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Posts posted by PicksKing

  1. A few days ago he posted some screenshots of a new version on facebook. He tweaked the color intensity, brightness and so on and he made totally new fields, which look way better than the fields of any other version. I like this better than all this bright stuff.


    Found it:





  2. Hmm warum nicht dcs komplett über steam laufen lassen ?


    Setz den Entwicklern ma noch solche Flöhe ins Ohr ;)

    Bin froh, dass es überhaupt noch Spiele gibt, wie DCS, bei denen man komplett auf Steam verzichten kann.

  3. Quick question: Is the XIV able to cool the engine and oil more efficient than the IX that we got?


    I hope not. Or dark times are coming to Bf and Fw, according to the charts, which are showing climb rate and max air speed.

  4. why? ty.


    This way you can keep your activations. You activated a module and the counter goes from 10 to 9. You deactivate it and the counter goes back to 10.


    The copy protection star force can be a bit bitchy. If you change your hardware, star force maybe says that the key is not valid any more so you have to reactivate. The activation before is lost then. This doesnt happen when you change your GPU, RAM or optical drive but CPU change can and mother board change or win reinstallation will cause this issue.

  5. The very early WW2 stuff would be cool for sure but as 'reflected' said, there is already CoD. And now Teamfusion even collaborates with 777 for commercial purposes which means that this setting will get larger and more sponsored in future. If ED makes a setting for this time period of early WW2 as well, an effect named cannibalization would happen.

    It would make way more sense to find the gaps and interesting niches in the market. Pacific is definitely one possibility. Or maybe north africa or northern europe.


    And there is another thing which is overlooked very often. Its not very useful for the costumers if dozens of new sceneries, settings and theaters were started but not completed for a long time. For years we had a little bit WW2 and a little bit early cold war. Until now the only fully reliable setting is the late cold war/present with FC3/A-10C/Mirage/F-5/... Nevada is btw the same time period and as a training map its not really a war theater.

    The release of the normandy map and assets pack will give us the first new and fully reliable setting. So I really really hope that ED fills this theater with more stuff before starting a complete new one. A few planes like FW190A, Bf109G, Me163/262, Spitfire MKXIV, P40, P47 and maybe more are already planned or even in development.

  6. Hab das auch schon gesehen. Ich fand das "TM" (Trademark) am Schriftzug "Coming Soon" etwas suspekt. Kam mir eher wie Satire und wie ein Seitenhieb gegen EDs Releaseversprechen vor.

  7. NO idea I have the attention span of a gold fish after work 55 hours a week. I take it it is your work? It is great if your want me to pull it just say so . Sorry for any offence


    No no, I just saw this and found it very funny while saying to myself "What the... dont you know this yellow guy?" :)

    Keep it. Its ok to me.

  8. I see the appeal of both! Too bad we cannot have five seasons, honestly: spring, summer, autumn/fall, light winter, deep winter ...


    I racked my brain about this question. My idea, which I surely cannot realise, was to make it possible, that the season textures will fade into each other. For example in may, its spring with the associated spring textures. Later the month will draw to its end and the textures for summer raise the opacity day by day a litte more until the summer textures completely replace the spring textures. Same principle for seasons change summer/autumn. From autumn to winter its getting a little more complicated. You cannot overlay autumn textures with 50% snow white winter textures in mid december. That would look ugly. And of course the snow cover is just there from one day to another.

    So the standard winter textures may not have snow on them. The snow cover is simply a separate option in mission editor with several gradations and (same as precipitation) it depends on temperatur. +20°C and the snow option is blocked.

    All this would create a natural and more continuous seasons change.

  9. So I call them fake trees because they have no collision model and you can fly through them, but also because even visually they are variable depending on tree density. Whereas there are other trees that are permanent.


    These fake trees are annoying because the Ai can see right through them, but you cannot. They are thus usless for masking. Moreover, in many places they do a weird Pandora thing where they float high above the ground.




    Note the floating tree issues are also there with stock, so it is an ED bug. But your terrain mod removed the trees altogether, thus providing a clean terrain which is much, much, much, much, much, better for both tactical as well as immersion purposes rather than the fake, ghost, floating trees ....


    Also, see the difference in snow cover? That's what I was referring to :)


    Indeed this issue is not caused by any texture mod. The trees always were ghosts in DCS1.5. Mustang made an awesome "no tree shadow mod" which removed all tree shadows (for better performance) and made the color shading more uniform. It looked much much better with this mod but since 1.5.5 Mustangs mod is not compatible any more. This incompatibility caused the total removal of all forests so I removed his mod and restored the standard tree models. If you want to remove the trees again and use PMTC V2.3,

    navigate to


    inside the mod archive of PMTC V2.2 and copy and paste all files in there to

    "C:\...\DCS World\Mods\terrains\CaucasusBase\Structures\High\EDM"

    This will remove all forests again. You can combine this with any textures. Even with the standard files.


    Yes I removed a lot snow from the winter map. Somehow I like this way more and I couldnt bear the old one any more. But I will keep V2.2 online. So feel free to restore the old stuff.

  10. It looks like in this version the winter/snow is toned down a huge, huge, huge, amount, and lots of the ghost/floating/fake trees are back? Or am I missing something?


    No its not toned down. The base texture underneath the snow is the same as autumn. Its darker because the sun doesnt climb so high in winter.


    Do you mean with "ghost/floating/fake trees" the flat trees embedded into the ground texture, than yes. But no trees. Bushes I would say.

  11. Hätte mal eine Frage zu der Normandy Map.

    Wieviel spart man denn im Vergleich zu einem späteren Kauf, wenn man jetzt die Map inkl. diesem "WWII Asset Pack" kauft? : https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/shop/special_offers/normandy_and_wwii_assets_pack_bundle/


    Und was kostet das WWII Asset Pack eigentlich einzeln, oder ist es auch später bei der Map mit dabei?


    Steht da. Jetziger Preis des Bundles rund 48$ und später sinds 60$. Assets Pack kostet einzeln 30$ und die Karte 45$.



    Aber mach jetzt um Himmelswillen keinen Einzelkauf. Das lohnt nicht. 45$ für die Karte oder 48 fürs Bundle. Später mag das noch anders sein.

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