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Everything posted by Headspace

  1. It works the same way in the ArmA community and other "serious games" communities, even with regard to people who weren't even infantry to begin with. There's a desire to be "legit" in some way or another. But you know my position. Since this is gaming the whole gameplay enhancement => fun thing comes first, for me. If stuff has to be slightly unrealistic then so be it. A lot of subject matter in aviation is excruciatingly boring until you really, really need to know about it.
  2. As I recall, the last guy who posted on the forum claiming to be a real A-10 pilot (retired) turned out to be legit.
  3. Send me your log. One suggestion would be to clear out your .ini settings that may be left over from an older version in your TeamSpeak directory. Export doesn't appear to support CA. I am working on another way to get around that without altering any of the core scripts in DCS.
  4. Yes, it ties into the intercom. Your normal push to talk (PTT) button for Teamspeak is what you should use in the Huey. Set the intercom to the radio you want to transmit from.
  5. It was mainly just an issue of time. You can use it with P-51; it will act just like any FC3 aircraft. In fact when we integrate the P-51 it will become less capable.
  6. You get three that can be configured from the control panel. They operate with the multiple push-to-talk feature.
  7. Shoot me a log. Also make sure your server has its Export turned on.
  8. If you're in an aircraft and you command a unit, then you will still transmit and receive from that aircraft (I'd say this provides partial support). I'm working on a way to get the currently-commanded CA unit out of Export. Once that happens, CA support is assured. Yep, and the Huey UHF has the same feature.
  9. Yep. May have misunderstood what you were asking. Generally you use published forecasts based on radiosonde data to calculate cruise groundspeed before flight. In the USA the forecast is available four times per day.
  10. We have a dedicated thread in the mods section, but for FC players who don't normally look at DCS mods, I would like to announce that TARS is now compatible with Flaming Cliffs 3. This will hopefully help bridge the gap between the FC3 community and the portions of the DCS community that makes heavy use of TARS. Going forward we have a few things in the works that will make the product even easier to use for FC3 players, which you can read about in our announcement on the TARS website. Have fun, and don't forget to report any bugs you find.
  11. You would know it from the ATIS or be given it by ATC. Probably both.
  12. From the TARS website: Have at it! There was an issue with the CAPTCHA on the bug submission page, I think we've fixed it. I'll try to get any low hanging bugs found by the community fixed this weekend.
  13. I have absolutely no idea what I could have said to prompt this comment. My point was that since it's just a game, it shouldn't matter who knows what, just what's helpful. Anyone who knows me knows that one of the things that annoys me about the hardcore game community the most is the tendency towards pettiness and one-upmanship as far as "realism" is concerned. I dislike it when adults rip each other apart verbally over stuff like this. It isn't necessary. So you must have misunderstood me. No problem.
  14. Preliminary changelog for is as follows: - Added UH1H Huey support. - Finished 3-radio FC3 support. - Fixed issue with A10C Guard channel not working. - Fixed an issue causing a crash during MP aircraft switching while other players were transmitting. - Fixed an issue causing a crash during MP aircraft switching when transmitting at a distance. - Fixed issue with stereo sound feature for different radios not working. If final testing goes well you will see it this weekend to test for yourself. I especially would like to see x32, Windows 8, and FC3 looked at. When you switch frequencies in FC3 you can do it through the Control Panel. The overlay method is still being worked on. After that's done we will be focusing on CA if possible, then our SDK.
  15. Not that I want to be the guy who comes in and reminds everyone that this is a video game...but... It really isn't the case that it would be a "fail" for someone with that certificate to not understand the finer points of runway markers. The private pilot curriculum in the USA asks for basic radio navigation, usually using VORs. The number of non-instrument-rated private pilots is significantly higher than instrument rated ones. They are decommissioning NDBs and many people never get a chance to use one. When I did my instrument training most (but not all) of my ADF approaches were flown with a sim, since finding an aircraft with a functioning ADF in my neck of the woods is getting harder and harder. When I started flying there was no such thing as a GPS/LPV approach. When I got back into it, everyone was using GPS. I would expect a newly minted private pilot to get even less exposure to radio navigation than a decade ago. It's only when you go for the instrument rating that you have to learn this stuff. Same here and I agree...it doesn't take having a certificate to help people find info. In this case the FAA instrument flying handbook is helpful, even though we're all gaming here.
  16. Yep. Since the only unmanaged (right now) part of the system is on the TeamSpeak side, the Lua scripts run in either environment. So it's up to what flavor of TeamSpeak you have.
  17. Purzel: That documentation is from an old version of the TARS control panel. Send the logs to my email as described on the website if you are having problems. The logs usually say what's going on (if it could find a connection to the plugin, for example). I'd do a full uninstall, make sure you downloaded the newest version of TARS, then full reinstall. Ignore the version of DCS: World it says you have; that's a bug. I'd assumed the registry got updated but it doesn't. It'll say what version of DCS: World you installed first. It uses the "bit-ness" of your TeamSpeak installation to determine this. If it detects a 32-bit TeamSpeak, it will attempt to install its 32-bit DLL. Virtually all TeamSpeak middleware plugins tend to follow this paradigm for that reason.
  18. Couple of things: We've located Eddie's guard mode bug. I believe it's been squashed but regression testing will confirm that. FC3 integration (those three radio channels in the control panel) will be released concurrently with UH-1 compatibility this week provided testing goes well. We're very close! A more immersive experience will be had when we finish our overlay system, but that's going to be a little while, so in the meantime users can play TARS with FC3. You'll be able to set your FC3 frequencies while the game is running; but I realize that switching to the CP is unwieldy and not a viable long term solution. Our overlay will fix that, but in the meantime I've given FC3 and CA aircraft three radios similar to how the A-10 has them.
  19. The KY-58 was in the original roadmap, to be looked at when all other goals had been accomplished. It is very low on the list of current priorities.
  20. We'll be spending some time on the UH-1 integration this weekend, then on to the FC3 overlay + extra stuff.
  21. VOR and TACAN use different frequencies (and technologies). TACAN operates in the UHF range, VOR operates in VHF (that's what the V stands for). You can, however, tune an ILS with your Nav radio and you'll get sensing with the glideslope and localizer. The issue here is lack of VOR stations on the map.
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