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Everything posted by bones1014

  1. Tried making a keybind for putting on the helmet but it doesn't work. Removed and changed it a different combo with no change. *EDIT* The names of the keybinds are swapped. The ones that says put helmet on actually removes it.
  2. I added a TACAN command status light option to the TACAN channel export. I made it export 10073. I'll work on one for the Comm Command light too. Should be done here shortly. *EDIT* I guess the UHF hasn't been completed yet so the comm command light will have to wait. function ExportScript.TACAN_channels(mainPanelDevice) -- PILOT local ones = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(643) local tens = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(644) local hundreds = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(645) local mode = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(656) > 0.5 and "Y" or "X" local _, tens_decimal = math.modf(tens) if tens_decimal > 0.91 then tens_decimal = 0 end --tacan command indicator local tacan_command if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(170) > 0 then tacan_command = "" else tacan_command = "" end ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_TACAN_FREQ_CMD_LGHT, string.format("%.0f%.0f%.0f%s", hundreds * 10, tens_decimal * 10, ones * 10, mode) .. "\n" .. tacan_command) ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_TACAN_FREQUENCY, string.format("%.0f%.0f%.0f%s", hundreds * 10, tens_decimal * 10, ones * 10, mode)) -- WSO local ones = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(650) local tens = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(651) local hundreds = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(652) local mode = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(660) > 0.5 and "Y" or "X" local _, tens_decimal = math.modf(tens) if tens_decimal > 0.91 then tens_decimal = 0 end ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.WSO_TACAN_FREQUENCY, string.format("%.0f%.0f%.0f%s", hundreds * 10, tens_decimal * 10, ones * 10, mode)) end nullnull
  3. I have one but I haven't shared it. I have 4 different stream decks with different controls on different decks. Sharing it isn't easy to do cuz it comes out as 4 different profiles.
  4. It was changed because between 7k and 8k feet the altimeter was showing 6k. It seems to be working in the newest version of the export lua. Download it and try to see if it's working for you.
  5. Just added a pilot's fuel readout. I updated my GitHub repository @Bailey function ExportScript.Pilot_Fuel_Readout(mainPanelDevice) local tens = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(719) * 10) local hundreds = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(720) * 10) local thousands = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(721) * 10) local tensofthousands = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(722) * 10) ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_FUEL_READOUT, string.format("FUEL\n" .. tensofthousands .. thousands .. hundreds .. tens .. "\nx10")) end
  6. function ExportScript.HSI(mainPanelDevice) -- Pilot HSI Course Roller local pilotCourseSet_ones = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(674) * 10) local pilotCourseSet_tens = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(675) * 10) local pilotCourseSet_hundreds = string.format("%d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(676) * 10) local bearing_value = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(670) * 360 --bearmat local formatted_bearing = string.format("%.0f", bearing_value) --bearmat ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_HSI_COURSE_WINDOW, string.format("HSI\n" .. pilotCourseSet_hundreds .. pilotCourseSet_tens .. pilotCourseSet_ones .. "\nCRS\n" .. formatted_bearing)) --[[ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_HSI_COURSE_WINDOW, string.format(pilotCourseSet_hundreds .. pilotCourseSet_tens .. pilotCourseSet_ones))]] @Bailey @Bearmat the course needle defaults to your current heading when you're in NAV COMP mode and is user set in TAC and VOR/ILS mode. With the combined tile it would be a breeze to match your current course with what is either automatically or manually set with the course set knob. I'm going to combine them if you don't mind. null
  7. I think you can change the selected station by pressing the button but there isn't an indicator for empty vs mounted except for the sparrows. The sparrow lights go out as each weapon is launched.
  8. @Bearmat could we combine your new 10064 HSI bearing pointer with the 10045 pilot course window into one tile? Is there a way to do without running both calculations twice? Only way I can think of is to put your new one inside the previous. I tried to call the exports together but that doesn't work.
  9. I don't think that you can do that. I'm going purely off the indicator lights which only shows active heater. It appears that the missiles always fire in a certain order so the pilot would just have to remember what he has left based on the lights.
  10. correct. Each module has it's own export file with arguments defined inside.
  11. if you download the export file it'll have the arguments for each instrument and light possible in a number format. Github source for exports
  12. @Bailey I just noticed that the code as pasted into the forums doesn't have the circles like the lua. I used the green and red circles for lights on and black for lights off.
  13. I created a missile status tile. Uses export 10062. Red for sidewinders and green for sparrows. file I added contains all of @Bailey's content plus what I've added. function ExportScript.Missile_Lights(mainPanelDevice) local heat_left, heat_ml, heat_mr, heat_right, radar_tl, radar_tr, radar_bl, radar_br if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(284) < 0.8 then heat_left = "" else heat_left ="" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(285) < 0.8 then heat_ml = "" else heat_ml = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(286) < 0.8 then heat_mr = "" else heat_mr = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(287) < 0.8 then heat_right = "" else heat_right = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(288) < 0.8 then radar_tl = "" else radar_tl = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(289) < 0.8 then radar_bl = "" else radar_bl = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(290) < 0.8 then radar_tr = "" else radar_tr = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(291) < 0.8 then radar_br = "" else radar_br = "" end local missile_lights = "MSSL STAT" .. "\n" .. "" .. radar_tl .. " " .. radar_tr .. "\n" .. heat_left .. heat_ml .. " " .. heat_mr .. heat_right .. "\n" .. "" .. radar_bl .. " " .. radar_br ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.MISSILE_LIGHTS, missile_lights) end F-4E-45MC.lua
  14. Works fine for me because I don't use the pilot bodies. They just get in the way.
  15. I just got back into the cockpit this evening. I see the problem at 7k feet. I'll try your change and see what happens.
