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Everything posted by Abeone

  1. I have done no configuration, weather in TouchPortal nor in DCS? please Tell me what exactly you need.
  2. So this is the result in verbose Mode, there is no response in DCS when i toggle the sliders? Thanks for assist.
  3. So now i´ve deleted DCS Bios, reinstalled it and changed the Expoert Lua like the way you described. So now my Online Symbol on the TP-Page (F-18) is green. Now i can see a few Actions and i can see the RPM, time and so on. For that i have to do the input in the DCS cockpit or on the Keyboard. For example i tap the G on my Keyboard so my Landing Gear will drive in or out, this can bee seen on the TouchPortal Page (TP-Page), but it is not possible to switch the Landinggear with TouchPortal (is this normal ?), same with the landing Hook. Also it is not possible to hit the ATC Button in Touchportal to start Auto Throttle wether i can see it litening when activate ATC with my Joystick, Is the ATC Button in Touchportal only a indicator or is it an active button? Also the Regulators for the Brightness of the different Displays does not work. So now i am one step closer to a working TP Page, but i think it is not working as it realy should work, or do i think wrong?
  4. I tryed to flick off the firewall, i installed DCS Bios Hub seperate (and deinstalled it after a try), no response in Game at all. . So now here is the last screenshot where i first restart the computer, start touchportal, then run DCS COINS in verbose mode, then i run DCS and then the f-18. I don´t know what else i can do to get it work. I only use Windows Defender no seperate Antivirus Software. Could it be possible, that the listening udp IP is wrong?
  5. Now i have checked my ports at the Router 5010 is set free to udp and tcp. then i removed the COINS allowing from the Defender Firewall and realowed it the next time. Now i can use a few buttons in the the Munt FC 3 Page, forexample al the Function Buttons (F1 up to F12), the Airbrake and different Hud Sights. The Flaps and some other Buttons forexample show no reaction. The Munt F 18 Page has zero respond if i use any Button in Game. The connection Button at the left Top beside the Aircraft picture shows allways Offline and does not turn to online, this also happens forexample in the Munt FC 3 page (is it normal?). Dear xoomigo you helped me a lot, thank you very much for your assistance up to now!
  6. There is no Signal from DCS, but it will recognize inputs from Touchportal, but without in Game reaction . Please look at the attachment.Touch Portal Coins Section.txt
  7. Yes, DCS respond to the Keyboard commands! Now i could fix the first Problem by terminating the existing Windows Firewall rule an reconecting my Android Mobile per USB in Debug Mode. Then i start Touch Portal (TP) an allow the firewall TP again. So i get my old programmed inputs to work again with DCS. Realy i dont understand whats going on with that, but now im no more interressted about the why, im happy that the function is back. So now i am realy interrested to get DCS Coins going to work, but at the moment it still dosen´t work. Ihave installed DCS Coins like it has been recomended in the Forum. If i check the communication like recomended with cmd Comand..... it shows me that my Inputs to TP will be recognized, but i did not see any Information from DCS while i am using the FA-18. Do i have to install DCS Bios separate? I think it will be installed with the DCS Coins installer, when i hit the correct install Button. Where can i find the DCS-Bios Installation on my PC, i didn´t find it in the usal Paths like c Programs; Program Data or Programs (x86)? I only found a Entry C:\Users\Abeone\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINSin App Data, there is DCS Bios Folder with the json Files. Here is the lua-File from my saved Games: pcall(function() local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\ExportInit.lua]]); end,nil); pcall(function() local dcsSr=require('lfs');dofile(dcsSr.writedir()..[[Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts\DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua]]); end,nil) local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\Export.lua]]) dofile(".\\A10VCServer\\Main.lua") --A10VCHook dofile(lfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\DCS-BIOS\BIOS.lua]]) local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua') Thanks for help!
  8. So i try out using Touch Portal while DCS UFC has been switched off. Same Problem as before. Touch Portal ist very well connected, for example if i use Word whit Touchportal , the inputs will be translated absolut corect. So i think i have no Firewall conflict or something else. At the moment i get crazy with that Problem, hope somebody can help me to fix it.
