose another person. So if you send me a label at 49th hour, I'll just delete the email. 4) Then I'll ship it out to you. DETAIL: EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 ULTRA, OVERCLOCKED, 2.75 Slot Extreme Cool Triple + iCX2, 65C Gaming, RGB, Metal Backplate, 11G-P4-2487-KR, 11GB GDDR6
  9. I think the issue is that DCS can ask for x amount of VRAM, but it's up to the OS to give it to you. It's not up to DCS since it's more of a wish than command.
  10. 1080Ti would be pushing it. But if you search in this forum, there's a post on how to achieve best performance/look balance. Something like "how to achieve 90fps on 1080ti" or something along those lines. The idea is that you reduce the resolution for the Vive to push. Also, the Rift *does* have better software setup. Not unexpected since they have such a headstart. The other thing to consider is that you can control things in WMR and you can control things in SteamVR. So it's best to watch some tutorials or the threads here that explain the differences. I'll add to the thread after I hook my G2 up. I'll tell you one thing...the cable management is a million times better. And it's more comfortable than G1.
  11. Thanks. I guess it's one of those "it's on, no it's not on" kind of a thing. I have time so I'll wait for the 6900XT. To see if the faster access via Ryzen will pay dividends or not.
  12. Yeah, got my G2 today. But work got in the way. I'm updating Redmond company's' sim to see if VR support is there yet or not. But I'd love to see your experience with your BIG HONKIN 3090! :) I'm seriously thinking about jumping to AMD 5950X (I think that's the one). I do fair amount of video/YT editing so it's tempting. But I'll wait to see if their 6000 video card is at least comparable to 3090. If not, I may go with AMD CPU and 3090.
  13. Don't forget, you can always crank the video speed to 2X. In general, much much better sweet spot than G1 with better colors and more comfort. Speakers are much better as well. I'm going to test my G2 tomorrow (have G1)
  14. Got my G2 today. Currently have G1. I hope to fly a quick mission in G1 tomorrow morning - just to see. Then I'll install G2 and have a look. If I get motivated enough, I'll record a through the lens on G1 then G2. Would love to hear your thoughts.
  15. Maybe a bit late replying, but received mine today. Ordered in July.
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