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About Predator-78

  • Birthday 06/26/1978

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  • Flight Simulators
    F-18C, F-16, Mirage, Harrier, A-10C, F-14B
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  1. In the device panel it detects three monitors but only two MFDs (bezels)...
  2. I purchased a third WinWing DDI and connected it via USB to my PC. I have not noticed any problems, it is recognized on Windows and is regularly turned on. The problem occurs in the SimAppPro software which is not seen in the device section. I can only see the other two DDIs that I had previously installed. How can I solve it? Has it already happened to any of you? Thanks
  3. I tried to refuel, as soon as I connected the probe after contact it tells me that the refueling is complete...where am I going wrong?
  4. My main monitor has a resolution of 3440x1440, then I have a second secondary monitor connected with a resolution of 3840x2160. Finally, there are the two WW DDIs. Normally, when the two WW DDIs are not connected it should start with the resolution of the main monitor and therefore with 3440x1440 with the "1 screen" option active. If I leave this last option active (1 screen) it starts decentralized... it asks me for the "winwing" option even when the DDIs are off.
  5. Hi guys, I am addressing in particular all those who have purchased the WinWing monitors, I recently bought two and installed them with the SimAppPro software. I managed to configure everything, the monitors work smoothly and it is a nice immersive experience. I noticed a strange situation though, when I keep the DDIs turned off (I unplug the USB) and start the simulator in the launcher I obviously select "1 screen" with the resolution of the main monitor. When the sim starts, the main image is moved downwards, meaning that it is not automatically centered on the monitor. To fix the situation, I have to restart the simulator and in the luanchere I have to activate the "winwing" item in the drop-down menu. Why does this happen? If the DDIs are detached why is the main image not centered on the monitor? Thanks to those who can explain to me how to solve the problem
  6. Ciao ragazzi, mi rivolgo in particolare a tutti coloro che hanno acquistato i monitor della WinWing, ne ho presi di recente due e installati con il software SimAppPro. Sono riuscito a configurare il tutto, i monitor funzionano tranqullamente ed è una bella esperienza imeersiva. Ho notato una situazione strana però, quando tengo spenti i DDI (stacco la USB) e avviamo il simultarore nel launcher seleziono ovviamente "1 screen" con la risoluzione del monitor principale. Quando il sim si avvia, l'immagine principale è sposta verso il basso, nel senso che non viene centrata automaticamente sul monitor. Per sistemare la sitazione, devo riavviare il simulatore e nel luanchere devo attivare nel menù a tendina la voce "winwing". Come mai accade questo? Se i DDI sono staccati per quale motivo l'immgine principale non è centrata nel monitor? Grazie a chi può spiegarmi come risolvere il problema.
  7. Thanks for your reply, I can only attach the mission editor file but I think it would be useless. I guess your team has already reported it to DCS...
  8. I also encountered this problem on the Caucasus map and I came across this discussion by doing a Google search. Apparently the problem has not been solved yet, because for me too the red flags appeared on the ADI on Kutaisi airport. In the editor I had to add the wind higher than 6 knots and the opposite direction on the landing strip.
  9. I wanted to install the A-4 mod and copied the mod folder to the one where DCS is installed (not in saved games). I started DCS and now I can't see the information at the top of the screen, including the settings icon, what can I do? I deleted the folder immediately after and did a cleanup but the problem persists.
  10. 02.mp4 01.mp4 03.mp4 I'm posting a video for anyone who has the same problem.
  11. Yes cables exchanged, I followed your advice but nothing has changed for now... I hope it is not the faulty monitor. Tomorrow I will open a support ticket.
  12. Yes I tried different USB ports and I always get the same result. As soon as I turn on the PC the image is ok after a few seconds this red color effect appears. What do you mean by software display link?
  13. I just received my two displays and mounted them according to the instructions. After activating them, I immediately noticed that one of the displays has a red color effect on the background and it is noticeable even when the screen has a solid black background. What could be causing this?
  14. Just to add something to the list even if less of a priority...could you change the texture of the pilots and maybe have the possibility to raise the helmet visor and use it when there are reflections of sunlight?
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