  9. Hello Folks, in the past i used Touch Portal pro without using Coins combined with the DCS UFC App. The used Buttons have been added in Touch Portal by myself. All worked fine, since a few weeks, Touch Portal is no longer recognized in DCS World (Touch Portal is connected with the Android, green light is on) . If i shut down DCS, Touchportal Inputs will be recognized by Windows. Did somebody know how to fix that issue, is it possible that DCS UFC has a conflict with Touch Portal? Thanks for every Tip!
  10. Hello Folks, in the past i used Touch Portal pro without using Coins combined with the DCS UFC App. The used Buttons have been added in Touch Portal by myself. All worked fine, since a few weeks, Touch Portal is no longer recognized in DCS World (Touch Portal is connected with the Android, green light is on) . If i shut down DCS, Touchportal Inputs will be recognized by Windows. Did somebody know how to fix that issue, is it possible that DCS UFC has a conflict with Touch Portal? Thanks for every Tip!
  11. Also ich kann euch nur empfehlen, sollten euch die Pedalaktionen auch zu heftig sein, entsprechend dem Vorschlag von coyote79 die Ausschläge (auf ca. 60) zu begrenzen und eine positive Steuerkurve (von ca. 40) einzugeben. Ist natürlich immer abhängig vom entsprechenden Produkt und muss entsprechend angepasst werden. In meinem Fall sind es die Pedale von Thrustmaster, damit solltet ihr einen deutlich feinfühliger zu steuernden Heckrotor am Start haben. Probiert es am besten einfach mal aus, für mich ist der Indianer damit deutlich beherrschbarer.
  12. Hello dear DCS Friends, now i`ve been using VCS for an half Year with the A10 C and an Android Tablet, all works well. I use it whith a three Monitor Setup and placed the MFCD down on the left and the right corner in Monitor 1 and Monitor 3 and it´is also shown on the Tablet. Now i also fly with the Hornet and the Viper, both DDI (MFCD) where also shown in the corner of both named Monitors (With out Tabletfunction). I like the transparent DDI (MFCD) shown in the corner of both Monitors! Is it also possible to show A10-C MFCD transparent like the F/A-18 or the F-16 (without the black Background of the A10 C MFCD)? Does anybody know how to do this? Thanks, for your help!
  13. Kann mich ZlinMan nur anschließen, wenn man die Außenansicht nicht dauerhaft individuell anpassen kann, sollte die Grundeinstellung wie von ZlinMan beschrieben geändert werden. Die aktuelle hinterlegte Grundeinstellung ist für mich wenig praxistauglich und das andauernde individuelle neu einstellen der Zoomstufe nervt schon ordentlich. Bin mal gespannt ob sich da was tut.
  14. Hallo Balou, danke für den Tipp, leider hilft mir das nicht weiter. Mir ist aber Dank deines Hinweises aufgefallen, dass ich meine Frage nicht präzise formuliert habe. Mein Problem ist, dass ich jedes mal sobald ich eine Mission oder einen Sofortstart beginne meine Außenansichten neu einzoomen muss. Mein Wunsch wäre, die einmal eingestellte Außenansicht dauerhaft beizubehalten, also auch bei Start einer anderen Mission. Gruß Abe
  15. Hat niemand einen Hinweis, bzw. es würde mir auch schon reichen wenn ihr mir kurz wissen lasst, dass das völlig normal ist und es keine Anpassungsmöglichkeit gibt?
  16. Danke für den Hinweis, bringt mich aber leider nicht weiter. Würde mich freuen wenn mir noch jemand eine Rückmeldung geben könnte. Müsst ihr den Zoom auch nach jedem Start neu einstellen?
  17. Hallo in die Runde, ich muss nach jedem Start meine Außenansicht neu anpassen (verkleinern) , da die Grundeinstellung jede Niete des Flugzeuges in Großaufnahme zeigt (leicht übertrieben). Wie kann ich die Außenansicht dauerhaft auf die von mir gewünschte Größe einstellen, so dass ich das nicht jedes Mal neu justieren muss? Gruß Abe
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