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Everything posted by Turco

  1. Air refuel online /// Landing Waypoint selectable on A10 LANDING WAYPOINT. A-10 (RTB) Last night i was on 104th, by mistake i click "change waypoint" button, ( i was on RTB mode, and my landing waypoint changed..... the first thing that came to my mind was ...."ok....what happened here"??!!!! Every base is selectable on landing waypoints. No number indicator like SU25T, so u dont know exactly where are u going to land. If u know the map, you will be ok. AIR REFUEL ONLINE. we tested and we dont see any limitations. so far. ----------------------- i dream since lock on 1.0 with both of this features. Worth every penny!!!!! :thumbup: PD: sorry for my english.:book: Edited: thx EthereaIN, for corrections. My mistakes. :cry:
  2. i know, the new patch, fixed this. last night i was on 104th server, and i couldnt refuel inside. engines not started. no refuel. engines started. then off. then refuel order. negative answer. Wags was testing the Ka on 104th, but he was really concentrated on that issue. Please confirm if refuel is working or not (inside hangar). readme of patch says its possible. i couldnt, i try maybe 20 times under dif. circunstances. Tailpipe, Lava and a couple of guys confirmed the issue. thx.
  3. since the new patch, me and my teammates, having problems with ALT -TAB. Me on win7, when i go back to FC, i get flashing water. no possible recovery of texture. must restart. Friends, on win xp, crash. In Fc 2.0, without patch all worked FLAWLESS. Any ideas, any possible workaround. Much aprecciated.:smilewink:
  4. MAF, La falta de camaraderia, la forma en que te dirigiste a unas personas que solamente trataron de ayudarte y colaborar,son las razones. Todo eso lo realizaste amparandote bajo el titulo de que eres piloto del ECV56. Tanto Mistral, como Legolasindar, no son del staff de ED, eso no quita, que el trato que deban recibir sea distinto al de cualquier persona. Ambos, tienen varios años de experiencia aqui en lockon.ru y con lockon, justamente son conocidos en la comunidad por su solidaridad. Tampoco amerita que desenfundes toda tu ira, y tus improperios, porque nadie ha tenido tiempo de atender a tus inquietudes, como bien te ha marcado Legolasindar. Dirigirte con respeto como bien te han marcado, de hecho, te lo digo por experiencia, ESO AGILIZA EL TIEMPO CON EL CUAL RECIBIS LA RESPUESTA. Llevarse a todos puestos, no es un buen criterio. Tus faltas, son agravadas, por los siguientes comentarios. Me parece totalmente DESUBICADO, e inmerecidamente injusto con uno de los pilotos mas reconocidos, como bien dije antes, por sus codigos, asi como el Escuadron que representa. (Escuadron San Andres - E.S.A). Escuadron con el cual nos une la misma pasion, y tenemos una amistad de larga data. Tanto ellos como nosotros visitamos nuestros foros y sitios webs respectivamente. La cordialidad y camaraderia ha sido fundamental en esa relacion. CODIGOS. Ni mas ni menos. Un comentario despectivo , uno atras de otro. RAZON? Ninguna. Fundamentos?? Ninguno. Directamente te excediste. El unico que SIEMBRA DISCORDIA, sos vos MAF. Tus dichos, los de nadie mas. Mistral, y varias personas mas te han contestado incluso despues de todo esto, con respeto. Deberias aprender un poco mas. Mistral: Estas, personas trataron de colaborar, con vos, ni mas ni menos. En el ECV56 se fomenta todo lo contrario, a lo que realizaste. Por sobre todo camaraderia, y si hablamos de personas que pertenecen a otro Escuadron, aun mas, ya que comparten los mismos codigos, camaraderia, solidaridad, y compañerismo. Codigos que claramente te han faltado. En tus mensajes se hace referencia el ECV56, lo citas, y hablas desde EL LUGAR DE PILOTO DEL ECV56. Como piloto registrado en el ECV56, no podes utilizar el nombre del 56 para hacer tus declaraciones despectivas, ni todo lo que has mencionado. Como piloto del ECV56 Condor, se te pide un comportamiento, y manejar ciertos codigos. Si no los haces, estas en falta. Y al primero al que le has faltado el respeto es a todo el Escuadron que te ha dado lugar y te ha brindado sus puertas abiertas y a aquellos que lo han fundado, con los principios que te menciono. Como asi tambien a todos los pilotos de diversas Alas del 56, que trabajan a diario para enaltecer su pertenencia al escuadron. Mostrando codigos, y ganandose el respeto de los demas de esta forma. Ni con insultos, ni comentarios despectivos a nadie. Te voy a pedir que medites al respecto. Nadie tiene ningun problema en que discutas sobre cualquier tema que te presente problemas, de paso, ya sabras que el ECV56 no condona la pirateria.
