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Everything posted by Nordic

  1. I don't think they are from my usb controller because there are only 24 buttons supported (without extension card). Also there is no button which is constantly activated. I guess it is some issue with the x25. Wiring etc is perfect. Lockon is the only game where the problem occurs. @Rammstein I think you had a different problem than me.
  2. I know how to setup a controller, it just doesn't work for my USB device. I go into the input menu, chosse my USB controller, pick a function for example "Autopilot" and then press change. Usually a small window opens now which says somehting like "Choose your button" and then you press that specific button and you are done. But in my case the small window opens and instantly is closed again and mapped automatically to a random button (mostly button 34, 35 or 54, 53). This behaviour occurs only with my USB controller.That's the problem. Axis mapping works fine.
  3. Yes, button 33 and 34 are familar to me...also i get button 53 and 54 by trying to map a button to my USB controller. I know how to use the SST programm and i use it to map different functionss to the x52 keys. But i also want to make use of my USB Controller (Plasma Lite) to add even more keys. And this doesn't work. As far as i understand you this issue refers to the x52 which seems to be a very dominant^^ controller that doesn't accept any other device around. Now what i need is a solution to operate both controller at the same time.
  4. Thx- sounds promising. I'm aware of the fact that you will need some more days to understand all the systems. Of course i wouldn't mind getting the manual even earlier than a few days before release. I don't have any sim experience with helis, but i have an rc-heli. Btw: Is there any helicopter sim which you can recommend?
  5. Okay i deleted all mappings regarding the x52 in the controller menu, but unfortunately the problem still occurs. Can you tell something more about the x52 issue?
  6. It would be great to have the manual of BS a few days earlier available before the actual release of Black Shark. Any plans on that?
  7. @grandsurf try google-> autohotkey - should work with any controller
  8. Do you mean the x52 causes this problem? I'm using the sst software to map the buttons* of my joystick and i already uninstalled the x52 software, but it didn't help. *Some buttons were by default mapped to the x52. I will fix that tonight and see ift it helps.
  9. Thx for the info. Apparently there seems to be a issue somewhere in the nirvana of my system:joystick:. Damn
  10. Could you provide me the name of your controller? What kind of Joystick do you use? I have the x52.
  11. What about the cockpit builders? What usb devices do they use to connect multiple buttons? Did they experience any problems? How many buttons per device does lockon support? I just want to know if there is problem with lockon or with my controller. Since i don't have issues in other games it is likely there is a problem with lockon.
  12. I recently tried to map the rotary encoder to the trim function, but it didn't work, because the function was directly mapped with some random button. Just like there were some button constanly activated, but there isn't. So i tried to map a normal on/off switch to the function, but that didn't work either. Same behaviour as decribed above. I should mention that everytime i try to assign the function a different random button gets mapped. For example button 49, button 52, button 34. I don't even have that many buttons Plasma lite axis work perfectly with lockon. Also i don't have any problem in other games. Is there any known bug with lockon or incompatible issue? I'm using lockon 1.12a flaming cliffs. Screen from the controller menu. http://www.web109.server-drome.org/lockonbutton.jpg Controller: Plasma Lite V2 from betainnovations.com
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