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About SEEADLER 111

  • Birthday 03/08/2020

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  1. since today's patch, the jettison stopped working for fuel tanks at stations 3 and 5 in F-1 CE, EE and BE. Also, if you carry CBL 4 with four bombs and press jettinson from this station, it will drop 1 or two bombs from the rack randomly. I think the problem is in the CLB-4 when it is not mounted the jettinson works properly. jettinson 3,4,5 error CE.trk jettinson 3,4,5 error BE.trk
  2. I thought it was an error. If it's a real feature, it should stay that way., but I have done the same test with 4x SAMP 250 and has not happened.
  3. Siria SP, mirage F1 EE 4x bombs rack with 4 Br 250 when make 6g turn the complet pylon was ejected. br250.trk
  4. Mirage f1 EE, I don't know if this also happens in CE and BE. Level flight 450Knot 14000ft the bomb grazes the plane after being released.
  5. Manual rotation with the mouse, within the speed parameters. Below 350 Knots. Doesn't work.
  6. m.6:14 Mr Camaño explains to us.
  7. Just need a mirage f1 2.0 with new variats or separate variants; CR, AZ, CT, EQ, CG, EDA etc on the other hand, they could make the Mirage III in collaboration with Razbam, this would be great news for everyone. Whatever Aerges does directly, I've already done it with F4 from belsimtek, now it's headblur that does it.
  8. Using the US Hawk SAM template. sometimes by destroying the command post and other times the radars.
  9. Critical error occurs when destroying Sam Hawk with Gacelle cannon.
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