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Everything posted by JezzaNZ

  1. agreed! Age has no bearing on one's sense of entitlement
  2. He might not be young and for the record, not everyone who is young has this mentality. Unfortunately, the minority who are are just louder than everyone else. I'm relatively young and happily patiently waiting for it since I preordered it as a birthday present to myself. So I'll just continue to patiently wait and waterproof the foam on my VR. I imagine i'll be crying buckets of joy when it's finally here. :):):)
  3. Thanks guys, I'll try that when I'm next on. Appreciate the feedback.
  4. I use chuck's guide as a checklist for starting up While on the tarmac in multiplayer prior to moving any switches i'll call the ground crew to rearm the aircraft since it always is unloaded. Once that's complete i'll start running through the list for start up. Once I reach the point where i'll hit engine starter, I'll click it I hear the noise sort of start but it won't do anything, Blades won't spin the engine RPM on the MFCD shows 0% I'll do exactly the same start procedure without any weapons loaded and it will start up fine no problems and the ground crew will load the weapons on after. It just seems to be affected by having the pylons loaded. I can't tell if i'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug. As of writing this I haven't tested to see if this happens in single player.
  5. The detail of those textures is good enough to rival work by Weta Digital. Absolutely amazing!
  6. Serial# 45921 Stick and Throttle Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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