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About Bonz

  • Birthday June 4

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  • Flight Simulators
    MSFS 2020 and DCS
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  • Interests
    Sim, Reading, Upwords, Grandkids and flying

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  1. Is magnetic variance listed anywhere for each map/location? ... specifically for Carrier operations.
  2. General... Is it possible to turn directors on for Launch operations but off for Recovery operations?
  3. On startup... Is there a plan to open up the number of Start/spawn locations to include the bow and Stern areas? On Recovery... My group almost always parks on CAT 2, or we taxi directly to CAT 1 for launch (for trap-cat-trap operations). Is this possible with directors? If not., is it a future plan?
  4. The F-18C Flaps Light (Lower left hand quarter panel) does not come on when Hydraulic Pressure is depleted on Shutdown. This has been reported numerous times with no indication that it's going to be fixed... or not. I don't think this should have been a priority early in the module but the F-18C is a mature module and this should be fixed for completeness. This is a great module and fixing this bug will go a long way to proving it. Thanks
  5. For the Airboss to do his job he needs radios... Four is preferable but at least three for: Deck Operations, Tower/BOSS, Arrival/Departure and Marshal. This isn't a mirror of what's real but a compromise. Deck could be the 5MC which is the BOSS's Loudspeaker for the Flight DECK. It's very loud and he uses it sparingly to keep this tracking safely. The Yellow Shirts manage the flight deck in the real world, But in DCS a Radio for Deck Operations would be OK. Arrival/Departure and Marshal can be combined into one radio but having two would work better. It's necessary to have multiple radios, not just different frequencies, because they all need to be monitored. The 5MC would need be heard by anyone on the Flight Deck including aircraft crew and the LSOs. Once off the flight deck and either in the pattern or beyond you would no longer hear the 5MC.
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  6. The F-15E is unfinished and has a few issues... What's the latest with resolving issues?
  7. We should switch... I have three screens but only one MFD shows up in DCS Controls.
  8. Does this mod work on all Maps... including PG?


  9. There are a few reasons why you get the amber FLAPS light (Ref. Page 1.2.57 of the NATOPS manual). 1. Flap switch HALF or FULL and airspeed over 250 Knots. 2. Abnormal Flap Condition (Any Flap is off or Lacks Hydraulic Pressure). 3. Aircraft is in Spin Recovery Mode. 4. Gain Switch in ORIDE position. On aircraft shutdown there is a WARNING (Ref. Page III-7-35 of the NATOPS Manual), "Turning the battery off before the amber FLAPS light illuminates could result in severe uncommanded flight control movement. The only cockpit indication that Hydraulics have been removed from the flight controls and that they are no longer powered is the amber FLAPS light. The FLAPS light in DCS works for three of the four conditions... 1. Both the flaps HALF and FULL Overspeed conditions, the ORIDE position of the Gain switch, and when the aircraft is in the SPIN mode. (Spin switch in the SPIN position). It doesn't work in the Hydraulics zero position following engine shutdown.
  10. What is the latest version of this MOD?
  11. I can see that as well. It would have to be turn on or turn off ...
  12. The first iteration is spelled out above... Mostly to enhance the Multiplayer environment so that controllers have the information they need to "Control and Direct". Great Game so Far, keep it up.
  13. Lots of examples above... I have the same problem... Thanks
  14. I could also be that whoever set up the carrier may have used a frequency other than the default... that will also give you the "UTM Fail" indication following the initial TEST.
  15. Hello Kate, 

    I've been flying the Hornet since it first came out. I'm an old Naval Aviator ... flew the A-7E and the F-5E as an adversary many years ago. I think what ED and the rest have done is quite amazing. I'm wondering what suggestions are being addressed. I get a kick out of just starting up the jet and flying.  I also like to complete a flight all the way through shutdown. There is an issue with the shutdown checklist which I suspect you are aware... it's the Flaps light (lower left subpanel) that should come on during shutdown when hydraulics bleeds down and the flaps droop. It's been in the suggestions box for a couple of years... just wondering if that's too many bucks for the bang or hopefully on your list to fix/compete? Again, Great job with the F-18 and DCS in general. Thanks Bonz.


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