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Everything posted by whataboutbob71

  1. I just found out why my cargo wouldn't load into the CH-47 and it took sometime to ID. The issue, I'm assuming, was the container wouldn't fit the bay. I was using a Fueltank and loading about 5 tons worth in the container, then I went to .5 ton, still no go. I switched to an Oiltank or barrels and it loaded just fine. The Fueltank container looks like it would fit, so I'm not sure it's a problem. It would be nice to either limit the containers that can fit into the bay or give a response that its not possible to load into the bay when trying. I know sling loading isn't implemented but when it is maybe add an option box for internal, external, or both loading options. Then go with that on what containers to permit. Another nice item to have is a way to return the cargo back to the airport and allow for picking the right container size.
  2. When entering a flight plan, use the Mark button. It only enters a blank space and not the aircraft current location.
  3. The issue I'm bringing up is that the target is Not out of range. He was actually shooting targets further away and as I got closer he stopped saying the target is out of range. When manually lasing without a weapon selected the range was closer than when he was shooting before he stopped due to range. Ive had him shoot targets that are 3.8km and get some hits to where the unit is destroyed. Target another, now closer and again he kills the target, get closer still and he says its out of range. If its out of range I understand, its the fact that he says its out of range when its actually isn't. It seems that when cycling through the AI menu quickly causes it occur much quicker. Sometimes manually lasing using the AI menu or cycling to hellfire will clear this and other times it like he goes on strike. I was streaming during that track file above, here is a link to the episode https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2181599089 I lock him at around 3.2km and get as close as 2.6km. It took what appeared to be going to the hellfire to clear it. During this sortie I was slaving him all over the place pretty rapidly.
  4. So this is a known issue ED is "looking into". If more people report issues eventually something will get done.
  5. It just happened again but with a ground target. I was gunning trucks at over 3km and then I get close to one at around 2km and he said it was too far. Eventually he does shot. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ulMbWsS63rFBR7IsUOrawRIVz6jrE4B2/view?usp=drive_link <-- Track file.
  6. There have been multiple times I've seen George stop lasing when using the gun or refusing to fire because a target is out of range. My work around for these has always been to select no weapon with the AI helper controls and commanding him to lase. Then selecting the Gun again and he will fire after that. But with the recent patch he is no longer behaving like that and simply keeps saying the target is out of range or he can't shoot now. It may be my changing of weapons and going in and out of auto launch authority quickly. Here is an example of it happening with me going against an AI Cobra. The first part of the video is of George shooting, after we separate and re-engage he stops lasing so I perform my workaround mentioned above. The AI finally gets within shooting range and George keeps refusing to shoot, the angles were good to shoot and the range was close enough for the AI to shot me. But George acted like he was too far away, I've had this with going after ground targets too but don't have any evidence. The track file is attached and here is a clip from the stream when it happened. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2170362911 You can see around 1:10 we are at an angle to shoot and he shoots but at the end we are at the same angles but he cant shoot. The gun is still on the craft and in working order because I try to shoot the cobra again a little while later and it fires. Grayflag Persian Gulf 1980s A-20240611-180316.trk
  7. Would a tacview file help? I uploaded the file from the track I posted. Mi-24 ( Bob 7-1 | WhatAboutBob71 ) (+1:44:56). I knew the units were there because they killed me previously, the unit in question was clearly visible to me on my attack run, it ends up killing me after my failure to kill it with rockets and guns. Petrovich never listed it as a target; I did get one unit with ATGM's before attacking the unit in question. I extended because I knew it was there and then I attacked from the sea. Tacview-20240526-174202-DCS-Client-Grayflag_Sinai A.zip.acmi
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fM5B3OtE77qBD9EKRz9ybPrDQGq21iRc/view?usp=sharing Last flight in the hind, target appears in the open and even begins to fire, eventually shooting me down. Pete doesn't list it.
  9. Im also getting crashes in the F4 playing in single custom mission with scripts MIST and CAPGCI. Slotted into an F14A and no crash what so ever, jump into a F4 and bam. The times are at random. dcs.log
  10. Than this logic is flawed because if an APC, Man pad, or bro's packing an AK is within their shooting range you're either dead or flying back to base for repairs. Closer threat's that are within their shooting range should always be greater than distant threats that aren't within shooting range. Immediate threats should always take higher priority, its a threat! The problem with your "No Track, No problem" mantra is that my tracks are larger than what this site allows for upload. Increase the file size or offer an alternative to uploading here. The fact your not testing these product in an multiplayer environment is a issue with your testing methodology. If you did test in a multiplayer environment you will see that tracks get large very quickly and the issue may take time to render its head. The example provided by your tester showed a Hind already in flight approaching known targets in what appeared to be a single player mission, this is not representative of what I as user experience. I start the aircraft from a cold start and have to traverse at least 20nm of flight before getting in the area of the targets. Then I have to repeatedly maneuver the aircraft around searching for targets and I do this a lot. And a majority of this time these are not abrupt movements unless I get fired at, so the sight isn't "borked" when doing this. I hate Pete's voice to my core and my nightmares sound like "Searching....". But kidding aside I come here to see about getting these issues addressed by the company; not to get higher post rating on a forum site I hate coming to nor am I trying to make someone feel bad. I just want the module improved!
