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  1. ya , i was looking into UML converters for Lua as I want to rewrite all the sortie sub-missions by using more lua class structure. Much code was cut/pasted while I was learning Lua and experimenting with the MOOSE samples they have put out. Some was cut/pasted as temp code only to fix-over errors such as downed helicopters not ever dying so they can respawn. That Code looks ugly,but it's meant to be dumped when DCS gets to repairing that particular problem. Also I want to better learn the code to control the lifecycles of all the vehicles I create/destroy and so on. Working steadily but surely on that one
  2. good idea . That will confirm if it is in the software inside my machine or somehow my lua code now blocks that option in the F18?
  3. oh did i send it twice , ACK ,sorry Anyhow there is a huge amount of Lua code in this mission and tracks will not record properly. I have not been able to use them .
  4. I have everything set up MASTER ARMS ON ,SELECTED A/G . Clicked MAVS to start the countdown ... NOTHING . tried turning everything off and on again . and nothing . It stays in standby mode.
  5. I have everything set up MASTER ARMS ON ,SELECTED A/G . Clicked MAVS to start the countdown ... NOTHING . tried turning everything off and on again . and nothing . It stays in standby mode.
  6. wow , heh , I will help where I can. (I have programmed in C, C++ and C# and many other languages in the past ~ in c++ since Borland 3.1 came out.). I am thinking that the STATIC name is no longer recognized with the newer DCS engine due to some kind of filenaming type of problem. The mission and its associated code had compiled and ran up to last November using that particular version of the DCS engine. At that point I could work on the mission and save it and successfully get a working updated copy of my mission. But Now I can't make any saves to the mission using the mission editor without that error coming up. This DCS stuff is very complicated . Note: I have been using "Agile modeling" style when writing the Lua code , with code in place that works, but some of it will require rewriting in the future. Well, while I was writing the code for the mission I was learning a lot of Lua from the Lua development website and had not gotten to creating up any classes yet Also some of the existing code still needs to be modified so the vehicles are created ,used & destroyed with the proper methods. It seems, deep in the documentation somewheres, there is a method that I still need to implement. This mission has already been uploaded, two versions can be found, day and night time. "ChopU-multi" & "ChopU-Nightmulti". The only difference in them is the time clock change. Mission Background: The mission has transport and Lift sorties for 3 of the 5 different Helicopters (Choppers) that are Flyable AND sorties for them to engage the enemy. F18s can be flown to defend the skies and Seas around AL Dhafra and two types of A -10 Warthogs can be employed to wipe out the Tanks and ground targets. F18s also have some longer-ranged Sorties. I believe that is the version (the current one ) I am trying to update. ~ I had taken a break from programming in Lua for a bit and just came back to it recently. No doubt about it, this DCS stuff is tough to troubleshoot. The docs are huge and still don't cover troubleshooting errors like this which crop up in the DCS.log and kill the code.
  7. After about 8 months I am trying to update my Mission using the mission editor. To test the PROBLEM I am doing a very small change to one of the aircraft. When I save and run, the mission works ok in Single player mode but comes up with the error in quotes. Deleting the actual static and replacing it does nothing to get rid of this FATAL error. I use the Static inside the lua code and think that just getting rid of it and using something else as a Radio Tower won't fix the overall problem. Worse, I fear even more FATAL errors of this type will come up and stop the code from working. I have spent much time writing and testing this mission and have plans to rewrite much of the code for the sorties with classes etc in the future. But I am now overall stuck since I can't even get the newer dcs engine to find a simple Static that is definitely inside of the mission. Never had that error come up and don't know what to do to get past it. Overall, even simple changes using mission editor cant be saved and played as a multiplayer game without this ERROR message
  8. yup I am getting it too. I guess I don't have to repair anything and it's maybe a bug they will fix up?
  9. Hi Flappie , it is 4 vehicles that have been getting stuck , the M1 Abrams and the Bradley and the 2 Trucks get stuck in all of those places. The town is Shiraz . Oh and I just went into my mission file and got all the images (24) converted to 8 bit Indexed using Gimp . That reduced the overall file size of Chop-U to almost half its size , only 17 Mb now . Switched the Su bombers to a 30 and a 33 to see how well they bomb Cheers , and thanks for looking into this , once this problem goes away the tank battles can get pretty funky ...
  10. Hi Flappie , well I am releasing CHOP-U 2.5 in a week and it will definitely have the Tanks running . The file size is around 30 megabytes . Tracks cannot even be created due to the lua code inside of the mission. The only way to check it out is to get a copy and download it from DCS. I should mention that the Tank Battle that I have written (at Shiraz) has landmines on the roads and in the minefield near enemy section of the town & bombers that come attack when enemy groups start to get killed off. But the tanks have ALWAYS gotten stuck inside of building that AI drove them into . in bushes, trees and on top of those piles placed inside the cities. AND THEY NEVER MOVE after that. Sometimes the AI can free them , othertimes , they NEVER have been able to move . So you drive the tank around for 10 or 15 minutes or so just have it get stuck way in enemy turf NEVER to MOVE again. This picture is from my current game where that has just happened (once again )
  11. Heh , nice to be followed , but what does that exactly mean anyhow I am wondering?  Does that mean my posts are getting watched for future messages?

  12. The Tanks get stuck in shrubs trees and other places . IT STOPS THE TANK FROM EVER MOVING AGAIN. why not just KILL it off if it's gonna do that. Save us the GRIEF of trying to untrap the poor Tank. Drive a Tank for quite a distance only to have it hit a tree/ shrub and get stuck there FOREVER??? this BUG is ruins the game play for sure please ,please send a fix in soon ....
  13. I am currently changing my code over to this process: Using the me and under ADVANCED WAYPOINT ACTIONS I have added the HOLD action . Now I want to include a STOP condition under the DUR sets of fields. After checking on the DUR check box I want to input some values . There are 4 fields filled in with . 0 : 15 : 0: / 0 . Now is this 15 seconds , 15 minutes , 15 hours ? I tried looking up 'filled in' examples on the internet ,but , heh, I am thinking that it means 15 minutes for the tests ahead . Not used to seeing time Set up in this format. Anyhow I have got the tanks to go inside of the rearming zone and then Stop for 1 minute. Once the group has Stopped I hope that the AI will start up the rearming process and then release the Group back to its next waypoint after they are armed. Now , how would I know if they get rearmed I wonder?? ... Only way is to go in and find out. I guess the AI tanks on my team would also rearm automatically like this. I will keep posts on anything I learn while testing the AI Rearming process out ...
  14. Hmm I guess I should include a script that stops any AI tanks motion near the URAL 4320t for like 7 minutes or so before going to its next waypoint. Maybe they will automatically rearm during that time ... I have seen messages of like 420 seconds come up when I drive up and rearm a tank.
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