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About PanicMan15

  • Birthday 01/09/2000

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, X-Plane 11, MSFS
  • Location
    Seattle, WA
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    3rd Party Developer
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  1. Hello team! Thanks for the efforts that have been put forward into fixing this issue. I am glad to report that it is (mostly) fixed. There is still a very small amount of left roll in the jet left over that shouldn't be there at all. I would urge to PLEASE look into this further and make the adjustments. Thanks. EDIT: After looking back at the model in game, the engine is still spinning the wrong direction... GE and PW engines spin "clockwise" as Teej stated in a few comments above. This is currently spinning counter-clockwise. I will be attaching a video as evidence of such. If this left roll issue stems from the gyroscopic effects of the engine then this is all wrong. After consulting with real viper pilots, they have confirmed there is a slight RIGHT yaw motion but it's hardly noticeable. I think this needs to be addressed and fixed for good. Thanks. https://youtu.be/Td4qPigCDB4
  2. Same issue on my side. What I had to do to temporarily fix it is just remove 509 from the net_args table inside F-16C.lua. This will break IC though
  3. The fact of it is, the engine (at least the model and most likely the code) on the outside, is backwards. The F-16 is affected by gyroscopic effects but it's minimal and effects it by yawing right (confirmed by real F-16 pilots). So either in the code the engine is translated wrong (which seems more likely) or there is a deeper underlying issue.
  4. In light of the new evidence that has been found, I urge ED to please look into this more instead of labeling "correct-as-is". The engine outside is spinning counterclockwise (from the back) when it should be spinning clockwise. This is a massive oversight and very well could be the cause of the rolling issue.
  5. So funny little thing. I reverted back and tested it again in Issue still persist there.
  6. Here is the video with a simple loop using ONLY keyboard inputs
  7. Will do. Give me a second to record and upload the video.
  8. Feel free to download and watch the track. No input but Y axis was used. Realsimulator FSSB is doing the same thing. If you could, please show me your test with indicator on.
  9. There were 3 different sticks used in the test, Winwing FSSB, T16000 and a Virpil WarBRD. It wouldn't make sense for all 3 to have software config issues.
  10. You are actually bringing up a really good point. There has been talks that the F-16 in DCS is made for a FSSB. It could very well be something to do with hardware differences between the R3L and other sticks. I have a friend who has one and will test it out. Thanks!
  11. Were you correcting the roll with right roll? I'm curious to see your test because this was tried multiple times over different test with other people that saw the same thing. That was made sure to be taken into account. All of the test had the stick indicator on and was made sure it was straight. Feel free to download my track and watch with the indicator enabled. I have attached a tacview track with some testing done later with roll correction and non-roll correction done. Tacview-20240413-141948-DCS.zip.acmi
  12. Three sticks were tested. T16000, Virpil WarBRD, Winwing MFSSB. All of them had the same result. I urge you to re-read the post cause roll rate is NOT the issue. There is a rolling left issue that happens when no input is commanded left. Also would recommend flying those parameters I posted and seeing if you can replicate it yourself. The track is there for reference use as well.
