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  1. A shortcut in the ED folder from the start menu would be suffice.
  2. Mech

    Big Helicopters

    I can agree with that!
  3. Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays!
  4. Mech

    Hurts my Soul

    Exactly the same feeling...
  5. Lets be optimistic. If the manual is in work, maybe the bits and parts are getting done and eventually will all fall in place.
  6. Last time when i tried, that's how it worked. Mk82 accurate, Snakeyes fall long. One must aim in front of the targets for the Snakeye-s to hit something. Rockeyes, i dont know.
  7. It looks like the "no waypoint" bug messes up the TPOD too...if you have no way point, add a mark point and it will recenter.
  8. Its a good idea to launch DCS a few times after an update. I had a few strange "bugs" right at the first launch after an update,like stuck planes, engines not starting, across different modules, only to these issues magically disappear after a restart or the second day.
  9. There are issues with INS right now. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=244691
  10. Not much as it looks now. Would be good to know exactly, what to expect from TOO.
  11. Afaik, its more like a second "set" of way points. If you have a flight plan with say, 3 way points and you make another 3 mark points, when you start cycle them, it will go WYP 1, WYP 2, WYP3, MRK 1, MRK 2, MRK 3. Once selected, they can be edited just the same like way points.
  12. EHSD, bottom row, second button from left. Afaik, once created, its the same as a way point, just labeled as MRK 1,2... In DCS that is...i don't know about RL.
  13. With no way points i was able to create only mark points and they can be edited just fine. Not sure what is the limit though...
  14. Check the bindings...i just noticed that after the last patch, my SS left got a red color and doesn't work at all. Not from joystick button, nor from the keyboard. Though TDC down works...
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