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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Dive Toss Tutorial -

    "Of course a release advance to shift the pattern can also be put in"   I have no idea what this means.

    When pulling up the bombing table the Drag Coefficient is not shown and the Tell Jester button does not work.

    Also, is there any way to increase the font on the Task Description pages shown during the tutorial?  Some of the text is difficult to read.

    I agree with Salty, the Landing Tutorial definitely needs some work.

  2. Tutorial 1 - Cold Start

    Jester menu and Jester audio are intermittent.  For example - When asking Jester to connect external power, the menu stays open after clicking on connect and Jester does not respond.  I had to use F2 view to see if external power was connected, which it was.  Sometimes the Jester menu stays open after clicking on a command and other times it closes.

    Step 11f - no response from Jester when asking to stop airflow.

    Task 4 - Engine Start procedure completed, however it says to press spacebar to perform the Engine Start Checklist, which we obviously just completed. The tutorial gets stuck here and will not advance when pressing spacebar.  After pressing spacebar a few times DCS crashed.


  3. I am also having stuttering and fps issues with the latest DCS 2.9 version.  Is there a way to use the single thread version in 2.9 or do I have to roll back to 2.8?

    I was unable to locate a ST.exe.  Is the DCS.exe in 2.9 Single Thread?

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 Mhz, 10 Core(s), 20 Logical Processor(s)

    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 128 GB

    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Driver 546.33

  4. What is the significance of the Preset 1, Preset 2, etc... Unit ID and Call Signs in the mission editor?

    In Wags' datalink setup video he has Preset 1 as GUNSLGR which he refers to as Battalion, and Preset 2 as HAMMER..   It appears that these names are not actually associated with any Apache flights in Wags' video, so they are just random names.

    Can we put the names of actual Apache flights that are in the mission in the Preset fields or should we just use random names?  ( I am only single-player )

  5. What I have found so far is that you have to go into the mission editor and make all of the flights have the same com frequency.

    For example: Chaos Flight = 127.50 and Sioux Flight = 127.50.  Then once in the Apache in-game go to the COM page and make sure VHF has 127.50 and L1 (Wags shows how to do this in his FARM video).  I know others have mentioned this, but I wasn't sure what they meant exactly. 

    Anyway this worked for me and I was able to get PP (Present Position) reports from my AI wingman in Single Player.    No other reports or messages are available from AI wingman at this time as far as I can tell.

  6. 5 hours ago, Raptor9 said:

    Please attach a track (.trk), and the mission (.miz) file if able, so we can review it.

    Thank you, however it looks like @Mange solved it.  I had to use capital letters such as CHAOS for Unit ID and CHAS for Call Sign when naming the COM Presets in the Mission Editor

    Apache DLink Names 3.png

    • Like 1
  7. @Mange Can you please provide some more detail on this?  In the mission editor both groups (Chaos and Crow) are on 225.00.  In the datalink coms in-game UHF is selected and 225.00 is the frequency, however, I still don't receive a reply although I am not getting an error message anymore.

  8. Can one of the developers please confirm if the new datalink messaging system is available in single player, or only multiplayer.   I am trying to get it to work in single player and have followed Wags' videos, however I constantly get the XMIT NAK UHF message.   Also, what are the limitations of the datalink system.....line of sight, distance, etc...?

  9. I am trying to get 3 red aircraft groups to activate and take off after bombs enter a zone.   The red aircraft groups are set to late activation. However, the way I have set it up is not working.  Any ideas on how I can correct this? 

    F-15E Aircraft Trigger PG.png

  10. 6 hours ago, Holbeach said:

    I spent some time this morning flying the Caucasus map trying to make the Alt hold not work.

    Constantly changing modes, eventually the Alt hold wouldn't hold. Diving would come up to level, but climbing wouldn't come down to level, but I didn't know how I achieved it.

    There was always a slight climb. Turns out that Alt hold and Alt select were both on and I didn't have enough power on to increase the climb rate and so didn't recognize it.

    Turn off Alt select, (I've never used it before) and it immediately jumped to level.

    Might not be your problem, but I learnt something from it.


    When climbing using ALT Select I increase thrust and maintain an airspeed above the required speed, when descending I reduce thrust and maintain an airspeed below the required speed.  As others have said, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  Difficult to figure out why.  Hopefully Notso can confirm whether or not this is still a work in progress.

  11. What I have found so far is that Altitude Hold and Altitude Select in climbs and descents works when flying a mission that starts in the air.   When flying a custom mission with a "take off from parking hot" start, the Altitude modes don't work correctly; and yes I am flying the aircraft to the altitude I want and trimming to hold level flight before engaging the autopilot.

    I will test a mission starting from "take off from ramp" (cold start) to see if that makes a difference.

  12. On 8/24/2023 at 1:05 AM, Holbeach said:

    F15 CBU 97 SA 10 3l.trk 1.15 MB · 2 downloads

    You can watch the video, but for basic alt hold it's a 2 button press. Here's what I do.

    Press A on keyboard or UFC AP button. This will give pitch hold and heading if you are below 7 deg bank. Then press UFC Alt hold. This will level to maintain current alt.

    If over 7 deg, this will give Attitude hold.

    I will post a track if you still have trouble.

    Press button A at start, then alt hold, the NAV then, steering.

    All subsequent alterations are button "A".F15 CBU 97 SA 10 3l.trk



    Thanks guys for the help.  I do know how to operate the autopilot and have read the manual.  However, the Altitude functions do no work consistently.  I will check out your track.

  13. On 8/11/2023 at 9:54 AM, Holbeach said:

    My AP holds attitude, Altitude, Heading, and Steerpoints, from 80' to 30000' without problems and has done since day 1.


    Can you please post a short track of how you engage and use the autopilot?   I can't get Altitude Hold or Altitude Select to maintain altitude.

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