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  1. Really hoping for ASRAAM however I doubt we will see it.
  2. I appreciate that I'm allowed to be worried though. We are a very passionate bunch Simmers. Honestly cant belive we are getting a typhoon in DCS
  3. Of course they cant but there are 100's of photos available on google
  4. Then I would have to disagree, Military cockpits irl arent completely spotless unmarked shrines
  5. Except there are loads of innacurcires with the RAF one
  6. Awesome stuff, I am sure these are just early stage Liveries but there are a few inaccuracies in the RAF 11 Squadron Typhoon decals https://www.targeta.co.uk/squadronaction_11.htm Looking awesome though! Thanks for keeping us updated!
  7. Another very well structured and thought out post. Thanks for this very inciteful.
  8. Good stuff. Cant belive this is happening, all we need is A Tornado and I will have kth my dream aircraft in DCS
  9. Another question if you dont mind, Is the 3D model in the images so far True Grits work or has it been purchased as a mock up? If so will you guys be making your own 3D model Cant wait for more news
  10. Good afternoon Dash I hope you are well, I have a question regarding Liveries I appreciate that at first you will be modeling a German Air Firce Typhoon But with the initial release will British, Spanish, Italian and German Austrian Liveries be included? If not will a paintkit be available for us skin makers? Best regards
  11. Thank you so much to you and your team look forward to the module!
  12. Additionally once we have the Spith Atlantic map we can do QRA out of RAF mount pleasant, there are usually minimum of 4 typhoons based there. And dont forget the Brits operate out of Minhad airbase in The UAE as well
  13. I'm just praying we get ASRAAM at some point when they add other nationalities capabilities.
  14. Could you please comment on the possibility of getting the ASRAAM Air to Air Heat seeking missile? It is one of the main weapons used by the RAF ( I know you are making a german Typhoon) but you mentioned other nations weapons Many thanks
  15. Good afternoon, First Thankyou for bringing this Aircraft to DCS its a dream come true. You mentioned "This version will only make the introduction to DCS as we will continue to bring more and more nationalities and capabilities to you over time" Does this mean we will see weapons like the Iconic ASRAAM used on RAF Typhoons? And potentially an IRST? Thankyou and have a great weekend.
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