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  1. Hi

    Can you explain me how we can add missile in dcs world?? 


  2. Don't know if there is an option to force the AI to use TWS or STT,but In default the AI F-15C always uses TWS to launch AIM-120, at least from the time when 1.5 was released IIRC:)
  3. I don't think it is related with the d2m since I'm pretty sure the warning sound I got was clearly RWR sound,not the d2m warning sound. Pretty sure the F-15 launched at me using TWS, cuz it was a SP mission and in the same mission flying Su-27 I got warning after pitbull, despite I got the warning just after launch when I'm in M2000.
  4. I did a quick test of F-15C launching AMRAAM at me from 30 nmi. When im in Su-27 i got missile warning after the AIM-120 goes pitbull but When im in M2KC i got the warning immediately after launch. Is this behavior realistic?
  5. Use obstacle detection mode of the radar along with the ground collision warning.
  6. Sorry for a bit OT, BTW is BK90 working in MP now?
  7. i've experienced this to. Seems to be a bug. Try delete C:/User/Username/Saved Game/DCS/Config/Options.lua and the problem should gone.
  8. The cruise height of bk90 can only be set between 30-150m. Also the format should be 91+altitude. For example 30m is 9130 and 100m is 91100. It works fine for me
  9. RCtrl+RShift+Numpad 2,8,4,6(up down left right) also helps.
  10. Last time i run the game i did some quick test of the BK90. I found something interesting. In game the BK90 MJ1 and MJ2 are general cluster muntion. However, the BK90 MIX seems to be a sensor-fuzed weapon like the CBU97 and CBU105. It killed more than ten tanks with accurate direct hits ,which is pretty amazing. IIRC the BK90 MIX just uses mixed warhead of MJ1 and MJ2. Possibly BUG or in RL the mix has got a sensor-fuzed warhead?
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. In game the BK90 MIX performs totally different from MJ1&MJ2. Possibly a bug.
  12. Last time i run the game i did some quick test of the BK90. I found something interesting. In game the BK90 MJ1 and MJ2 are general cluster muntion. However, the BK90 MIX seems to be a sensor-fuzed weapon like the CBU97 and CBU105. It killed more than ten tanks directly just after impact :huh:,which is pretty amazing. But shouldn't the BK90 MIX just uses mixed warhead of MJ1 and MJ2? Or in RL the MIX variant is a sensor fuzed weapon? Any idea?
  13. Tested 1.56 OpenBeta Kh-58 and Kh-25MPU in instant action mission. They still miss the target, although the probability of miss is lower, the missile still turns away just before impact. And i noticed another behavior,which im not sure if it is a bug. I launched two Kh-58 at two target but they guide to one target. I tried this several times, same result. Edit:Uploading the trk takes forever for me,sorry just can't attach it. Maybe someone else can do it.
  14. Good news. How about multiplayer update timeout issues and the BK90s?
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