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Everything posted by bumblebomb

  1. Der relevante Block ist konfus: LStrg + * = langsam reinzoomen LStrg + / = langsam rauszomen lstrg + * = Brennweite vergrößern (Fischauge) LStrag + / = Brennweite verkleiner (Makro zoom) und mir fehlt Info zum persistieren der defaults. Hat jemand Doku über die entsprechenden luas?
  2. November 2024, more than one and a half years later, I am not aware of any development in this department. Is there, @NineLine?
  3. Tag. Habe hier 3x 1920x1200, die ich zum DCS spielen mit DisplayMagician zu einem Surround-Set schalte. War die einzige Möglichkeit DCS dazu zu bringen, die Monitore in korrekter Reihenfolge darzustellen. Soweit, so brauchbar, aber: Die Kamera ist jetzt so, dass ich den Zoom-Lever (TMWH) komplett zurückziehen muss um zurecht zu kommen. Wie kann ich den defualt FOV permanent ändern, am besten so, dass es in allen Modulen stimm oder zumindest den besseren Ausgangspunkt bringt? Und: hat mal jemand eine komplette Übersicht der Tastaturkürzel zur Kamerasteuerung am Zehnerblock?
  4. Could you post that lua? Does Helios interfere "live" with rendering or does it generate a configuration that DCS picks up at startup?
  5. I fumbled with the dx values more than I fancy to remember and never got the program to do anything but 90° or flat in-plane. I'll have another look at it but really, I'd pay real money for an official, supported solution. (Not Fly Elise, see above) First challenge will be to get the monitors in the right order after Windows juggled them around (thanks MS or NV, whoever of you manky gits botched it) and so far have been using Surround, which is a freaking hassle to use if you need to switch back to regular (thanks again NV)
  6. Uh. I completely missed this reply, sorry, did not see the notification. You mean https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/files/3302014/ ? Thought this was instruments only, I'll have a look then!
  7. NVidia 3090, 3x 1920x1200. Until recently my middle screen happened to be screen 1 ( [2][1][3] ) which accidentally worked for DCS with a 3 screen setup. Now I struggled to get it right, my old config was this, with _no_ nvidia surround (I don't want NV surround for various reasons, one annoyance is the chat and server messages moving to the outer screens, can be fixed, I know, but once I switch back from surround I have to re-enable the monitors and check if they come back alright, re-arange all windows, thank you MS) _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('1 big'); Description = 'One monitor configuration' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = screen.width; height = screen.height; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = screen.aspect; } } --GU_MAIN_VIEWPORT = Viewports.Center UIMainView = { x = 1920; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; } GU_MAIN_VIEWPORT = { x = 1920; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; } Now after the update Windows says my screen order is [1][2][3], so matching the physical setup (nvidia thinks otherwise for reasons beyond me) I tried setting both "x =" to -1920 which sort of worked but now all main action happens on the left screen, including the Jester wheel, which makes the F-14 unusable. I just learned there is appSettings.lua as well which recently got new features, so long story short if someone could show me the ropes here I'd greatly appreaciate.
  8. Let me see if I got this right: you suspect: when I release the 4way it overshoots into the opposite position, causing the in-game lever to come back a tiny bit? Does that matter when the lid is closed in-game and you issue CADC master reset? I'll test your theory, though.
  9. You are. Well, great news, thanks.
  10. Nope. I got manual sweep fwd/aft on the front 4way on the WH throttle, that's it. One thing I forgot: sporadically. Not always. Can't say if always on the same server, but after a re-spawn on the same server last time it worked a charm.
  11. Yes, I can push the handle forward, push in, close the cover, all that works.
  12. current OB, do by-the-book startup, after CADC master reset couple seconds later "CADC" fault light is on, cannot manually sweep, only by lever. Do I break the jet or bug? EDIT: happens occasionally, not all the time.
  13. A feature that's been asked for for near a decade now, maybe it's possible to put this on the engine reworks? Large screen setups distort toward the edges and all we'd need is 2 more camera viewports and configs to define their angle and FOV. I see how this all needs to be integrated in the render engine, but since in general triple screen configs are possible what's missing is only the angle/FOV definition. I cannot bring myself to shelling out 270 EUR for Fly-Elise for a screen config option.
  14. @FroZone I tried your config on my triple screen setup, and the camera viewports on the outer screens are no longer distorted, good that, but: it only owrk at a certain eye level. When I move my head up or down the outer screens tilt. (And I cannot zoom with the slider anymore, but that's the minor side quest). Do you have this, too? I can upload a video if unclear. _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('triple_forum'); Description = 'Exported configuration with 3 projectors' Viewports = { P1 = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; aspect = 1.777778; useAbsoluteFOV = true; useAbsoluteAnglesShift = true; FOV = 1.106157; viewDx = 1.162454; viewDy = 0.000000; }, P2 = { x = 1920; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; aspect = 1.777778; useAbsoluteFOV = true; useAbsoluteAnglesShift = true; FOV = 1.121219; viewDx = -0.000000; viewDy = 0.000000; }, P3 = { x = 3840; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; aspect = 1.777778; useAbsoluteFOV = true; useAbsoluteAnglesShift = true; FOV = 1.106157; viewDx = -1.162454; viewDy = 0.000000; } } UIMainView = { x = 1920; y = 0; width = 1920; height = 1200; }
  15. That. of course, has been tried. Or do you mean all of them from scratch?
  16. A fix would be nice of course, too. (I just tried to see if it silently got fixed in one of the beta releases - is not. DLC on slew, pitch stops working)
  17. Half a year later still not so good. Can this be fixed?
  18. Is F-E worth it? I am surprised there is nothing in your file that would state anything on lens correction (while I don't expect DCS to have any means of doing so, how F-E for example does that for dome projection is beyond me), and the view stretching in my setup is quite a bit annoying. I am reluctant still to pay that sort of money for a video config option, if one prefers to look at it that way.
  19. After upgrades now running 3x 27". Yay! But: All the messages coming in like subtitles from callouts, radio comms menus, server chat etc etc all sit fairly far outside in my peripheral vision. Any means to move them close to center or maybe even have them on the middle screen?
  20. That's fine, I got one desktop from left to right, what I meant is: when I click "identify", they are 2 3 1, not 1 2 3. But Somehow that worked the other day, I'll tinker that some more.
  21. 3 27" monitors, when I sit 1m away they all face me, so the outer screens are some 15° angled. In 1 Screen 5760x1200 the outer edges are distorted, and in 3 Screen I fight to get DCS to display the single cameras on the proper display. My monitors show in windows as | 2 || 3 || 1 | - will this work at all or do I need to replug until I have proper | 1 || 2 || 3 | ? I can switch primary with NirSoft MultiMonitorTools with a mouseclick on a batch file, no big issue, though I think DCS should be able to handle this in 2021. Below the config I tried. I started off someone else's Fly-Elise generated file and modded the screen values to match my monitors. Still, even what I can see the cameras looking to the sides are distorted. I commented out the "use" parameters as they don't seem to do anything at all.
  22. I see how it is not economically viable but Win11 keeps pushing intrusion into my platform, so I picked the wrong place to look for leverage here, but Sharpe, trust me, that ain't paranoia.
  23. What are the requirements? Last time I checked (2020) the situation was: "needs a DX11 GPU, but that's supposed to change" - has it? What about RAM and CPU?
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