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About sharkfin61

  • Birthday 06/22/1972

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS2020
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  • Interests
    Top of the props

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  1. @JohnnyChicago Have you already completed your RS485 installation? (I'm still hesitating...) May I ask you, how powerful your PSU is?
  2. Zwar nicht die exakt Antwort auf Deine Frage (Komprimierung), aber was würdest Du von einem Auslagern der Terrain-Daten auf eine zweite Festplatte (Verknüpfung mit DCS per "hardlink") halten? Dann könntest Du die Installation auf der 870er EVO lasssen, nur die Theater auslagern. Hier wird's beschrieben, bei mir funktionierts gut.
  3. Just as a reminder or hint for the ones whose 3d-printers slicers can't cope with .sdlprt files from Solidworks (like my orca or bambulab slicers): Instead of trying to get a demo/ degraded license for the main program, go for the e-drawings pro, a 3d viewer from Solidworks, with which you can save the .sldprt files in a .stl format. number 4 in the list Or, even better for the ones, who are willing to learn Solidworks from scratch, buy a makers license for 24 USD/ year : https://www.solidworks.com/solution/solidworks-makers
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  4. @No1sonuk Ahh, very pleased to hear that.
  5. @Gareth Barry just yesterday I looked up solutions for a similarr problem, however, I'm not as far as you are. I was trying to develop a wireing plan for my pit. Now, to get to the point, regarding the 5V supply of the Aduinos (you need in fact 7V per unit), I read, when you connectz the powerjack, you cant have the USB connected, Thus making your forwarding if inputs to the PC quiet difficult. If anyone knows better and can tell me the opposite, please do. What I have done so far to supply my hardware are powered usb3 hubs (RSH hub ). But as I said, I haven't the expirience with a fair amount of arduinos, only with 2 so far. They were working together with TM HOTAS, pedals, UFC, TIR, headset, 2 TM MFD's a ,CDU, a wireless mouse, all on USB ports.
  6. Hey @lesthegrngo, regarding your "painted 3D printed covers", how did you manage to fixate them on the toggle levers? Epoxy glue? Or are these expensive toggles, from which you can screw off the lever caps?
  7. @Vinc_Vega you are a legend! The only thing I had to do is to shift also the "A10c" from @CraigS code (to see if the display is working on start-up) to the right position. //SECOND - 8 DIGIT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY - UHF RADIO (CODE) MAX7219 BOOT CODE WHILST AWAITING SOCAT DATA STREAM // lc2.setChar(0,6,'A',false); lc2.setChar(0,5,'1',false); lc2.setChar(0,4,'0',false); lc2.setChar(0,2,'c',false);
  8. Thank you @Kenpilot for publishing your work and also a huge "thank you" to every helping hand out there. I hope a lot of other simmers will chime in and help the upcoming (and existing) cockpit builders in their efforts. I know, some will see it different, and in fact it surely is important to stick your nose inside the deep hollow of programming and writing code. But on the other hand, it might help people, who are about to give up their dream to built a working cockpit or desk-pit, to find back their way into the seat, flying once again and enjoy the work they have done and therefore, keep the cockpit building community alive. (a lot of words and wishes for 04:50 a.m.).
  9. Thank you, Vinc! So, as I understand, the number in square brackets is the position of the digit in the array?! My saviour (as always) Will try tomorrow, reporting back.
  10. Fellow simmers, I starting to climb walls because I can't figure out how to shift the numbers in a 8 digit 7segment lcd into position. due to the cutout in my UHF panel, I have to have the numbers on position _234(.)567_ . Lcd is a 3461-AS array with a MAX7219 IC. I tried it with @CraigS (mysimpit.co.uk) code like this: //SECOND - 8 DIGIT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY - UHF RADIO (CODE) void onUhfFrequencyChange(char* newValue) { lc2.setChar(0,7,newValue[0],false); lc2.setChar(0,6,newValue[1],false); lc2.setChar(0,5,newValue[2],false); lc2.setChar(0,4,newValue[3],true); lc2.setChar(0,3,newValue[4],false); lc2.setChar(0,2,newValue[5],false); lc2.setChar(0,1,newValue[6],false); } DcsBios::StringBuffer<7> uhfFrequencyBuffer(0x1180, onUhfFrequencyChange); and I got this: Is there codewise something I can do, to shift each of the first 3 numbers one position to the right?
  11. Ken, could you please publish your working sketch in the thread after you have it completed? That would be a great help for others, too. Thank you.
  12. My alterations of @lesthegrngo s knob designs: the Intercom dial as an .stl file fór a split shaft and a D-shaft rotary switch ICP Switch knob D-shaft v1.stl ICP Dial knob 5.6mm split shaft.stl
  13. Thank you for your reply, Nightdare. These inserts have a thread inside and designed, to put a screw in, after molded into a 3Dmodel. What I was looking for, were inserts to put on the knurled axis of a potentiometer or rotary encoder and tighten them with a small setscrew. I already found some affordable ones in a guitar shop. (knob inserts)
  14. Thank you TKhaos for the links. Regarding the rivet nuts (I used them in my console rails) but as they have a thread inside, I'm afraid, they wont work on the knurled axis potentiometers.
  15. ALso found a webpage that does ship to/ in Europe for a reasonable price. (https://www.banzaimusic.com/knob-brass-insert.html ) Many thanks!
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