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Everything posted by BuzyBee

  1. Hi, I just thought of something, are you using Tacview Starter? IAS is considered a part of "Advanced Telemetry" since it comes from the cockpit and is not calculated simply from the position of the plane unlike the other properties showing on your label. Advanced Telemetry is a feature of Tacview Standard and Tacview Advanced. https://tacview.fandom.com/wiki/Features
  2. Okay I see the issue. DCS World is a flat earth and Tacview is a spherical earth. Objects added by DCS World contain 2D coordinates which Tacview uses in priority. Objects added in Tacview use 3D coordinates. So there will be a discrepancy.
  3. Hi, if that's the MIG-29A from Flaming Cliffs, and you were piloting that aircraft, IAS should be available. By any chance did a server record this? The IAS would be unavailable in that case.
  4. Hi, can you please share the ACMI file? Send it to support@tacview.net for a quicker response.
  5. Hi, IAS is read from the cockpit so it is only available for some aircraft and then only if it is the piloted aircraft.
  6. Check out this DCS Tacview Online Parser by Fotios Zafeiriou (aka Cosmokrator)! http://www.cosmokrator.org/online_parser.php
  7. In the Standard version you can zoom out the same amount as in the free version. To zoom out all the way you need Tacview Advanced. It's a feature called Strategic View. See here for the full breakdown of features per version: https://tacview.fandom.com/wiki/Features
  8. Tacview's Winter Sale starts today: 40% off Tacview Standard and Tacview Advanced from December 19th to January 2nd: https://tacview.net/purchase/ To upgrade from Tacview Standard to Tacview Advanced, email us at support@tacview.net Happy flying!
  9. Hi, Unfortunately fuel info is only available on certain aircraft and F/A-18 Hornet is not one of them. Make sure you have selected Units → Imperial - Aircraft (nm) or (mi) along with Do not switch distance to feet to get the desired result. (The option Units → Imperial - Data Analysis (mi) and (nm) are always in feet.)
  10. Hi, this kind of thing happens sometimes on a busy multiplayer server. DCS sometimes fails to correctly export all of the data related to every single thing that is happening on the server side and there may be minor discrepancies. If you think something more serious than this is going on you can send your files to support@tacview.net and we will take a closer look.
  11. Tacview 1.9.4 is available now Download: HERE • Release Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 • Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit • File Size: 937.7 MB New features include support for DCS Afghanistan & Kola maps, an updated EMF theater for BMS 4.37.3, improved CSV file support and Mach speed handling, and the addition of ILS and glideslope charts. Vyrtuoz will be posting a message shortly! Happy flying, BuzyBee Release notes FEATURES & CHANGES • ADDED Option to display the event that triggered the playback pause in the 3D view • ADDED Support of PilotEyeGaze* properties for professional simulators • ADDED ILS telemetry to the charts and from XPlane • ADDED DCS: Afghanistan Map • ADDED DCS: Kola Map • ADDED DCS: F-4E Phantom II advanced telemetry • ADDED DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior advanced telemetry • ADDED DCS: CH-47F advanced telemetry • ADDED option to map routes in the Track Injector Add-on • ADDED Various Artillery 3D models to the database • ADDED Glideslope to charts • ADDED Flight Path (γ) and Track to telemetry export tool • ADDED Altimeter setting for most DCS World aircraft • ADDED Export of DCS World mission default QNH • ADDED Export of local wind velocity for DCS World local aircraft and "WindProbe" tagged objects • ADDED a new addon to display regional QNH and detailed wind information at custom probes locations • ADDED Support for multiple-day real-life missions to the event log • IMPROVED CSV files support • IMPROVED Mach speed handling over 80km of altitude • IMPROVED Sea vehicles now remain displayed after destruction • IMPROVED GPX tracks without altitude can now be imported (at 0 ASL) • IMPROVED charts zoom on Y axis • IMPROVED Eastern Mediterranean Front theater v3.2.1 for Falcon BMS 4.37.3 • IMPROVED DCS World Channel, South Atlantic, Normandy, Sinai, and Syria terrain and runways FIXES • FIXED Stack overflow issue in some Lua addons during extended sessions • FIXED Charts with distances on horizontal axis were not working anymore (regression) • FIXED RecordingTime property was improperly set during the import of some files • FIXED scale of Hawker Hurricane • FIXED scale and orientation of C-130 Hercules parachutist object
  12. 1) Do you mean like the label? You can customize the labels or turn them off altogether via the Display Object IDs menu - see screenshot attached. The label of the missile will mirror the label of the aircraft.null 2) Between the two object selection drop down menus there is another drop down menu where you can un-tick Display in 3D View - see screenshot attached. null
  13. Hi, thanks for your enthusiasm! There's the FAQ here: https://tacview.net/documentation/tacview2faq/ And on the Discord there's a channel where you can ask more questions: https://discord.com/invite/qe26hQzSSf There's no release date yet.
  14. Tacview 1.9.4 beta 8 is now available. https://tacview.net/download/beta ADDED Flight Path (γ) and Track to telemetry export tool ADDED Altimeter setting for most DCS World aircraft ADDED Export of local wind velocity for DCS local aircraft
  15. Hi, see "Flight path angle γ" here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_flight_dynamics I don't know why it isn't on the export list. We'll add it. Thanks for the idea.
  16. Tacview's Summer Sale is on! Get 40% off Tacview Standard and Tacview Advanced from June 27th to July 11th. https://tacview.net/purchase/ To upgrade from Tacview Standard to Tacview Advanced, email us at support@tacview.net Happy flying!
  17. Hi, According to this log you are flying on a server which does not allow object export 2024-01-28 12:49:32.280 INFO TACVIEW.DLL (Main): Export rights granted by the host: PlayerPlane=[1] PlayerSensors=[0] OtherObjects=[0] Hope this helps!
  18. Hi, 1) Tacview uses the numeric property Importance to decide what object to focus on when opening a file. The local aircraft will have Importance=1.0, the maximum. See all the properties here: https://www.tacview.net/documentation/acmi/ 2 & 3) There is no search function currently but there will be in Tacview 2.0. See more about Tacview 2.0 here: https://tacview.net/documentation/tacview2faq/ . By the way, you can Ctrl+Click on objects in the 3D view to select them. Press F1 to see all the hotkeys.
  19. Thanks. Can you try deleting C:\Users\chris\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Export.lua and then rerunning the Tacview installer? You will also have to reinstall your other add-ons. https://tacview.net/download/latest/ If you don't want to have to reinstall your other add-ons, you could also try opening C:\Users\chris\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Export.lua and editing it to put the Tacview line first local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua') Let me know how it goes!
  20. Hi, please share your DCS log - Saved Games\DCS\Logs\
  21. Thanks for letting us know about this. Maybe it is because DCS identifies AGM-154 as a missile but Tacview should treat it like a bomb in order to display it correctly. We are going to investigate further and hopefully resolve the issue in a coming update.
  22. Hi, you still need that entry!
  23. Try deleting the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Raia Software Inc. and restarting Tacview. If that doesn't work please share a DxDiag and a Tacview log — https://tacview.fandom.com/wiki/Help_ME_help_YOU!
  24. Tacview's Holiday Sale has begun: 40% off Tacview Standard and Tacview Advanced from December 21st to January 4th. To upgrade from Tacview Standard to Tacview Advanced, email us at support@tacview.net Happy flying! https://tacview.net/purchase/
  25. Hi, Can you please share a DxDiag and DCS logs of the instances where the stuttering occurs? You can send them to support@tacview.net
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