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Everything posted by huchanronaa

  1. 請諒解我只能用中文說明: 我想我應該已經找到這種不可思議錯誤的原因 在dcs world的控制選項中有簡易飛行 及仿真飛行 飛行兩種模式 然而一般ed的程式設計師都只注重仿真飛行模式 ,可能對簡易飛行模式有所忽略 我發現我的問題是即使我在dcs進入畫面的選單中不勾選"簡易飛行" 但是在進入fa-18c上天空飛行時,搖桿 鍵盤控制選項還是依照"簡易飛行"模式控制 那麼起飛以後照說應該進入真實飛行模式,但實際狀況式還是依照簡易飛行模式控制 但很不幸的fa-18c的簡易飛行式中控制選項居然沒有武器開火等作戰必備項目 這就導致我無論如何設定 ,按"1"永遠都不會進入AA模式,按 L SHIFT+X永遠不會進入機炮模式 因為程式還是遵循簡易飛行模式在控制 這是ED的程式設計瑕疵 希望儘速修正 自我購入模組後都無法射擊開火 這個問題最簡單解決方法是在FA-18C飛行中的控制選項刪除"簡易飛行" 希望你們能瞭解
  2. Will the music of fw-190 a8 at the beginning of dcs be that German World War II Military song?I seem to have heard of it., can someone tell me the name of this military song?
  3. It is normal to use the included flight and weapon training course, but the general mode can not use the cannon and missile after pressing left shif+x shift +s. I thought for a long time and couldn't think of it.
  4. OPEN ARM AND USE AA MODE,USE SAITEK X52 PRO JOYSTICK,NO DOUBLE binds ,I know dcs world has game ,sim two mode
  5. My Fa-18c{ button and joystick} shooting button and weapon selection button are invalid after setting. Fa-18c{ button and joystick} shooting button and weapon selection button are invalid after setting. Even if the module is removed and reinstalled, no matter how to set it, you can't choose weapons and shooting. This problem has been bothering me for a long time, requesting explanation THIS BUG
  6. This battle is a machine gun fight? No use of missiles?
  7. When will it be launched? R&D has been going on for a long time.
  8. According to your post, I speculate that Olivier will leave the company because of the dispute with other members of the company during the development of bo105, perhaps because the company wants to sell the bo105 as soon as possible, but olivier has different opinions, but olivier found him after leaving the company. Can not complete bo105 alone, but had a third-party cooperation to set up a company to cooperate in research and development bo105 If non-olivier leaves the company, bo105 should already be on sale.
  9. Thank you for your explanation. But I don't know why the former CEO leave the company with the BO105 project?
  10. It is the only small-sized helicopter in dcs world, but perhaps because of the departure of the former ceo, there are still many problems left unsolved. I hope the development team will continue to improve. Fortunately, it has not fallen to dcs hawk t1 to become abandoned baby
  11. My reminder is that in good faith, the dark cockpit is like a person's face being smeared with coal ash. Everyone wants to wipe off the coal ash as soon as possible.
  12. The BUG of the dark cockpit has been around for a while, and the other three helicopters in the DCS WORLD have not been found to have similar problems after upgrading to 2.5. So please handle it as soon as possible
  13. A few days ago dcs world was updated, but the update of the dark cockpit correction has not been added.
  14. I can only say that the image quality of the I-16 has reached the 4K standard set by DCS WORLD2.5, and it seems that the completion is very high.
  15. Another direction of thinking is that if you haven't fallen out with the former ceo, you might be able to ask him for a solution to the blackening of the cockpit. I don't think he wants his work to have such a dark cockpit.
  16. Yes! The company has too few employees. The former CEO seems to be the main person in charge of the sh342 project. His departure may affect the sa342. I noticed that if there is indoor lighting in the apron at night, the cockpit brightness is Normally, if you can enhance the brightness of the headlights in the helicopter or temporarily solve the problem of the cockpit being too dark {but there may be other problems}, dcs world is designed to have the brightness of the cockpit change with the external light source, but the sa342 The adjustment mechanism seems to be malfunctioning after the dcs world is revised to 2.5. Maybe you can ask dcs how to solve this problem.
  17. However, I have to say that after I bought the sa342 a few days ago, I was in a bad mood. The dcs helicopter I bought before did not have a so dark cockpit. I think customers pay for it, of course, require relative quality.
  18. Sorry! Because my native language is not English, I can’t correctly express it when I rely on GOOGLE translation.
  19. As the netizen said, the nvidia 2080i results are the same, the cockpit is very obvious dark, This will definitely affect the sales of sa342. It can't be said that it does not affect the operation. It is absolutely necessary for the development company to fix it as soon as possible
  20. After comparing the youtube sa-342 videos of previous years, it can be confirmed that the brightness of the cockpit is normal at the time, it looks like a real helicopter cockpit, but when the dcs world is greatly revised about 2.5, the cockpit becomes Very dark, even if the lights are turned on,I have some cockpit photos with DCS WORLD printscreen sa-342 on the top. Can you go to research whether this is like a high-definition dcs airplane? In my opinion, if this is ED's own aircraft, such a dark cockpit seems Can't pass the test and sell it But what surprised me even more is that the developers of Polychop-Simulations have not yet fixed the obvious BUG of this AA+ level. I have officially submitted a report to ED
  21. sorry!!BUT What I want to explain is: After comparing the youtube sa-342 videos of previous years, it can be confirmed that the brightness of the cockpit is normal at the time, it looks like a real helicopter cockpit, but when the dcs world is greatly revised about 2.5, the cockpit becomes Very dark, even if the lights are turned on,I have some cockpit photos with DCS WORLD printscreen sa-342 on OTHER POST. Can you go to research whether this is like a high-definition dcs airplane? In my opinion, if this is ED's own aircraft, such a dark cockpit seems Can't pass the test and sell it, But what surprised me even more is that the developers of Polychop-Simulations have not yet fixed the obvious BUG of this AA+ level. I have officially submitted a report to ED
  22. {tgree years ago} Please compare the brightness and clarity of the current version of the sa-342 cockpit with yourself. The appearance of the model seems to be darker Other sa-342 videos uploaded a few years ago, please search on youtube yourself. Please Compare the difference in brightness and clarity between past and current cockpits
  23. The following video three years ago shows that the cockpit brightness of the sa-342 was indeed brighter than now This change seems to occur after the dcs have been revised, and even if the cockpit lights are turned on, it will not improve.. But the company does not seem to improve in time I am surprised that the cockpit has become so darker than before, has the company's internal R&D personnel not found it? Or because the former CEO has left the company and cannot make core changes. Highly recommended that the Polychop-Simu modify the brightness of the sa-342 cockpit
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