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Everything posted by MGM

  1. Never post while blitzed out of your mind...
  2. It's good. It's no Topgun Maverick, but it's good.
  3. I saw the access doors and engine cover open in some of the pictures DCS posted. FYI, I just purchased Black Shark 3.
  4. OK, that was it and I can now see the conformal tanks. I feel so stupid. I didn't even see the CFT setting. Thanks to all for the help.
  5. Omer, I have taken a screenshot of the loadout screen showing my selection of the CFT tanks as part of the loadout for the F-16I. As you will see, the CFT tanks are not visible on the aircraft fuselage. My apologies for being unfamiliar with how Discord works. I am now able to post messages on your server in Discord, but I can't attach the screenshot to the message I sent you under # general using standard copy and paste functions. Can you tell me how to post the screenshot in a message on your Discord server? I have attached the screenshots below. Thanks again for your help.
  6. Thanks for the response Omer. I selected the CFT category in the mission editor, but the conformal fuel tanks are not visible on the fuselage of the aircraft (F-16I) when I run the mission. As far as I can tell, I have everything installed correctly. Any other ideas?
  7. Thank you for this great mod. Everything is working great except for the fact that the large fuselage mounted fuel tanks don't show up. They show up in the loadout, but when I select them, only the external fuel tanks under the wings are visible. Any help is appreciated. I forgot to mention, this is for the F-16I model.
  8. Thanks very much for the video. I have used JSGME to enable the Sufa and it worked. I can now use the Sufa in game in DCS. However, I have also enabled the Python 5 missile and I still only see the AIM-9X when I select the Python 5 as part of the loadout. Any thoughts in terms of what I might be doing wrong? I don't have any other missile mods enabled in either JSGME or in my saved games files.
  9. A little help please. Is there an install guide or a read me? I downloaded the F-16I Sufa V2.2 and the F-16I-CPT-TEXTURES-20221003T003841Z-001 zip files from the Discord Channel, but I am unsure how to install the contents. Can the contents of the F-16I Sufa V2.2 zip file simply be installed using the Generic Mod Enabler application? Any advice is appreciated.
  10. Dope?
  11. I found the problem. I was using a mod called "Mirage F1CE Weapons Mod". Once I remove this mod, all of the French variants of the Mirage F1 were available in the mission editor. Thank you for the help.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I found the problem. I was using a mod called "Mirage F1CE Weapons Mod". Once I remove this mod, all of the French variants of the Mirage F1 were available in the mission editor.
  13. Unfortunately, that is not the issue. I set the watch icon on and off and the Mirage F1 does not appear in the drop down list of available aircraft for France. Also, other historical aircraft do appear is the list as before. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
  14. Thank you. I'll take a look at it and report back.
  15. I just updated to DCS on 8/25/22 and I no longer see the Mirage F1 in the list of French available aircraft when building a mission in the mission builder. Can someone provide some insight and/or a solution? Thanks.
  16. I just updated to DCS on 8/25/22 and I no longer see the Mirage F1 in the list of French available aircraft when building a mission in the mission builder. Can someone provide some insight and/or a solution? Thanks.
  17. Outstanding work. Please make more.
  18. Zukov, please stop your teasing. Don't post a pic of the Vulcan without telling us where you got it. I've searched the MOD section of this forum and couldn't find it. Thanks.
  19. Now THAT's what I'm talking about, ED! Thank you, and looking forward to the eminent release!
  20. Outstanding work. You are a talented cinematographer. Please make more.
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