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  1. happens to me as well... i was in "the Big Show" and after crossing the channel the gunsight vanished, I figured it was a failure... as to not ruin the immersion I threw myself into the fight anywaywith out the gun sight, helped take down one and headed home, figured i was just getting in the way... hope there is a a fix for it.... love the spit fire thx....
  2. Im not updating till i know this mod will work, otherwise im staying put, i love this mod so much. thank you.
  3. LoL! all the triggered "men" in here over a simple request, give your heads a shake.
  4. THx for the update, plzz take your time to get things right, you are making one of flight sims most original and ground breaking products. thx again and look forward to the EA release!!
  5. i think its a great idea, at least a choice of voice actor like in fsx.
  6. I hope they put it back, the new cockpit glass is not good, is there a dload for the more realistic or older version?
  7. i turned my preload all the way down in the in game settings and it smoothed it out big time... give it a try...
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