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Everything posted by AmesKahn

  1. We would like to talk to you about your vehicles extended warrantee
  2. I have had this happen to me. Did a rearm/repair, after scoring some battle damage, and George didn't want to engage. He would slave to a target but no box. Then he went as far to not see anything even its clear you can see them in the TADS.
  3. I was thinking the same. I've seen a few from the ground in Sadr City, that would be fun to recreate.
  4. So I'm trying to create a mission that involves destroying oil rigs that are on fire. Like what was done during Desert Storm. The problem I'm running into is i can't remove the effect that is already started at mission start and replace it. I'm new to scripting and all, so lots of help is needed.
  5. So I have been trying to get my SP/MP missions to have a more realistic feel when it comes to radio coms. My question is, is there a way that when I tune to a channel that the unused channels are "grayed" out the when you open the radio menu. Thanks for any help.
  6. KK... Thanks. That does help a lot.
  7. Will that zone move with the ship. if so, how did you make that happen.
  8. I'm trying to spawn the smoke on the ship as it is moving. Basicly trying to make it have the effect of it being damaged. I was trying to have it spawn with the ship as it comes in but that didn't work. the smoke and fire was floating on the water. Then when the ship got spawned in it was there but didn't attach it's self to the ship.
  9. I have a quick question, and I think that I already know the answer, but got to try anyway. I'm trying to trigger a ship to spawn with smoke and fire as if it was damaged in an attack. But, I'm having issues getting the effects to stay hidden and then appear when the ship spawns. Am I trying to beat a dead horse, or is there a simple way for me to make this happen.
  10. I created a mission, and was doing good with tracking targets landed, refueled and rearmed. Got back in the air and the radar went dumb. I didn't mess with anything other than turned the radar to standby while on the ground. So I got into another 18 and still had the same issue.
  11. After today's update i noticed that the NWS has an issue. With the NWS in normal switching to high rates locks in and not able to unlock high rates unless you disengage NWS completely. does anyone else have this issue.
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