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About Boulund

  • Birthday 06/03/1985

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    IL-2 1946
    Lock On Modern Air Combat + Flaming Cliffs
    DCS: Black Shark
    DCS: Warthog
  • Location
    Sweden, Gothenburg
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    PhD Student Bioinformatics

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  1. Not to be that guy (I really don't know anything about this), but a Google search turned up this photo of the "Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp radial engine in Rudy Frasca's new-build Focke-Wulf FW 190A-9, Werk nummer 980574, N190RF":
  2. Fun sneek-peek! A nice read.
  3. Step by step guide to enable FreeTrack in DCS World There seems to be some people having trouble getting FreeTrack to work with DCS World (64bit). Here are a couple of steps I used to make it work for me (your mileage may vary). I attached a version of headtracker.dll created by SamTheEagle (published in this thread) to this post. It also contains a text-file with instructions where I added a part on modifying your Input.lua. Download the required headtracker.dll (a copy of SamTheEagle's version is attached to this post) Put it and headtracker.prefs in ..\DCS World\bin\headtracker\ (create the directory if it does not exist) Edit your ..\DCS World\Scripts\Input.lua on line 27 so the path to headtracker.dll is correct (make sure it points to your installation directory if you used a non-standard path). Make sure to use a proper editor like Notepad++ to make your changes (NOT regular windows Notepad). Good luck! You could probably also use the headtracker.dll from the FaceTrackNoIR-project as well, though I haven't tried this. HeadTracker-By-SamTheEagle.zip
  4. You keep the correct button pressed. I actually think it's the letter "O" in the default configuration (which is funny because it's the last letter in your post ;)).
  5. Is this connected to the Vikhr issue discussed in the DCS World bug thread where missiles come out of the launch tube at a seemingly incorrect angle?
  6. This issue has been observed in this thread also: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=88625 Nice that you did some investigation into the issue!
  7. When I just play around in the game without bothering to connect my X52 (it's in a drawer behind me when not used) I fly a little using keyboard and I have also observed the same thing! After firing for example one Kh-25 missile you obviously need to trim the aircraft, and that is all fine and all. But if I accidentally (or on purpose) activate autopilot or some kind of automatic trimming feature, like level flight trim, I eventually end up unable to pitch the aircraft down using the keyboard controls. The only way out of this is to manually trim the aircraft so that it is in a shallow dive trim configuration and RTB before things gets messy.
  8. I realize that this question pertains to Su25T in DCS World but they way you describe it happening in BS as well indicates that maybe you haven't activated "Ground Moving Target"? I feel that when you don't activate it, Vikhrs fall short. Of course there is no such button available in the Su25T in DCS World, where I'm more inclined to agree with Irregular programming's conclusion. Generally, if you make a small dipping motion with the nose of the airplane just after missile release, it will catch the missile in the laser beam and hopefully guide it to the intended target :). But there are most certainly several parameters to take into account here, such as airspeed at launch and slant angle towards target etc.
  9. I had the same issue in BS2 once. Just delete your configuration file with your joystick mappings in the BS2-folder and the game will recreate a default settings file. Adjust it to your needs and you're good to go! :) Sorry but I can't remember off the top of my head exactly where the configuration file is located. Search the forum, I know there is a post explaining how and why -- because that's how I fixed my problem some months ago! ;)
  10. Maybe someone here might be interested in my own band. We sing in Swedish but that doesn't seem to be a problem for any international blogs that mentions us. Give it a listen ;) DÖDAREN - MAEN http://dodaren.bandcamp.com There are some fan made video recordings of us from shows on youtube but I decided not to post them here, if you want to see them you'll probably find them anyway... Posting about your own band in a music thread on a forum makes you feel like such a self-promotion douche, but wth. Gotta recommend music I like, right :D
  11. As many before me have already said, to improve the viewing angle of cheaper (non-wide) LEDs you can file them down using something like a nail file. I think it is visible in some of my pictures of my FreeTrack cap how I did (there are nice whiteish marks on the cap from my inaccurate filing :) ). http://forums.eagle.ru/album.php?albumid=315 Have a look if you're still looking for help. FreeTrack works great for me! The LEDs I used were some random no-name cheap LEDs from my nearby electronics shop. I've been using that very cap with great success without any issues at all since late 2008! Sturdy construction ;). Probably something like 10-20h gaming with the cap every week for the last 2-2.5 years.
  12. Just to make sure we're talking about the same things here. The latest version is the one linked in post #28, right? http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1234317&postcount=28
  13. As far as I understand, this freetrack_shared_mem.exe is actually from an earlier version of the implementation and was rendered useless in the latest version of samtheeagle's headtracker implementation. Am I mistaken?
  14. Try reading the two posts above yours: :thumbup:
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