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Черный Скиталец

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  1. Форум разделился на два типа людей Те кто смогли в знание азбуки и прочитали "ранний доступ", полетали по готовой части и порадовались И те, кто не смог...
  2. а у меня просто говорит ошибка авторизации 500 и все мои модули отключает, ни синая , ни самолетов, ничего, просто дефолтный клиент
  3. На странице SA можно по аваксу узнать всю инфу. Навести радар невозможно, но на экране радара появится метка (ромб) красный, сигнализирующий направление на цель( данное от авакса). При приближении, когда радар хорнета зацепит цель, можно будет захватить ее в TWS и произвести пуск без обнаружения. Все
  4. только что летал, все работает
  5. oh... i was trying another combination... thanks, thanks a lot, it works
  6. Hello everyone! Is there any way to switch SD10 missles in boresight mode for close combat? just like i can use aim120 on my hornet in BS mode to kill targets close to me when i press 3 it switches in dogfight, but only PL5 missles can be used, i don't need them, i need sd10 thanks
  7. Hello everyone Please can someone give me a straight answer, because it's critically important for my further decisions Will Phantom have a GBU 8 bomb or not? I m asking because i found bomb in heatblur manual, but nothing about it in the store page Ty
  8. yes, i do not own SC module atm, but i didn't expect that this is the reason of my problem If this problem is already known, then that topic can be closed and i ll patiently waiting for fix Thanks ED team for quick responce and all their attention Fly safe o7
  9. I don't remember how many times that issue repeats in that track, but at least one time for sure, in the end, when i tried to reproduce it after FCS and trim reset Please let me know if you can't download my track, i ll share it again somewhere else
  10. yes, i faced it 3 times already, in a row yes, here the track file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPQIwN3yCBmMucF4Z-M8uSuq0lxwn1MP/view?usp=sharing
  11. Hello everyone! While i m studying aircraft takeoff-landing on F18, i faced one strange issue with it. After succsessful landing, when i m trying to takeoff second time (after refueling and rearming) my controls are fully stuck. In system i see that my joystick is working, i can even move pedals, but my engine control is locked and i can't move my plane anymore. FCS and trim reset button didn't gave me anything, everything is locked If i will start new plane after landing, there will be no problems with it I don't understand what is going on? Please can someone help me? seems like i m not the only one with that problem
  12. Ну пожалуйста, ну уберите облака на сирии(
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