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Everything posted by Brute

  1. This is pretty much what happened to me. I first started having troubles with my crossfire option being grayed out upon booting into windows. Then my comp wouldn't come out of a standby state. Then I had trouble with my system not starting at all even with the PW button pressed multiple times and then suddenly starting on its own. I swapped my oldie FSP Epsilon 700 for Corsair HX1000. Cleared CMOS and removed one of the vid cards. Far from fixing the problem my system now requires several restarts to even get trough POST, and won't boot into Windows normally, only in 'safe mode with networking'. It's been getting progressively worse as days pass. I think my Asus P5WDH is a goner.
  2. Oops! Somehow it's gotten into my head that the delay was between the individual flares, and not between sequences. :huh: :doh:
  3. I use 1-4-7, decoys inbound Stingers nearly every time. :)
  4. Ask the Georgians. They were the ones on the receiving end of Tochka-U's and Iskanders last summer.
  5. It's an even newer model. I think the version of the cockpit described above is this one: While the one in the video appears to be closer, more inline with the modern Ka-52's cockpit using the same MFDs, etc. Here's an old version of the Ka-52's cockpit:
  6. Once again. It's a Ka-50 cockpit. Look at the window's shape, location of the instruments, switches, dials, 3 MFD's instead of 6, look at the tunnel passing between the technician's legs. Distance from the gear lever to the leftmost MFD, distance from the fire extinguisher control panel to the rightmost MFD. It's a single-seater cockpit, alright. You have to be blind not to notice it. Here's the Ka-52 cockpit for comparison:
  7. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=35496 known bug
  8. Look again, carefully. The cabin is that of a Ka-50, NOT Ka-52.
  9. My suggestion would be to cycle through the SHKVAL controls: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN. It has something to do with a key getting (virtually) stuck. Works for me.
  10. Ka-50 cockpit version with 3 MFDs: 7:31 into the video. Hmmm...
  11. Don't waste your missiles. A single Vikhr will take out a T-72 just fine. After it hits you'll see smoke coming out of the turret. It will catch fire and explode shortly thereafter - you just have to wait. Works nearly every time here.
  12. Say what you will, but I had to do a doubletake when I saw the RPK-6 Vodopad launches - I was expecting a normal torpedo!:blink: So surrealistic! Impressive as heck!
  13. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=568713&postcount=9
  14. Я использую Sandboxie и Defense Wall HIPS + AVG anti-virus free. Sandboxie это так называемая виртуальная "песочница", в которой работает твой browser, и в которой остаются все гадости подцепленные на интернете не распространяясь на всю остальную систему и которые легко стереть. Defense Wall HIPS тоже что-то в этом роде, она непозволяет untrusted программам исполнять какие либо операции, инсталлировать что-либо, изменять registry. Все это, в купе с COMODO firewall с её Defense + защитой, насколько я знаю одна из самых лучших комбинаций против так называемых "0 day" вирусов и троянов, ещё не пойманых компаниями типа Kaspersky, NOD итд.
  15. +1 Also, happens to my views when using a hat switch on my joystick. The only way to stop wild panning is to cycle through all the directions: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. Same goes for the Shkval. For me, Lomac and BS are the only games in which this happens, so it may be the game's engine bug not the Windows one.
  16. I'm a bit surprised by the flares' effectiveness against the modern IR missiles as modeled in this sim. AFAIK, most of the modern IR seekers utilize a second (UV) band specifically for flare rejection. I wonder if this is simulated?
  17. I had a hold up on that mission as well. Had to refly it several times before I could complete it. Just destroy all enenemy BTR's first, then take out the Zu-23's and any bearded ones with RPG's.
  18. Thanks, Matt, for throwing us a bone! :thumbup:
  19. Understandable.:) In fact, I'm glad that you, guys, are busy as I can't wait to buy another module! :pilotfly: BTw, I see that there was a thread on the subject in the russian forum as well: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=33570 Я просто хочу знать, считаются ли эти аномалии bug-ом, и если так, то ожидается ли fix в следующем патче? Или, быть может это feature, и мы просто сжигаем наши лазеры?
  20. Heh, I know. :music_whistling: :joystick: Did you see the trk? Anything unusual?
  21. laser fault.trk Start having problems at approximately 14:10 - 14:15 local time, after rearming and refueling. After returning to the target area, I proceed to knock out two tanks which, in the track, looks like I'm lobbing Vikhrs at an empty ground. This DEFINITELY was NOT the case when I flew the actual mission. There WERE tanks in my sights. I try to lock up the third one but Shkval refuses to do it. Then somehow locks but the range is all wrong and I get no authorization for weapon's release. :huh: I then start resetting various systems and end up turning off the Targeting Navigation system (N + LSHIFT) (and with it the autopilot) in hopes of getting my laser back but to no avail... :joystick:
  22. I'm having the same issue, too. Long into the mission, sometimes after rearming at the FARP, my laser breaks down and I can no longer range or fire Vikhrs. Usually happens after a couple of Vikhr shots - the third goes straight into the ground. Happened a few times already. It's as if I burn out the laser, if such thing is even modelled...
  23. Cyclic forward, collective up, you'll be going fast in no time.
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