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Everything posted by MGM

  1. Awesome video. Please make more!
  2. I have a new Alienware PC with a fairly new NVIDIA graphics card with up to date drivers. Additionally, I use Reshade for better colors and graphics. To my question. With or without Reshade, I have significant banding in the sky when I look up. I don't have any banding issues looking down or horizontally. Is there a way to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.
  3. Outstanding job all around. Hitting that tanker at night is a bit hair raising!
  4. I saw some screen shots of the new scud missile launcher raising the missile into firing position. I tried several trigger options to make this happen but couldn't get it to work. Can anyone enlighten me on how this is accomplished? Thanks.
  5. Beautiful work. Download?
  6. Well done!
  7. I'm no skin artist, and I readily admit that I am dependent on those more talented at creating skins than myself. That being said, why has no one made any new skins for the MiG-19, now that the paint kit has been out for a while? It seems to me that there are a lot of great skins waiting to be made for this bird. The MiG-19 is an underserved module for the DCS skinning community.:(
  8. Thanks Neo. Looking forward to it.
  9. I saw some screen shots of this livery in the F-16 forum, but don't find it available for download. Thanks.
  10. Thank you so much. This had been a long time coming. Have at it boys.
  11. Thanks for the assistance.
  12. A little help please. When I place, for example a static aircraft object, on the mission editor map and then zoom in on that object I see only the object "shield" with an "A", or an "F" or whatever on the object "shield" no matter how much I zoom in. I have seen some YouTube tutorials on the DCS mission editor where an object is placed and then zoomed in on, and you can see the outline of the actual object placed. How is this accomplished? I looked at mission editor settings and couldn't find how to do this. I hope I made sense and thanks in advance for any help.
  13. Outstanding. Please make more.
  14. Hey Blinxis, great stuff! I too was entertained. Can you share where you got the livery you were using on the F-16? I didn't see it in the VSN F-16 package. Thanks.
  15. Extremely well done. Do some more!
  16. Nice work. What's the background music?
  17. I keep seeing airshow videos involving aircraft such as the F-18 without missile pylons. Can anyone describe how to remove them (obviously not permanently)? I hope my question made sense. Thanks in advance. :)
  18. Outstanding job all around, brown stains and all.
  19. Well done. Keep it up!
  20. Concur with solution above. Removed APU from saved games tech folder and now all is well. Thanks to all involved.
  21. Same problem here as described above. Somebody throw us a lifeline.
  22. The MiG-19 desperately needs a paint kit. There are so many great MiG-19 liveries calling out from the aircraft graveyard to be resurrected in DCS. I realize it's an intensive process to create a paint kit. But we need one nonetheless. It's time. :huh:
  23. I'm sure the reason for the lack of any new liveries for the MiG-19 is that the community is waiting on a template for this model. Any idea when we can expect a skinning template? There are so many great liveries for the MiG-19 that deserve being created.
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