  5. @ ESA_Mistr@l, Legolasindar, al Escuadron San Andres y a quien corresponda. Primero que nada, me gustaria disculparme publicamente aqui y donde corresponda, por los dichos fuera de lugar de un """"""""piloto""""""" que se encuentra desde hace muy poco tiempo en el ECV56 Condor. Estoy hablando de los dichos de "lvl4f". En segundo lugar, lvl4f, deberias pasar por el ECV56 Condor, aqui te dejo el link, http://www.ecv56condor.com.ar y RE-LEER y VOLVER A RE-LEER las reglas y las normas de NUESTRA COMUNIDAD, y por sobre todo ENTENDER , que ademas de NUESTRA CAMARADERIA, puertas adentro, CUIDAMOS Y FOMENTAMOS, la camaraderia FUERA DE NUESTRA CASA, en distintos foros, entre ellos, con las excelentes personas que forman parte del ESCUADRON SAN ANDRES. Que dicho sea de paso, deben ser uno de los pocos escuadrones, SERIOS, de habla hispana. No solo eso, es ademas un ESCUADRON con el cual nos data una antigua relacion de CAMARADERIA, habiendo compartido informacion, y no me alcanza para describirte la EXCELENTE RELACION CON LA QUE CONTAMOS. Lejos de terminar, me parece totalmente desubicado y una falta de respeto hacia los demas ESCUADRONES, porque tu falta no solo esta dirigida hacia ellos, sino que ademas usas la palabra ''gallego" marcando un desprecio generalizado hacia las personas que leen y participan aqui. Para agravar el hecho, TOMAS LA PALABRA y HABLAS EN NOMBRE DEL ECV56, dando a entender que TU POSICION Y TUS PALABRAS son compartidas por los MIEMBROS del ECV56. NADA MAS LEJOS de la indentidad y los principios con los cuales se creo el ECV56 Condor, a fines de los años 90. Desde esa epoca hasta aqui, la camaraderia inter-escuadrones ha sido vital y forma parte de uno de los pilares por los cuales nuestro escuadron es reconocido y respetado por otros escuadrones. No por nuestro desenvolvimiento en cualquiera de los simuladores que nos compete, sino por una estrecha y cordial relacion con cualquier escuadron que desee cruzar las fronteras de las naciones. Desde ese lugar y con ese criterio hemos sido invitados a participar de diversas actividades inter-escuadrones y a participar y a aportar en diversos foros. Quedate muy tranquilo lvl4f, que si algun piloto de cualquier escuadron, necesitara informacion, o cualquier material, o lo que fuera, desde el ECV56, no va a faltar persona DISPUESTA a colaborar en lo que fuera necesario. Dicho sea de paso, te puedo asegurar que en materia TUTORIALES y MATERIAL DIDACTICO, y mas especificamente al ALA LOMAC Y BLACK SHARK, el ESCUADRON SAN ANDRES , NOS SACA AMPLIA VENTAJA. Jamas , hemos recibido una negativa ante un pedido de material u otras cuestiones. Espero que estas aclaraciones publicas, te sirvan para poder desarrollarte en EL FUTURO ESCUADRON QUE TE ADOPTE. Mistral, Legolasindar y al Escuadron San Andres, y a toda la comunidad de habla hispana en LockOn.ru , disculpas en nombre de todo el ECV56 Condor. Espero que nos podamos cruzar en otras circunstancias y compartir gratos momentos en un simulador o por vuestros foros. Mis cordiales saludos.
  6. +1 i was trying ( with help of friends) to understand what is needed to change in order to make 0.94 compatible with PHP tacview, but we officially abandon, cause we dont know WHAT to change. if someone, is interested in make it hapen. Much aprecciated.
