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About Skyron

  • Birthday 08/08/1984

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World

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  1. DCS Nickname: =GR= Skyron Discord Nickname: =GR= Skyron Faction: Blue Group: LockOn Greece / DCS World Greece Modules: F-14A, F-4, Mirage F-1.
  2. You also cant hear lock or missle launch (FOX1) either from air threats (like Μig21s).
  3. Make bought (non free) campaigns for Multiplayer/Multicrew like for F14, Apache, F4, Mi24 ,Chinook, C130 . We want to play campaigns with our dual seated modules with our friends. There are many multicrew modules now and more will come. You will sell more campaigns too.
  4. I think that F16 ,is not that small from 10nm
  5. TheaterPG_BlueLar-20231209-215015.trk Here is the Track. Its the 3rd of the 3 merges. Thanks.
  6. Will do as soon as possible. But this is a serious issue when in competitive play. This is an exploit in multiplayer. Thanks.
  7. My Video-1-highlight.mp4 Please do not take account kinetically beaten shots Most AIM120s were shot under 10nms There were 8 failed shots Check how easy are beaten when near ground - i mean ,is this normal?
  8. Will do ASAP (Work from office ATM)
  9. Hi all, after extended testing, we found out that AIM120 dont hit a thing that is near ground ( >200ft) , - while the target is not in perfect notch. The AMRAAM never hits the target ,but always near it ,on the ground. We tried that from 20-15-10-5 miles. We tried to TWS and STT (nothing changed) The shooter was always above the target 10k - 5k - 3k feet, and the target was trying to notch. (not always perfect notch) The miss was 100% - all 6 amraams hit the ground. The ground was FLAT. something is going on here - It looks like ground clutter affects significant the AIM120c. (Have not tried other missiles) Thanks.
  10. Yes, but i have also seen the new Spitfire, the Mosquito, and the P47.
  11. Hey all! BF109 - The most famous DCS axis fighter. Does it need some more love? Textures seem out of date, in comparison to other WW2 models It seems like the oldest one. Thanks.
  12. I have tried that in the past in one or two missions, and never worked... (We both own the campaign)
  13. Thats what im saying! Why there isn't , at least for dual seated modules?
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