  11. As far as the sight being "borked", turning off the weapon system and closing the sight for about 3 minutes worked. Then turning the weapon system back on (LCrtl-W) and then waiting for the alignment fixed the "borked" sight. I was able to start picking up targets again, i wish there was a binding for it as a pilot. You have to jump to the CPG seat and toggle the power switch which would be to the right of your head. Commanding a sight close before maneuvering is the way to go and prevent that from needing to be done. No more than 2 ATGM shots when approaching target AO, close sight and race track away; then repeat. The AI gunner still has issues picking targets and their priority. Pete getting fixated on a far target in visual range rather then a target in the same LOS that is closer. Even if that closer target is shooting, which is mind boggling. For example a AAA unit far out of shooting range being top target, while a IVF in shooting range and much closer to your position at the bottom of the targeting list, then you don't realize it until that IVF shoots at you. Cycling targets in the list is a good way to get around this but can be time consuming in a fire fight not to mention if you hit the wrong button and have to redo the search. Pete acts as if he has never seen the AO before even though he had a list less than a second ago!
  12. Well if the enemy would stop shooting at me I wouldn't have the need to take aggressive maneuvers. I don't play this game on passive shooting ranges. Also petrovich is supposed to disable the sight when feeling these aggressive maneuvers which in turn should rest to gyros if what AeriaGloria posted above it true.
  13. So we are all in agreement that petrovich is bugged and not doing his job as a CPG? He should inform me of this or turn it off and then back on to get it to work again. There is no reason the human pilot should have to guess this stuff as to why he isn't targeting items. But I will try this in the rebooting option in the future.
  14. Like I said he isnt targeting what he should be targeting. I'm telling him to target ahead where the sight is pointing and he is still off the screen trying to lock something else. He does this repeatedly! There were live armored targets still there because they shot at me multiple times.
  15. Fortunately my backups work, but the size is over 50MB. Lift the limit and Ill attach it; its 85mb. It shows peter either not locking anything, continuing to lock something out of sight, or locking low priority targets. Here is a video segment of the issues https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2127243415
  16. My experiences are on multiplayer servers. I must assume you "testers" don't test in those environments. Many times pete has not targeted anything even when the hostile units are firing at us from the front and with me directing him to scan that exact area where the firing is coming from. Do I have a track, no, because we have to delete those along with the files in the fxo and metashaders folder just to reduce the risk of performance issues. I will say it always isn't occurring, pete being blind, but its well known problem. The fact we have to become testers isn't the correct response from a company charging money for new content when the current is still buggy as hell. I didnt even touch on petes inability to target closer threats over other threats further away leading to us flying into the closer threats firing range and dying, as RealDCSpilot mentioned above. Again my experiences are from online play. I would like to suggest you testers research regression testing methodologies and start implementing them. Else you may notice people no longer paying for new modules. And my investments in your software going down the drain.
  17. Petrovich not targeting anything! Enough said, been like this the past two patches.
  18. Just an update on this. It turned out to be XMP got enabled on my system and threw the memory frequencies out of normal. Took multiple memtest86 sessions to find this out. I set the memory back to use Auto and haven't had the issue since. Its strange though DCS was the only simulation game that trigger the events.
  19. Its not hardware and by my original post I have gone through all possible hardware testing. DCS is the only game this happens with and only with the latest version. I've been playing DCS with the this RIG for over a year now. Is there a way to go back to 2.8?
  20. the play time lasted longer but Im still getting BSOD. dcs.zip
  21. I am constantly getting Blue Screen Of Death crashes with the latest version. I have ran full memory diagnostics, check every disk, multiple version of video drivers, sfc ( system file checks ), OS Reformat and Reset, and a Full clean install of DCS. The stop error is either a Critical Process Stop message or a 0xc000021a stop code, nothing get written to the event log besides the improper shutdown message on restart. I have ran 3DMark 4k Extreme bench tests and a 4k Extreme Stress Test without issue. Other stressful games also rung without errors. 2.9 in general has been a major hit on my system and this latest patch has simply killed my ability to play the game for more than an hour because of the crashes. I watched a YT video one some changes you have made to "optimize" video performance so I thought I'd post this on the forum. Is there a way to revert back to 2.8? Hardware is a custom built PC. ASUS TYF Gaming Z790 Plus Wifi Motherboard BIOS 1641 Intel i9-13900K CPU 128GB G.SKill Memory Nvidia 3090 FE Video w/551.76 GR Drivers 2TB WD Black M.2 nVME Disk for OS and DCS There are other nVME and SSD drives on the system.
  22. Would love to have the ability to provide forward arming and refueling point mission for strike aircraft. Long range SAR. ACH-47 gunship ability, "Spooky". Downed aircraft recovery, sling load other air frames back to base. Airborne!!! Drop troops or equipment out the back via parachute, or low and slow over water like zodiac inflatable boats.
  23. On GrayFlag PG server and clearing out a town. The tank is shot by infantry with AK-whatever and it destroys the engine.
  24. AAA units are shooting over mountain ridges at helicopters. Im behind a ridge flying away and they can still see me and better yet, yeet the round like mortars.
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