  7. the best workaround is to map "M" for multichat and "Y" for Teamchat. no more problems for me. goodluck.:smilewink:
  8. this is the other workaround for fc to recognize buttons. saiteks control panel OPEN when launching FC. Small tip for x52pro users by goldfinger35. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=41108
  9. yes, because you are RE-programming some special commands that came by default in the hotas STT. like ministick, clutch, etc. im glad you understand. :)
  10. Adder, NEW process is like this (with some JackBAuer tips) I will make a short tutorial maybe this week. 1-get your saitek profile editor. new profile. delete 5 (five, not six.) columns. 2- on the ONE you have now, RIGHT CLICK, on "MODE 1" (its in BLUE), so, right click, and CHOOSE, "NO BUTTON". Then "THE BLUE MODE 1" button will dissapear from there. 3- now you can use this profile with just 1 column, to make whatever you need in FC to make the controls work. 4- you can change rotarys, ministick, even CLUTCH and assign them to SUPPORT. 5- now every button on your hotas will be detected on FC. (there is another workaround, but like this u can CHANGE saiteks default programming of the buttons. save the saitek profile and load it. then go to fc. 6- in FC, u must assign the switch mode wheel as a MODIFIER. in both left and right window (add modifier, and add switch) 7- in switch window i added btn 25 (rename it to M1) btn 26 (M2) btn 27 (M3) 8- in modifier window i added btn 25 (rename it to NAV), btn 26 (AIR) btn 27 (ATK) 9- then, set, in controls, NAVIGATION (1) ---> assign, M1 (from the modifier list) + Fire button A. So u will enter navigation mode with your M1 switch, and change ENR, RTN, LANDing, with your FIRE button A. here i programmed my M1 switch (btn 25) to enter NAVIGATION MODE, and Fire button A to switch between the 3 NAVIGATION MODES. 10- example with M2: my a2a combat mode. go to BVR command from the list. press ADD, and select M2 (from the modifiers switch list ) and press POV1 UP. so , u change the MODE , with the switch (M2), and press POV1 UP to enter BVR MODE. u can repeat the same process with Vertical Scan, and use POV1 DOWN for example. 11- with commands that ARE NOT MODES...u SET another way. 12- Example FLAPS ( used both in combat mode and navigation mode) FLAPS UP: ADD, NAV modifier from the list, then ADD lets say button 4. repeat process, FLAPS UP: ADD , AIR modifier from the list, then ADD same button. (4) in this case u can USE FLAPS, in both, NAVIGATION MODE AND AIR MODE. the whole FLAPS LINE will be like this: """" btn 4 + NAV : btn 4 + AIR """" flaps in both modes. get it? tip: process ADDING MODIFIERS. SWITCH wheel must be ADDED in BOTH MODIFIERS. left column with the Ctrl, alt , shift modifiers, AND in the right column too. give them a name , just to make things easy to select later. fc wont let u use btn25 without a name in both columns.(dont use the same name.) my case, btn 25 is "M1" on the right panel, and "NAV" in the left panel. having the same button working as TWO MODIFIERS, lets u USE THE SWITCH, and the other one is the one that specify in wich MODE the button asssigned will work. M1, M2, and M3 are only in the set up list just to programm the 3 switchs. NAV, AIR, ATK, are used to SET THE COMMAND BUTTON. i hope u get things clear.......:huh: GL. tutorial with screens, maybe next week. :thumbup:
  11. yes Sarge, me too, thanks to SFJackBauer tips i was able to SET ALL FROM FC. im using ministick for TDC inside FC, also PINKIE is set as MODIFIER inside FC. STT is used with just 1 column, with SWITCH/MODE 1 DESELECTED (JackBauer tip, right click and deselect.), and the mouse wheel instead of BUTTON, i set it to SUPPORT, and then set to TV ZOOM inside FC. if i have some free time i will try to make a simple tutorial from scratch. :)
  12. great !! will check. you are right about the ministick. thx a lot.:thumbup:
  13. thx for advice Panzertard. let me see what can i do. right now, rivatuner with schedule fan monitoring. AA at 8qx. temps seem to be better. but to be sure, ill be testing all i can. thx again. :thumbup: btw. 8gb ocz reaper. im pretty sure is not a mem prob. my bets go to GPU temp.
