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  • Birthday 11/30/1947

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    Flight Sims, Pcars

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  1. Thanks Corbu1 the lockout had been changed in special to auto. Switched it to finger lifts and now levers stop at fly. Still have a problem though, my W/H left throttle is not being recognized in controls setup and that is what I had the lever's assigned to from the beginning. Wondering if the patch broke something in sim. All is well again. I decided to do a sys scan for corrupt files and their were some. Then went to control panel and reset W/H throttle to default, and recalibrated it, that fixed it. Now back to normal.
  2. I have tried it on the slider and it does the same thing, jump's to lockout and rpm to high. I have in my stable install the power lever inc/dec smoothly on a two way momentary switch and it works fine. I tried the same thing in the O/B install and when it move the power lever forward the will go all the way to the lockout position, but in the stable install the levers will stop at the ( fly ) position. So something is wrong with the beta, and that is the only issue with it.
  3. Since update too 285 40170 my power lever are not working properly. I had the ( both ) assignment to the left W/H throttle on RZ axis now when I move the throttle the levers jump to lockout position and engine overspeed, and when pulled back the levers stops halfway between idle and fly. Pryor to the update I could move the left throttle to assign the axis but now it is not recognized, and if have to select RZ but not woking. Any ideas, anyone else experiencing this. I have tried reassigning and repair checking all files. Nothing. Left lever works fine in other modules.
  4. I have been away for awhile tried to hornet today, and Jtac responds up too ready to copy remarks then nothing. Has their been any changes or is it broke? Thanks
  5. Ok got, it is time or weather triggered.
  6. When contacting atc I am not getting the new menu language. Everything else appears as it should. boat 127.5 cvn 73 coms 1. Is it time of day specific.
  7. Got it. Forgot to move diamond to agm.
  8. First time in f18 since ah64 came out. Tried to use E mav and the cage uncage is not working either from key bindings or C on keyboard. Any ideas or broken?
  9. Thank. Adding the alt made it work.
  10. Single player, it does not work when airborne. Worke's wheels down both pilot, and cpg and pilot airborne. Is this by design or am I missing something? Thanks
  11. If you click on the picture it will zoom in, a second click even further, and scroll dwn.
  12. This is how I added sixth button and other push button for the two mfd.
  13. I have a profile for pilot and cpg, after the latest update, every time I make a change in controls and I save there is a second profile showing up as diff.lua.diff.lua which I just delete and save to the profile I previously created. But why is the happening.
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