  13. DCS Version: Standalone v2.9.4.53627 NO MODS CLEAN F-16 Hello all. I have a new bug report that is a pretty big one that has gone unnoticed for quite some time but has become a big issue with the latest update. After dealing with a slight rolling left issue for the longest time within the aerobatic community, the new DCS update came out and was excited to try it. After doing some initial flying it was found that the F-16 has a TERRIBLE rolling left tendency when performing loops or even higher G level turns. It has made formation flying or even general BFM near impossible without putting almost half to full right stick input to correct when flying. So let's lay down some basics that have been tried to troubleshoot this issue. 1. All of this was performed with 3 different sticks to try to rule out any sort of sensor issues. 2. There was 4 different machines tested on to see if it was machine/software specific. All machines had 0 mods and have tried repair/reinstall 3. DCS curves/settings were looked at and configured with no changes to default settings. 4. Wind was turned off for all testing. With that cleared up, let's go over the parameters of the maneuvers performed in the test to help replicate the issue. LOOP PARAMETERS: - 410-430 kts calibrated entry speed - 87-89% RPM - 4G pull into the loop - Reduce the pull to "float" over the top at 0.8 to 1.0G - Back in with the pull to bring back to starting altitude MAX G TURN: - Level at 430-450 kts calibrated entry speed - Roll and Pull to max deflection while engaging afterburner - When speed starts decaying, release pull to hold 400kts With the parameters set. We can now go over what is actually happening with the aircraft. During the loop, the rolling left starts almost immediately but is very subtle. As the aircraft approaches around 70 degrees nose high and around 320 kts, the aircraft makes a hard left roll. I started the loop heading 180 magnetic and during this loop completely upside down I should see around heading 0 magnetic. Instead I saw a deviation of 23 degrees magnetic due to the left roll. Pulling through the back side my aircraft has rolled so much I am at 45 degrees AOB on the backside of the loop. This is unacceptable for flying formation in loops. Now onto the max g turn. This one is less aggressive but the left roll is still there. After a 360 degree turn, I ended up 15 degrees nose high from complete level and gained 1000 feet in altitude. Please note all of these test were done with no correction with any sort of right roll input. When right roll input was introduced. During the highest rate of roll, near full right roll command was needed. CONCLUSION After all testing was concluded it was time to look into the cause of the problem. Since this has been an issue since the F-16 first came out, I can assume it isn't related to any new updates that have been done previous except the latest update with the yaw rate boost. Here's what we know it isn't. Gun Weight. If it WAS the gun weight we would be seeing it at all regimes of flight since the weight is a constant and doesn't shift. There has been previous talk that the weight of the gun is the cause of this and nothing can be done but it has gotten worse since the last update. Here's what it could be. LEF schedule incorrect. If the LEF was deploying asymmetrically it could explain the exponential increase in drag on the left wing causing the bigger roll rates. It could also be the rudder trying to compensate for something. This would make more sense since the issue got worse with a rudder change in the latest update. Either way, I don't have access to the code to look at this so it is up to you ED, to find this issue. I have given all of the information I can on this. In future, I urge you ED to PLEASE do further testing with flight models before you hand them out. I understand you crowd source us to help bug report but this is something that is un-flyable and most of the aerobatic community can't update because of it. Thanks, Panic. Track has been attached for debugging. F-16 Rolling bug.trk
  14. Can confirm on my end this issue has come back since the FCS update.
  15. DCS Version: DCS Standalone NO MODS Hello All. After talking with some friends we have discovered that the yaw/side slip angle in the Viper doesn't seem to be matching up to real life. So naturally I went on the hunt on the forums to see if there were any bugs reported about this issue and I was happy to report there was bug report about this issue but the issue seemed to be dismissed rather quickly and said it was correct-as-is. After further searching I was lead to another bug report that was listed as "Fixed" on January 9th, 2023. After jumping into DCS and confirming the issue is still there, I have decided to report this problem and put a little more pressure to see if it gets fixed. To describe the issue at hand when you go into knife edge flight typically around sea level you can maintain altitude no problem. We are of course talking about a clean F-16. When I tried this in DCS, I found that no matter what airspeed I was at I could not maintain altitude and the nose slowly sunk. In the previous post I refereed to above, it was stated to maintain altitude in knife edge flight you must be at 85 degrees of bank. So I went back and tested this out with no success. It stoked my curiosity so I went digging and found a Thunderbird HUD footage of them doing the same maneuver at around 10,000 feet. I noticed that the bore sight cross in the HUD was able to maintain 10 degrees of side slip angle. After looking back at the track I confirmed that the DCS F-16 bore sight cross barely even gets to 5 degrees side slip angle. I'm assuming there is something either in the FLCS laws that is preventing the yaw angle to get past 5 degrees or it could be not enough side lift on the body. I came to the conclusion it could not be the yaw rate limiter because the angle of attack is no where near where it begins to limit. There could be some false reading as-well causing the yaw rate to be limited. Either way it has been around 2 years since this bug was first reported and I hope the team takes a closer look at this. I have included a video side by side comparison as-well as the raw track file. Cheers, Panic VIDEO EVIDENCE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WGqNw99EhY F-16_Side_Lift.trk
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