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  1. They usually drop in the first week of january
  2. If you got all the overwrite requests, you applied the patch correctly. If the assets still won't load I guess your path is still wrong. It should look like this:
  3. The AssetPack Zip contains the folder structure Mods/tech, so make sure you don't end up with a path like this: "DCS/Mods/tech/AssetPack/Mods/tech/..."
  4. The only missions that were affected on my end were missions with a supercarrier present. So it seems to be linked to that? Maybe you could check if that's the case for you as well.
  5. The upper folder with a version range (1.1.0-1.1.4) is a "patch" that you apply on the base pack. Drag and drop the contents of the upper folder into the lower one, overwrite all files, and you are good to go. Also, make sure that these are indeed the correct folders, as the pack already contains the Mods/tech structure.
  6. Gamer_Nick13
  7. At least the textures and stuff seem to be from the Sinai map, but i could not find any place that matches the complete screenshot. Could be from a newer internal version of Sinai maybe? nullnull
  8. One of them is the base pack with all the necessary files and the other one is a patch to apply on the base pack. There should only be one "CH Military Asset Pack USA x.x.x" folder in your tech folder.
  9. Do they appear right away or just after the first x-min period? So if the period is changed to something like 24 hours, they wouldn't disappear for a whole day?
  10. South Atlantic as well v1.webm
  11. No one was ever promted to make a new shortcut, you had to make one yourself pointing to the mt-bin folder. If you have never done that, the game still always uses the st version
  12. Weird stuff, i still have access to the full map in ME. Maybe try a repair and disable all mods and see if it changes anything?
  13. I absolutely love the update. DLAA is a game changer, looks way better than msaa and i even get a couple fps more. Also, i can't stop looking at forests with SSS enabled: Gotta have a look at the new models and heli airflow effects now
  14. Well, then your only option would be to open a support ticket: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/. Or you logged into a different account (happened to me once, had an old account with a different mail and no licenses)
  15. Go to https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/ , log in with your account at the top of the page. Then click "profile" and click "Go" on the left in the licensing section. You should then be able to see all of your purchases and licenses: null
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