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About hancerPL

  • Birthday 10/11/1963

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS OpenBeta
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  1. Working ```function flag555() flag_5 = trigger.misc.getUserFlag("555") if flag_5 == 1 then rrc_1() tt_555:Stop() end end tt_555 = TIMER:New(flag555):Start(600, 122)```
  2. We have online servers, and some players have problems, they are kicked out of the server when the mission loads with people. Without scripts there is no such problem. The solution would be to kick clients out of the server before changing the mission. But I don't know how to do it, maybe someone can help. You can probably use the function NET:GetPlayerList()
  3. The campaign does not work properly, nothing happens in every mission. AI machines do not start, radio communication is normal.
  4. Thanks, it turns out the camouflage has been changed, this is very important when dealing with moving targets. It is necessary to test the tilt of the machines in the holding.
  5. Hello I noticed a change in Point Track's viewing angle. The PT square does not appear when TGP exceeds about 15% of the aircraft heading. There has never been a PT account this small before.
  6. Same for me, but I think I have a solution. You have to throw out those countries, I left only the USA in the mission.
  7. I have the same, the script does not start after passing the first gate.
  8. You have to replace the file after every update. D:\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\A-10C_2\Cockpit\Scripts\HUD\Indicator HUD_init.lua
  9. I have several servers, now there is such a problem that restarting the mission resets the server settings. The worst thing is that the name and port of the server are changed to the default 10308, and a description of the server and some functions responsible for recording. As per screenshot all servers are renamed to DSC Server
  10. A colleague has a continuous crash when entering a mission. dcs.20221003-161804.crash
  11. I do not get the active server as seen in the WebGUI.
  12. Well, the matter is cleared, thanks for your help.
  13. We have a problem to access the console via the website
  14. After yesterday's update, it stopped working. dcs.log
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