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About Jafferson

  • Birthday 11/30/1983

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  1. You better controle the speed with a sideslip.
  2. Yes i do, i destroyed all my target. But I like a more aggressiv dive. It's only a problem after multiple attack's, 2-3 drops and a repair after works but guns is to much. Trying to not exed the limit takes away the agility, touch with velvet gloves only. I am confused, expected 8G but the limit is much lower. I try to understand the airframe, metal can crack but wood is flexible. What is the problem, why so weake?
  3. Ok did a 7G pull over the airfield and have requested a repair, Mosi took damage. Yes looks like G limit is causing to breake the wing. But the Mosi feels realy fragile due to this fact.
  4. I have read max limit was 8G ?
  5. During my dive bombing practice i had unusal wing loss multipel times. When this happend the first time i thought my wings had collision with the bombs, watching the track after shows this was not happen. The wing getting loss without collision, even in low G manuvers after dropping bombs. Its like a invisible wave is hitting the plane when the bombs hitting the ground, wing get los before detonation. Could be a bug with the Bomb delay, but not sure about that. Tracks uploaded, investigate please Mosi wing loss.trk Mosi wing loss2.trk ...one more track Mosi wing loss3.trk
  6. All mods were removed and and repair was done. The isue remained and no log file was created. When I changed the fuel quantity the windows loading ring appeared, after a double click, Windows gave the massage that the application is not responding and to terminate the process. I tried to produce a log file and had a bit patience, since the loading was done everything runs normal. Problem is solved for me. If someone experiencing the same, this post could have a solution. Thank you for your help BIGNEWY
  7. Mein 8 Jahre alter TM Worthog T+S hat 3500 Stunden, alles funktioniert nur der Lack ist bischen abgenutzt. Die Saitek Plastik Pedale haben vor kurzem aufgegeben. Hab mir Virpil Pedals gekauft und einen Lenkungsdämpfer nachinstalliert, sind ihr Geld Wert. Der Vorteil, die Federn lassen sich einfach rausnehmen, für Flugzeuge und Helikopter nutzbar. Der Lenkungsdämpfer kann ohne Aufwand angeschraubt werden.
  8. My engine quit without overheating and sooner, like less duribility after the patch.
  9. Since the last Beta patch. Every time I try to change the fuel quantity in editor, game freeze CTD
  10. Any news about the Super Tucano?
  11. Yes, it's the same with 0 speed.
  12. Recently i noticed the Stick is not moving by turning the trim wheel, but H-Rudder does. Looks like the stick animtion is missing. I took a closer look at the stabilizer, you can't see it in F2 view, so i used the free camera and found someting interesting. The H-rudder is not movieng with the Stabilizer in a proper way. The following picture shows the H-rudder relative to the Stabilizer with maximum trim tail heavy and zero stick input, H-rudder should self align due to the drag but does not. --- The next picture shows the H-rudder reletive to the the Stabilizer with maximum trim nose heavy and zero stick input, its similar to the picture befor. Take a closer look at the edges inside the red circle, H-rudder is not aligned with the Stabilizer. The attitude of the H-rudder shows the stick is pulled back a little bit. With zoom: --- The next picture shows how it should be with maximum trim nose heavy, the H-rudder is aligned with the Stabilizer by pushing the stick a little bit forward. With zoom: By the way, my axis tune setting in the picture is slider checked and Saturation (Y) at 98, its better than my previous setting with curvature at +1 and less dragy. --- It's not to criticize, its for the progress and... I want to say thank you to the whole team, thank you for all the beautiful modules you have created in the past years. And best wishis you keep up the work and be successful with your future projects so we can enjoy DCS like we always do. It's obvious, i think this post deserves a reported. H-rudder alignment.trk
  13. Update: i have produced a Track file for the Missing prop damage. But its hard to produce a short working Track file for the Bullet damage. Missing Prop Damage.trk
  14. Ain't think it's possible to recreate everything painstakingly, we can only use te stuff we got right now.
  15. Thanks a lot for the fix
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