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Posts posted by Rhinozherous

  1. 5 hours ago, Biggus said:

    I experience this pretty regularly.  It's almost like there's a LOD change when it happens.

    Could be the reason... At least it kinda feels like this. 

    But my RAM, CPU and GPU should be enough for such a task (see signature) I think there is a Performance tweak needed for the carrier. 

    I will supply a Track ASAP

  2. 7 hours ago, kreisch said:

    It seems to be annoying but let's first start with a "zero" point.

    Can you please do a "Dcs repair" and if this does not help, rename your Saved Games\DCS folder (for creating a backup) and try this with a fresh configuration?

    Did you also deactivate any 3rd party tools like Tacview, Jetseat etc?


    Will trie and report here! 

    6 hours ago, Stearmandriver said:

    This is common in any kind of moderately heavy mission.  I see it especially once a few AI aircraft have trapped and are parked on deck. Tomcats seem to cause it more than Hornets (Cats parked on deck I mean, it doesn't matter what you're in).

    I only get a momentary stutter, certainly not several seconds, but it's notable as the only stutter in my normally perf heavy Liberation missions.

    For reference, I'm running: i9 9900k at 5.0Ghz, 32 Gb DDR5, 3070, and I only fly in 1080p on a monitor. 

    As I said, it happens in a Mission with just the carrier and the aircraft. No heavy Mission. 

  3. Hello!

    I got back to Supercarrier with Tomcat and Hornet after a time. I made a more or less empty training mission (just airplane and the carrier). Just before I catch a wire - lets say 10ft above the deck the whole sim freezes for a few seconds... this is highly annoying and destroys every landing. I have zero stutters, lags or other performance problems in every other thinkable situation in DCS.

    I have zero lag when landing on an airbase in an crowded city, but out on the sea with just the airplane and the carrier it lags at the worst moment possible. This is no performance problem, this has to do with the Supercarrier module.

    What can I do about this?

    Thank you.

  4. Hello!

    I know this question is not answered easily, but what is the difficulty level flying the Mosquito compared to other WWII Birds?

    I own the FW190 and the Mustang for example - I get them in the air, but it looks not very professional 🙂 ...I dont want to talk about landing them...


    I think I will pass the Mosquito, but I just have to ask what you guys say - Is it harder to takeoff, fly and land then other warbirds from WWII, or more easy?


    Thank you!

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  5. Hello!

    I attach a track where I wanted to attack the SA2 at WPT-2.

    I released 4 JSOWs and they flew to the target waypoint, circled around the target and finally navigated into the sea without attacking anything.

    Did I do something wrong? It was a hotstart on the ground - A-G Mode, JSOWs where aligned, released at aroung FL300...


  6. Is it possible to get a written sheet of Nadias (i think this is the name for the russian bitchin betty) warnings and comments?

    I would love to know what she is saying to me, but I dont speak russian. It would be nice to have it in text so that i can translate it via google. So that I can learn the phrases and know whats going on.

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