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Everything posted by edokg

  1. edokg

    Caucasus Map 2.5

    Ciao ragazzi, una domanda. Attualmente ho la 1.5 stabile e la 2.2 installata su un hard disk "normale" e ho Windows sull'SSD. Con l'occasione dell'uscita della 2.5 volevo formattare e mettere la 2.5 sull'SSD insieme a Windows. Stavo pensando quindi di formattare, istallare la 1.5 OB per poi effettuare l'update il 31.. In primis vi chiedo se è la procedura corretta, in secundis volevo sapere se nel mio caso è necessario disattivare i moduli prima di formattare o se non serve (visto che sono su un'altro hard disk)...non ho le idee chiare.. :) Grazie!
  2. When the next updte of guide? Tks!
  3. Indeed I entered the ADDITIONAL.lua file that creates the game to store the information (for example Map Lines) and there is no reference to the faction...
  4. Yes man, I know that, but the problem is that those lines and points are for all ka-50 in the mission...If I enter in a Blue faction's ka-50 cockpit (in prepare flight) and draw points and lines, those points and lines are visible in all ka-50 in the mission, also in the Red faction's ka-50!!
  5. Hi all! I'm interestested in an information about the procedure to save Map Points or Lines on ABRIS Database, page 7-39 of the manual. With this procedure, all Ka-50 in the mission can "read" Points or Lines saved, and this is a problem for example in a Force on Force with Ka-50 in both factions. Is there a way to solve this problem and divide the informations for the two factions? Tks to all!!
  6. No man, you can't control the flare's intensity...so they are good for signal but not for illuminate...
  7. Hi all, a question. Is there a way (in mission editor) to light a structure in night mission? For example, can I illuminate a road outpost? ...or can i set a vehicle lights on to illuminate a structure? Tks to all!!
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