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  1. But I think I Allready had some early access modules in a stable version…. I am a bit confused.
  2. Yes, the oilfield campaign is unplayable, and I ask myself „should I buy other modules and campaigns for DCS?“ I allready have spend a lot of money in DCS. but I am a bit disappointed by the quality. Early Access over years and after final release much things are not working properly. Like the missing engine overheating for the radial-engines. UFO behaving AI (spitfire). I think ED like to bring out new stuff to get new customers, but forget the ones that bring them to where they are now. Maybe they work on to much projects at the same time. please think about the peaceful pilots for the helis and yak52(still no missions or campaign) and why can’t I install the mi-24 in the stable DCS? is early access now only vor the BETA available?
  3. OMG.. they took my money.. i collect all helis..
  4. Same here... iam unable to make the slingload mission in oilfield after the raining day. The Cargo starts to swing and nearly make a looping on a level flight.
  5. I found a bug in the quickstart.lua for the german version. { name = _('Kaltstart'), file = 'Bf 109 K-4 Cold Start DEmiz', }, the "." is missing in the filename. before "miz".:music_whistling: please fix this for the other users.:pilotfly: thx.
  6. If you use TrackIR check your TrackIR Settings... If you use HOME for Calibration then this key don't work for other programs.
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