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About PeneCruz

  • Birthday 09/02/1969

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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  • Interests
  • Occupation
    HUD Jockey

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  1. Have you tried reordering the lines in your export.lua? With different addons sometimes it helps to move them to avoid conflicts. mine is quite complex due to my simpit. I have Vaicom's entry last and have no issues on update and reinstalls of Vaicom (I do this multiple times a day on average). Try SRS first the vaicom.
  2. Hi there I have noticed the Sinai radio.lua is not complete. In that the primary frequencies on most airfields are not specified in the radio.lua. Simple entries of the primary VHF or UHF frequecies (or both) in the script will alow seemless interaction with the Vaicom Pro plugin for Voice Attack. null Example of non completed entries for some airfields and ABR completed. Completing these would align to the airfield comms handling of other terrains. Thanks for a another great expansion.
  3. The A-10C II issue is known, This is due to the Module having 1.png and 2.png files in it cockpit/kneeboard folder. The vaicom kneeboard uses a file called 1.lua that creates the interactive kneeboard. (other module start at 10.png). This sequences the two images ahaed of the Vaicom interactive kneeboard. You can remove them or rename them in the folder, they will get updated every time DCs updates. The Mirage F1 has the same Issue. Custom Campaigns use lots of scripting to get the Ai to do things in the mission that fit the story line. Vaicom interacts with the default DCS Ai commands menu. So I can see it interfering with the behaviour if it's running. There is not much I can do about that as it would be impossible to account for all the possibilities. The only option would be to turn vaicom off for the Mission.
  4. This usually indicates Vaicom is pointing to the C:/ root directory instead of C:/program files/Eagle dynamics/dcs (or dcsworld.openbeta)
  5. I have tested this again. 2. ATC calls worked fine on Both Comm1 (TX1) and Comm2 (TX2) (I have uploaded a video to the VaicomPro Discord (not enough space here) in the Viggen help section. Discord Link 3,4,5 and 6 These sound like Voice Attack issues I can't replicate any of these. With point 6 I have heard other uses have had this happen with Voice Attack, where the mic input volume stops detecting commands. personally I have not been able to replicate this behaviour. I can only put it down to individual sustem performance issues/ installation/ or some conflict with Voice Attack and another program ( Windows Defender?)
  6. Ok go to VOive Attack/Apps/VAICOMPRO and you will see a Extensions folder (it will probably have a chatter.dll in it) this whole folder is not required anymore as the extensions are contained in the main vaicompro.dll. Delete the folder and with DCS shutdown restart Voice Attack. Check the folder does not get rebuit. Check that you can select other themes in the Chatter etensions drop down. Let me know if this fixes it.null null
  7. No worries mate, it's enjoyable at times!
  8. Hi All The latest update will come via your Auto Updater. Or is available at https://github.com/Penecruz/VAICOMPRO-Community/releases/tag/v2.9.3.0 This update adds another Chatter theme targeted for Navy flyers using the NTTR terrain. It was part of my learning journey into the construction of the Chatter Extension. Now that is complete, it will allow the addition of other themes to suit new terrains. Also, some work on the UI and databases. It completes the work to ensure Vaicom Pro remains compatible with future versions of Voice Attack (Gary, Thanks for the help!) Complete Net 7 compatibility assurance. Added option to delete only the Imported keywords from the database. Added new Chatter theme Fallon.(Navy range and ATC chatter, includes some BFM training chatter) Added all terrains to the Kneeboard time zone check. null
  9. UPDATE 03 November 2023 One year ago today a group of us met on Discord to discuss a way forward when the source code appeared on Github, uploaded by the original developer of Vaicom Pro. Could we make it fully functional again in DCS World 2.8.6? For VR pilots that had become reliant on the ability to simply talk to the Ai in DCS rather than use a mouse and menu structure, the loss of Vaicom Pro was a real blow. We were super motivated to just get it working again. Given the complexity of the code and it's extension based functions, with no developer insight or understanding of how it was built we set on 48 hour patching binge and created the first community version that sort of worked for most modules. One year on we have kept refining and simplifying the code to try and reduce the workload of keeping it functioning with each new DCS build. We have had a few hurdles placed in front of us along the way, the introduction of pure client scripts, the reindexing of airfield names on many maps, changes to the comms layer behavior, the list goes on. But overall the plugin has become stable again. Some milestones: - Create a solution based development environment. - Establish a Beta Test team (thank you for your hard work). - Move Vaicom Pro interactions to the DX layer. - Add 3rd party missing modules to the list of supported Aircraft. - Make AIRIO and Chatter dependents of the main VAICOMPRO.dll - Add many of the Community Mod modules to Vaicom pro. - Flesh out Carrier Comms and supported carriers. - Remove redundant UI options and add extension control via the UI. - Establishing an Auto Update function for vaicom Pro with no ongoing costs. - Passing 3000 members on this Discord and 20K downloads on GitHub. (Thanks to our Community Fixers for the endless support to the user base) - New friendships and many laughs amongst the team. The future: - Version is currently in Beta Test This will add more Community Aircraft and fix some bugs. - Work has begun on trying to fully understand the AIRIO extension to allow us to better adapt to changes we might need to make with Jester 2.0 - Try to stay keyboard free! Happy Birthday Vaicom Pro Community Edition, it's been a blast
  10. Hi all VaicomPro is now released, existing uses on the last release can update via the auto update function when you next launch Voice Attack. A new installer and details on GitHub if you need them. https://github.com/Penecruz/VAICOMPRO-Community/releases/tag/v2.8.7.0 cheers
  11. This update returns the Auto Update functionality to VaicomPro and allows a more controlled and user friendly update experience. This will allow us to push out smaller updates more often and make changes without impacting the userbase too much. Fixed AH-64D to Single TX node. (Allows more realistic HOTAS radio controls) Fixed F-5E-3 to Single TX node. Added new recipient “Ground” for ground crew. Added more realistic Tanker communications command set. (see manual) Added Syrian and Cypriot ATC recipients that were missing. (see manual) Added Auto Update check on plugin startup (release and Beta). Added Beta branch update functionality. Added Moose recipients and command structure. (Deactivated in this build) Known Issues F-14 A/B Tomcat, wheel chocks must be set then removed in some cases. https://github.com/Penecruz/VAICOMPRO-Community/releases/tag/v2.8.6.3 This will be the last MSI installer use required until we have a major version change. All future updates will be handled via the Auto Updater. Updates come directly from our GitHub repository and are installed automatically. After running you will need to go to the Editor Tab in Vaicom Pro UI Test>Finish> and paste the new keywords into your Voice Attack VaicomPro for DCS World.vap profile. Cheers The Community Team
  12. PeneCruz


    It is a fair bit oif work, it's not just a track file that plays, it's a series of short sound files that are databased and sequenced, that is how it randomises the chatter. I have looked at adding another module, or making them thearter specific, however it is really time consuming work so it's on the back burner. Getting Auto Update working again was a higher priority. It's on our road map, but I have no timeframe.
  13. With the desynchronisation, If you disable AIRIO in Vaicom and you select a command via the Jester wheel does it still happen? Sounds like general MP desyc where state gets confused. the map marker might be the same issue if it’s not occurring in single player. If it’s only occurring with AIRIO loaded it maybe the state is not being passed to Vaicom in MP which I can investigate.
  14. I haven’t got to this yet to confirm what is going on. Added to the list of items to work through.
  15. That is a question for ED, it is their product. We have adapted as best we can to keep vaicom functioning. I know I can't fly VR without it.
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