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Everything posted by PSYKOnz

  1. are you talking about the DCS world dedicated server OR regular DCS world running in server mode?
  2. I have no idea if this would happen IRL but would the RIO call out when the Phoenix went Pitbull either in TWS or STT? Did real world RIOs know when the Phoenix switched to onboard guidance? At the moment all I get from Jester is “lost lock” and I don’t know if it has actually lost lock or if it’s gone Pitbull he seems to call lost lock around the time I’m expecting the missile to go Pitbull and a quick peek at f6 does show it tracking on its own but I’m buggered if I know just from his calls I Just don’t want to yell at him for losing lock if it’s actually Pitbull I want to save that abuse for when he loses lock under perfect conditions
  3. Welcome to the "webGUI Blues" we're all trying to figure it out, do you have any more info for us? the more info we have the more likely we are to figure this one out so you did manage to get the web GUI to work?
  4. ok so i figured out that part of the problem was I had it set to activate group rather than push AI to start but even then it doesn't seem to work properly, I had to click the radio command twice to get it to randomly start the mig21s, but then the next 3 times I started the mission and selected the radio option nothing happened. attached is the up to date mission file, what am I doing wrong? again I'm looking for a one-time activation via radio that randomly starts the flights each time the preceding flight is shot down
  5. I have tried and tried, done everything exactly as instructed, I still can't get it to work! can you please take a look and help me to understand where I went wrong?
  6. I find myself reaching a point of utter admiration and respect for you guys have done and continue to do. I really don’t know what else to say, damn you guys are good
  7. Shouldn’t it be “tell Carole i love her” and not “tell meg I love her”? Meg Ryan was the actor who played Carole Bradshaw a Certain now deceased RIOs (god rest him) wife Either jester is mixed up on his top gun trivia or he’s got a thing for Meg Ryan, I’m not sure which of those I find more disturbing
  8. hi there. I'm looking for a SIMPLE NON SCRIPT BASED way to randomly activate groups of AI Aircraft sequentially. I have 6 flights sitting on runways around the map uncontrolled that will when activated scramble and fly towards an area to engage the players I currently have all AI Aircraft Scrambling on a single radio command here is what I'm trying to achieve - The players activate through radio command - THEN -mission randomly scrambles one of the 6 groups - player defeats group -Mission randomly scrambles one of the remaining 5 groups - player defeats group -Mission randomly scrambles one of the remaining 4 groups lather rinse repeat until all groups are dead I would also like to have it so if the player re-radios the aircraft it will randomly scramble the next group so they can make it harder with more aircraft and finally, the radio command is removed once all ai groups are dead any help would be much appreciated. I am exceptionally new to DCS Mission making so go easy on me hahaha :helpsmilie:
  9. It can’t be a ports thing. Mine was working fine until an update broke it. Mine. Was working fine both in local GUI and through the web based GUI so it must be something in the program that’s causing it maybe dcs server has a bug in it somewhere? Something that’s stopping it from talking to the GUI?
  10. I've tried everything listed here and still no improvement
  11. not a problem at all :) You are doing amazing work and i can only guess at how massive your workload must be. I'm loving every second of the cat, keep being awesome :)
  12. is there or can we please have a keybind that lets us tell jester to instantly turn the jammer on or off? there are times when that would be very helpful, in some situations I just don't have time or I forget to go through the menu to do it. a bindable key would be awesome
  13. I wonder if its a local thing? I had a thought, I mean its most likely not this but still good to ask the question, do you have tacview on one or both or none of your servers?
  14. I’m just lucky enough that to have access to the our server. How do I go about finding the server track files? Is anything more than just finding them and copying to my main rig? Also will I be able to use in cockpit views?
  15. Hi there. I came across one of the most annoying bugs ever today there I was, on a dedicated server, showing off my refuelling "skills" let me take you back and paint a picture of pure annoyance........ .......I was starting the whole refuelling thing behind a KC130, probe out, moving to pre-contact, no trouble... "CLEAR CONTACT" hello Mr basket, then, it started... Jester started up, a little left, little right, use the force, almost had it... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS REFUELLING LINES!!! ALL OF THEM, ONE AFTER THE OTHER AND ON REPEAT AHHHHH this persisted until about 30 seconds after I started taking fuel when he finally shut up and gave me a fuel readout, he was fine after that went back to usual, regular read fuel calls and the like, we filled up fine and disconnected fine and jester was fine after that. his little outburst did end up in a very serious talking too in the locker room after the flight, I suggested that maybe truck driving was more for him
  16. checked chrome, firefox, edge and internet explorer. no joy on any of them. as I said it used to work absolutely fine on chrome until the update that broke it, anybody else got any ideas? I also tried removing the web folder in the install and repairing it to no luck as well
  17. is there another option for making videos off DCS that doesn't use them?
  18. now, this is interesting! ever since I started gaming back in the 1800s I have always done this, every time I get in and move the controls to full deflection then back and it has never done me wrong! however, during my testing for DCS replays (the same scenario is in my video) I tried 3 different starts. first. no control deflection - this was awful until about 3 min in when the controls finally synced - don't do this one haha second doing a full deflection - worked as it always does, full control from the start the third restarting the mission after the control sync, this also had awesome results for control and it was nice not to stress the aircraft by smashing my controls around HOWEVER these starts made little to no difference to the replay, with the full deflection one having the worst results because the plane got totally lost, the most stable result was option 3 were because the aircraft was already synced with the controls the start point didn't get messed up by inputs. in my scenario anyway
  19. Awesome I’ll make sure I don’t do that, but what about like in the video where I had just finished flying and went straight into the replay and it was still messed up. I tried it a few times (reflew then watched the replay) and it did pretty much the same thing, not even consistent in the ways the aircraft flew off
  20. Just how bad is the replay track system...? so I wanted to put together a video for some of my mates and most importantly my son to watch to see what I've been up to in the tomcat. I planned to film me doing some air to air refuelling live then run the replay (track) and use that for some outside shots, you know, get all artsy with it, figured a simple video 5-10 min long with some entertaining stuff to occupy an 9-year-olds attention. sounds easy right? well no, the track system screwed me over, to make it clear, I tried the track a few times and it only ever got worse. the mission is an instant action aerial refuelling over Nevada made by heat blur. why is the track replay so bad?? I have tried to salvage the video a bit but really it's just a pov of me refuelling with the bad replay at the end in one long continuous cut. anyway check it out if you want I'm not sure if I have done something wrong that's causing it to be like that or it's just like that, either way, any tips or tricks or hints for making it work better would be much appreciated cheers
  21. Does anyone out there know if it’s possible to turn off the awacs picture messages that periodically show up? I didn’t realise that they show up in replays, in future I’ll turn them off while playing the mission. But for now I have a whole lot of footage that is getting ruined by the damn things. I’ve been capturing various through the inferno missions to make some videos and these reports are spoiling the tracks Is there a way to turn them off? Or to turn off anything radio related in general in the replay? I really don’t want or need any of the text Thanks in advance
  22. Yea. It makes it pretty difficult for trying to make videos
  23. PROBLEM SOLVED: just moved the jester wheel onto my second screen in the monitor .lua now even if the glitch happens and the jester menu sticks on it's on the other screen which is not captured by my recording software
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