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About Fille

  • Birthday 06/05/1979
  1. Even at the set price, i was thinking about getting the carrier. But with all these discounts and miles stacked up, it's an absolute steal in my book. So thank you ED, and thank you for your unrelenting dedication to pushing this sim to matrix levels of immersion. :thumbup:
  2. Yup, can confirm it's fixed now. Thank you for the quick fix Rudel. :)
  3. Bought the CE today and this is still an issue. Not a big one, but an annoying one since it's hard to not see it. For now i'm just assuming my eagle came with some fancy, digital camo harnasses but having it fixed at some point would be nice. ;) Oh, and i'm running open beta latest version.
  4. I don't know the exact update schedule for DCS on steam, but i'd guess using the version supported directly by ED rolls out updates/content quicker than steam. As I said, not sure how often and how quick Steam updates DCS, but might also be a thing to consider. Other than that, the above reason(s) obviously;)
  5. All i can comment about seeing that little tease at the end is that a new pair of pants was needed shortly after:megalol: But seriously, i'm just happy the Viper is much closer than i expected it to be. Thank you ED, a 1000 times over.:thumbup:
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