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About icemaker

  • Birthday 04/27/1975

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    The A-10C

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  1. Personally i hope that HEATBLUR take the lead for the F-15E!
  2. Thanks mate! at last some one who cares
  3. My concern is that ED is as guilty as RB in this affair! and i don't care who is really responsible. Before RB affair appears, i had prepurchased the full Afganistan map and the F4. Ofcourse ED does not offer any refund possibility on pre purchase. ED continues to sell a module that has high chances to be discontinued, without any information to possible customers! RazBam has taken us as hostages to force ED make a move, with the results we all know! And they don't care about us! So from now i wont buy any new module/map until ED changes his behavior aganist customers, 3d Party devs, and mods devs! I have a lot of modules bought just to support ED and 3rd parties but now i'm done!
  4. I use riple single and set it to 12 it works fine for me
  5. Hope so!
  6. Had same issue with a friend. First drop OK others not, noticed that if i show pilot HUD from back seat the data is inconsistent, seems barely opposite. From backseat i have the drop line in front seat not, if we make 180° turn the pilot has drop line but WSO not!
  7. Very nice job! Will they be available for download?
  8. May i add one? Add mapping to ON/Off positions for all switches, a lot are missing
  9. Use modelViewer it's faster and easyer to use than DCS to work with textures
  10. No offense taken here, btw i'm french so english is not my natural language. And yes i know that the Growler is EA-18G but just typed too fast and don't reread my answer. Anyway i still love the growler, but you know what il prefer the A-10 hehe!
  11. Wow no place to errors here!!!! Love you guys
  12. Man! i'd love to have a F/A-18G
  13. you already have it https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3314506/
  14. no impatience just need to have an estimate of the wait.
  15. Hi guys! Any news about arrival of Orion 2 and F15-EX Grips in european facility? I preordered it and want to have an idea of delivery schedule
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