  14. hi guys . my experience so far... still testing where , why , and wtf!!! :) have 4 crashes. same kind of crash. video crash: pink screen with geomethric figures. like rombos...dont know how to explain it. sound: crash loop. have to restart pc. event: 3 crashes on a run with CANNON, close to ground, (maybe between 200 to 500 meters, or less) holding trigger. 1 crash, 30 seconds after gettin out of hangar. taxing to runway. dont remember well, but i think i was CYCLING WAYPOINTS. in my case, im thinking is something related with cannon. or the TP rounds.:dunno:. Things to check: first i have 16x AA running on gtx260. im going to lower that. maybe im stressing the card. next test, im not going to switch any weapon or waypoint, just a flyby near ground. im on alert on every flight i do, just to spot what im doing when crash. still waiting to do some relaxing flight......
  15. Gozr, really good job.!!!!:thumbup: in that case u could share this trick days ago...;)
  16. sorry, last time i must delete post cause it needed some testing, to reproduce the trick in different circunstances. process is very simple and easy. my post was too long just to CLARIFY and give u step by step. WORKING. cheers.:joystick:
  17. **** EDIT: THERE IS a NEW and SIMPLE SOLUTION right now...where u can asign EVERY button from the hotas INSIDE FC.**** maybe coming soon with tutorial.... ---------------------------------- ** OLD SOLUTION *** (still here just to let u know what is all about.) x-52 and x-52 pro USERS there is a problem when un try to asign MODE SWITCH WHEEL, in MODIFIERS -ADD SWITCHES PANEL. u cant asign mode wheel....doesnt matter how much u move the wheel FC doesnt recognize it. there is a trick around. Cause SAITEK MODES cant work together with FC. u DELETE saitek MODES and LET FC do the job. First, open saitek profile editor. extended panel, and CLICK the "X" where u can DELETE MODE 1. Repeat process and DELETE ALL MODES (2, 3) AND all MODE + pinkie. once u delete ALL COLUMNS, ( u have a COMPLETE BLANK or DELETED PAGE) , then SAVE PROFILE., with a random name. NOW, in FC. ..... Go to MODIFIERS button (left corner) SELECT "ADD" from the modifiers panel, on switches panel. NOW, MOVE your MODE WHEEL on your hotas. if all is ok, FC WILL RECOGNIZE your mode wheel button, as SWITCH MODES. (mine on x-52 are btn 24 ; btn 25; btn 26) not the same on x-52 pro. after this u can CLEAR your saitek profiler, and FC will STILL recognize your mode wheel button so you can BIND controls. NOTE: Once FC recognize your mode wheel, from saitek hotas, then it will work. no matter if u select your button from the key list controls. if FC cant bind the action when u press it. it wont work. sorry for my english, i tried to make things clear. maybe to long....:) THX to ECV56-FOXONE (for info about this trick on x-plane) :thumbup:, and ECV56-Tucano will continue testing with my hotas and if i find any news will come back. hope this help and let u abandon saitek software and BIND from FC. GL.:)
  18. thanks very much. very usefull info. :thumbup:
  19. ROute , i was typping this , and i receive another PM mesaage, asking me why i gave NEGATIVE REPUTATION, yesterday i CLICK GOOD REPUTATION to 3 guys who help me in problems in different posts. now IM PRETTY sure it wasnt my fault , or my mistake, something on the forum, must be weird. I apologize to you , and all of them who receive a BAD reputation vote from me, will contact admins as soon. to clarify. thx for understandin
  20. Route, im sorry, but I GIVE ALL OF YOU GOOD REPUTATION all who help me, i give :thumbup: pls check it.
  21. thx to all. SIMULATOR.EXE :thumbup:
  22. EDIT 2: ***SOLVED*** u must ADD simulator.exe on nvidia control panel. that does the trick. thx, IM a happy customer again!!!! thx guys, will try and report back. gtx 260 running 196.21 drivers. EDIT: FC 2.0 icon on desktop, propierties. DESTINATION: "D:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\Launcher.exe" --console im trying to EXECUTE Simulator.exe, but it doesnt run FC.2.0 i can run the game with LAUCNHER.EXE, only.
  23. of course. each of them NEED an ACCOUNT. u log with their USER AND PASSWORD. BUY, (serial will be there after payment.) they log, check if all is ok. Everyone is happy, then. specially ED/DCS. :) EDIT: dont do all at the same time, so u dont make a mistake, buying twice per account. a good advice, once u got the serial, once they are logged in, ask them to change PASSWORD, to avoid you to make mistakes. double check download language too ;) GL.
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