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Everything posted by bones1014

  1. wasn't today's update for stable and not beta?
  2. I have one and use it for a radio panel. You just attach a hotkey to the rotary and assign a keybind just like regular Streamdeck buttons. You can also build button stacks and cycle through controls by pressing the rotary control down. Pretty handy.
  3. There doesn't appear to be an available key bind for the EDP Brightness control to light the engine gauges beneath the glare shield. If it's truly missing, and it's not just me, can we get one added?
  4. I put mine into nav and got the same result as you. Putting it in IFA fixed it.
  5. probably not the way it's supposed to be but set your alignment knob to IFA instead of NAV after alignment. Works in that position.
  6. I've accidentally used it too and I don't know how to disable it.
  7. Why are you using optical anyway? You get better performance with IR Mavs. And no, optical mavs do not work with the TGP.
  8. I'd really think on it and make sure building a button with speed and heading is worth it when the information is displayed on the HUD and helmet display. You can use a round function to chop off decimals you don't need. local tens_knob = ExportScript.Tools.round(mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(412) * 10, 0) local ones_knob = ExportScript.Tools.round(mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(413) * 10, 0) local tenths_knob = ExportScript.Tools.round(mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(414) * 10, 0) local hundredths_knob = string.format("%.2d", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(415) * 100) I included a picture of my Harrier deck with a three position switch for the water injection. null
  9. Ace level AI fly where ever they way however fast they want. I've flown the 16 against Ace Mig21's and always lose in a vertical fight because they're using a Saturn V engine apparently.
  10. Same. I don't know if it's functional or not. Any idea if we'll get the ability to interrogate in the F1-M?
  11. I can duplicate your problem. I can get the switch to go to Alt hold but not ATT hold. It'll read a -1 command when you place the switch in ATT hold with the mouse. Also there are two options that you can use. One that makes the switch move up (3013) and the other down(3012). I can't find the file that defines the possible inputs. I'll keep looking. Looks like it could be an error in a lua somewhere. null
  12. Known issue across all modules. Makes using MFDs at night a pain.
  13. It's been breaking the IC for awhile now. I used to have some screens exported but I can't anymore. Best option would be for the dev to create a unique viewport name and thus make it official.
  14. I'm exporting some displays to external monitors. I don't know when it started but the Jester menu isn't centered in the main gui viewport. I found an error in the JesterAI_Page.lua Line 10 should say find_viewport("GUI_MAIN_VIEWPORT") nullI included a screenshot of the way it's currently displayed and a screenshot of the lua with the error.
  15. I don't know anything more than anyone else and probably less than some. Go through these videos again and double check your install.
  16. Check the following you have the Mirage-F1EE.lua in the DCS.openbeta\Scripts\DCS-ExportScript\ExportsModules folder you have the following lines in the Export.lua file -- load the DCS ExportScript for DAC and Ikarus dofile(lfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\DCS-ExportScript\ExportScript.lua]]) It's really weird if the 15E is working but nothing else is.
  17. The ones I uploaded for the EE work just fine. Used it yesterday.
  18. I know that Aerges changed a bunch of inputs on one of the last couple of updates. I had to remap my entire profile. The profiles you find in the user files section probably won't work anymore. I just updated what I uploaded. Try this one. It's from all my decks. F1 Mirage for upload.streamDeckProfile
  19. No there's nothing strange other than how it shares a series of folders. Once you get the correct numbers in there it works fine. Mirage-F1EE.luaMirage-F1CE.lua
  20. The two versions of the module have multiple files from different folders that are used which leads to the program with looking up values inside the stream deck software. The only way that I know of to find the right values is by opening the LUAs in a text or code editor and searching manually.
  21. I don't think the block 50 ever carried them.
  22. How can I find the proper file to export the Mirage F1EE INS display similar to the 15E's UFC?
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