  16. you can set your default camera height. press numpad 5, then use right cntrl+shift 9 or 6 to set raise and lower the camera. Once you have the height you want press right alt+numpad 0 to save it.
  17. I wonder if changing the if statement to use not equal to (~=) the top and bottom values. I did see the bounciness.
  18. I'm sorry but GitHub confuses the hell out of me. The work flow just doesn't make sense.
  19. trying to work on the pilot's altimeter. here's what I have so far. It's not working quite right yet. I'm getting extra digits when the needle gets close to rolling over at each thousand feet. **EDIT got it working a little better. right now it rolls the 1000's to the next number too quickly at the top. **EDIT #2 I think I got it working correctly. Please test it. I'll push it up through github. if anyone knows how to add a thousands separator please do. function ExportScript.Pilot_Altimeter(mainPanelDevice) local altitudeWindowReadout_value1 = string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(92) * 10) --hundreds local altitudeWindowReadout_value2 = string.format("%.f",math.floor(mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(93) * 10)) --thousands local altitudeWindowReadout_value3 = string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(94) * 10) --tenthousands local altitudeWindowReadout_needle = string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(91) * 1000) --needle --this fixes the extra "10" problem if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(92) * 10 < 10 then--altitudeWindowReadout_value1 == "10" then altitudeWindowReadout_value1 = "0" end if altitudeWindowReadout_value2 == "10" then altitudeWindowReadout_value2 = "0" end if altitudeWindowReadout_value3 == "10" then altitudeWindowReadout_value3 = "0" end if altitudeWindowReadout_needle == "10" then altitudeWindowReadout_needle = "0" end --this is for the hash part if altitudeWindowReadout_value1 == "0" then altitudeWindowReadout_value1 = "" end -- this is to fill the blank space when the needle is below 100 if #altitudeWindowReadout_needle == 1 then altitudeWindowReadout_needle = string.format("00" .. altitudeWindowReadout_needle) end if #altitudeWindowReadout_needle == 2 then altitudeWindowReadout_needle = string.format("0" .. altitudeWindowReadout_needle) end --[[ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44261, altitudeWindowReadout_value1 .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44262, altitudeWindowReadout_value2 .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44263, altitudeWindowReadout_value3 .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44264, altitudeWindowReadout_needle .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44265, string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(92) * 10) .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44266, string.format("%2.d",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(93) * 10) .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44267, string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(94) * 10) .. " ft") --test values ExportScript.Tools.SendData(44268, string.format("%.f",mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(91) * 1000) .. " ft") --test values]] --value 3 isnt needed bc it is taken over by the needle local altitudeWindowReadout_total = string.format(altitudeWindowReadout_value3 .. altitudeWindowReadout_value2 .. altitudeWindowReadout_value1 .. altitudeWindowReadout_needle) --remove leading zeros altitudeWindowReadout_total = altitudeWindowReadout_total:match("0*(%d+)") --https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34331633/remove-leading-zeroes-in-lua-string local altMsl_f4e_ft = altitudeWindowReadout_total .. "\nFT" ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_ALTIMETER, altMsl_f4e_ft) --[[ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_needle, altitudeWindowReadout_needle) --test ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_hundreds, altitudeWindowReadout_value1) --test ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_thousands, altitudeWindowReadout_value2) --test ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_tenthousands, altitude
  20. I just sent up a change to add the pilot's landing gear indicators function ExportScript.Pilot_Gear_Status(mainPanelDevice) local left, nose, right if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(52) < 0.5 then left = "" elseif mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(52) > 0.1 and mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(52) < 0.9 then left = "" else left = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51) < 0.5 then nose = "" elseif mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51) > 0.1 and mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51) < 0.9 then nose = "" else nose = "" end if mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(50) < 0.5 then right = "" elseif mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(50) > 0.1 and mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(50) < 0.9 then right = "" else right = "" end local All_Gear = "LND GEAR\n" .. nose .. "\n" .. left .. " " .. right ExportScript.Tools.SendData(export_ids.PILOT_GEAR_IND, All_Gear) end
  21. It won't be in the searchable list as it's not in the airplane game files. You'll have to look at the export lua itself and find the custom IDs that have been added. I had started on the pilot altitude and submitted a commit to the GitHub but it wasn't accepted.
  22. Just sent up the Pilot's altimeter. Kinda messed up though. I'll have to tweak it. it goofs up when the needle is in between 9 and 0 and from 0 to 1.
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