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  1. "but there's nothing stating that the force doesn't exceed the weight of the aircraft" Yes there is. Its in the headline. Level Flight always implies an equilibrium of forces, wich in this case means Lift = Weight. And Yes, I'd definitely laugh at a baby falling over
  2. Wie gesagt, der Herr MiGCap ein wahres Genie in Sachen PR und Customer Outreach. Gut, in Sachen Emojis macht ihm niemand was vor ^^
  3. Naja, nicht jeder der mit True Grit involviert ist hat auch was mit Programmierung zu tun oder Stick Time vorzuweisen. Es muss ja auch Leute geben, die die Firma positiv in der Community in Erscheinung bringen sollen. Oder es zumindest versuchen.
  4. Just about to post the same complaint ^^
  5. Torque is basically the engine trying to turn the plane instead of the Prop. Or more scientifically speaking the equal and opposite reaction to the propellers turning. P-Factor is the slipstream of the propeller impacting the tailplane. shouldn't be much of a factor in a Mossy in low Wind condition, as the props are not inline with the Vertical stabilizer. You also have the effect of the down moving prop-blade producing more lift than the up moving, shifting the center of thrust slightly to that direction. Since the Mossies engines both turn clockwise (from the pilots perspective) that induces a left yawing tendency and also makes the left engine the critical one.
  6. Good to know, thanks. Looking forward for the update then
  7. 2.0.0 beta 4 So I've tried it with the Melbourne, the Stennis and the Supercarriers, all to no avail. Land Based Tacans do work. The Tacans on the ship work too, as other planes can pick them up. Also I see the behaviour as already mentioned where the last Bearing /Distance remains shown on the RMI, no matter what Channel you select or even turn the Tacan off.
  8. Hi Mbot! First of all thank you for this great campaign. It really gives DCS what it needed most. So i was flying your campaign (Solo Multiplayer), and it went all fine until day 4. I updated the time and weather from the .lua file and loaded it up. However DCS keeps crashing whenever i select the role. I tried default weather and times, but it keeps crashing. Starting a new campaign seems to work, but I'd rather want to keep my progress :( I got the MDC_Campaign_results.lua attached, so the error may be reproduced. Thanks! MDC_campaign_results.lua
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