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Everything posted by Shibbyland

  1. With regard to the air to air combat at present. Are the AIM 120 and AIM 9 missiles working well at present? What's the BVR capability like as compared to the more basic F15 module? Do you need to be running DCS 2.5 Open Beta for this to work? I only have DCS 2.5 as I don't want to install more than one (space reasons).
  2. I'm pretty limited with regard to the number of modules I have. The only really complex one I have is the A10, if you're paying those kind of prices I wouldn't want it to be any less complex. I bought a couple of the piston engine aircraft just because they're awesome but I waited for a sale. I think you're going to be right about the RIO, managing the RIO AI could turn out to take you away from actually flying the aircraft. It's probably going to be a better multiplayer component. I'll probably buy the F18 and take a more wait and see approach to the F14. With that said, got any tips on good single player content? I haven't had a go at creating missions yet. I want to make a decent naval battle.
  3. That's the thing with the F14. It looks awesome, and two crew aircraft are really interesting but I don't know what state it will be in at release. The main reason I've held off buying the F18 is just that lack of content to use it with. I mainly play single player so tend to focus on modules which have campaigns. In saying that, I really liked the detail of the A10, having an air to air capable aircraft with that detail would be great. Slap_chop, you're right I'll almost definitely cave eventually but buying both isn't an option in a short space of time. I heard the F14 is out in a month, does anybody know if that's true?
  4. Hi All, I held off pre-ordering the Hornet but now it's been out a while I'm pretty interested. Then again, with the F14 coming out soon I'm trying to resist the urge to buy the F18. What are your guys thoughts comparing what you know about the F18 and what you expect in the F14. Really want a carrier based aircraft, I mainly enjoy air to air combat, I like both aircraft. I'm looking for whatever is likely to have the best access to campaigns and single player content in future. If you didn't already own the F18, would you buy that or wait for the F14 and why? Cheers
  5. Dunno if this is still a living thread, I see it hasn't been posted in for a while. Anyway just in case, I'll give my 2 cents. My main gripe with this mission is the chopper is so massively overloaded it doesn't really perform well enough to maneuver in the terrain. In saying that, it's an awesome mission from a navigation perspective. I couldn't pick up the Batumi NDB initially, you just have to rely on your heading once leaving the ship. If you do get lost, try another NDB and once you find the coast, change to Batumi NDB and you should get it once close enough. As for navigating to the refugee camp, once you cross over Batumi airfield, track the tail of the ADF needle to maintain a track of 110 degrees for 9nm. If you're really pedantic you could rely on your clock too (at 60kts it should take you 9 minutes to reach the camp), the critical thing is maintaining a reasonably good track of 110 degrees from Batumi using the tail of the ADF needle. I've not made it further than finding the convoy since the chopper is so overloaded it just falls out the sky once you lose too much speed.
  6. Has something changed in the Huey in a recent patch. I see videos online where guys are doing 100kts+ sling loading, climbing no worries etc. Every single Argo mission I play I seem to be massively overloaded and the chopper struggles to leave the deck of the carrier without overtemping the engine. I'm trying to do mission 4 but with the marines on board and a full combat load the chopper just wont climb or turn in the terrain, to fly slowly enough to track the enemy convoy requires overtemping the engine at times unless you choose to briefly land. Have to be able to change fuel load in these missions in order to make them playable because at the moment as fun as they are, its just a pain flying aircraft so overweight. I'd gladly take tips if it's something I'm doing wrong but I keep the engine within limits wherever I can so shouldn't be deteriorating power.
  7. Hi All, I'm doing Argo mission 3. I have two problems. 1) The sling load swings like mad above 60kts. I've seen videos of others carrying a stable load at 100kts so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I get to the objective by repeatedly slowing down, steadying the load and carrying on. 2) By the time I've dropped the ammunition and marines off I no longer have enough power left to climb away. It's like the engine is deteriorating throughout the mission so I can't do the target practice because it just won't get off the ground anymore. It's almost like the weight doesn't reduce once I've dropped the slingload off. I'm running the engines within the green during slingload (except to actually get it off the ground and get moving). Tips please
  8. Hi All, Just registering a bug for UN Mission 6. Once the formation enters the valley, the flight leader crashes into the trees and I fail the mission. I see a number of other people also have this bug but I haven't seen a fix for it yet. Thanks
  9. I've tried fiddling with the gamma settings but it makes no difference for me. The only improvement I get is if I turn deferred shading off but then the sim loses a lot of its beauty for all the day flights. At this stage I'm just not doing any night missions which is a shame as the A10 campaigns I play have a lot of night in them.
  10. Hey, Just to reply about the suggestion off turning of deferred shading. That is exactly what the problem was. I can see terrain I would say exactly as it is intended. Thanks
  11. Thanks, good to know it's not just me. It's not much fun needing a Cat III ILS in visual conditions.
  12. Hi All Since updating to 2.5 I find I can't see anything at all at night, even with no cloud and a full moon without referencing instruments its impossible to tell which way is up. I can't see fully lit runways until I'm pretty much at the threshold. I've got gamma set to 2.5 but increasing it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Does anybody know what else I can do about this? I didn't have any difficulty in version 1.5. Thanks
  13. Hi All, I have to issues which don't appear to be causing major problems but it'd be good to know whats going on. Firstly, I couldn't fully uninstall Openworld alpha. A message came up saying "access denied". It uninstalled most things but I had to manually delete a few remaining folders. Any idea why? After the download and install a whole bunch of EULA and VC_RED files have appeared on my hard drive. Why has this happened and what does it mean? Thanks
  14. Hi, I'm getting the same thing except in Mission 2. Not sure what to do either.
  15. Hi All, The game crashes every time I strafe the HQ in mission 2. I am unable to go any further as a result of this. Does anybody have any ideas? I have already done a cleanup and repair of DCS world 2.0 open alpha. Thanks
  16. Thanks, yes I can't believe how much easier OvGME is to use. One quick question tho. I installed one sound mod for the spitfire and noticed a massive drop in framerate compared to having the mod deactivated. Is this possible with just a sound mod or is it just me?
  17. Hi, This might have come up before but I couldn't find a similar issue as I was searching. I've used JSGME with other games such as silent hunter without difficulty but I'm having a hard time getting it to work with DCS. I'd like to use it with DCS 2.0 open alpha. The issue I'm having is that I go to take a snapshot but it gets stuck at 70% and just never finishes. I gives no error message just keeps going and going. I've left it for up to 40 minutes. For now I've given up on it. Any tips?
  18. Hi again, Unfortunately I can't try it out as I'm now unable to progress beyond mission 5. Once all targets are destroyed the SAS say they CASEVAC can come pick them up but the Helicopter/s never land they just buzz around. Any ideas about this? Thanks
  19. Thanks Ranger, awesome campaign, probably one of the best I've played in any sim.
  20. Hi All, I'm also having this issue. I managed to move on from mission 6 by editing the logbook file. Unfortunately completing mission 7 successfully now doesn't let me move on to mission 8. I tried editing the logbook file again but that didn't work either. Any news on this or tips on how to work around it? Thanks
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