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About Skyhammer

  • Birthday January 14

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  1. i have seen the news about the Su-25 get an (long needed) graphic update ...My question would the Su-27/ Su33 also get the a visual update because they are also dated...
  2. then its pretty much uselees to bring "newer" REDFOR...even now they are nothing more than "Target drones" for Spamraam Trucks/ Blue
  3. atm we HAS nothing of that, and that only 1950- to very early 80s stuff at best....
  4. No still not fixed...Fc3 aircraft have always a low priority
  5. REDFOR is officially dead with the Typhoon on the horizon and F-35..damn even Bluefue even getting an FF F- 15C :(( 80s Flanker vs 2010+ Aircraft Really?! Thanks ED!!!!!
  6. I found a bug that this new Gyrocoptern is indestructible by IR SAMS ..the Missile went through it and nothing happens. gyrocopter indestructible to Stinger.trk gyrocopter indestructible to Igla.trk gyrocopter indestructible to short range IR SAM.trk
  7. What is not properly working at the MPU? working fine at my track Isn´t the MPU the version with the greatest range? KH-25MPU.trk Tacview-20240923-132939-DCS.zip.acmi
  8. you are using the "Fantasmagoria" ELINT pod on the Su-25T? when you lock the SAM radar they can switch there radar off so that your KH25MPU has no source anymore an can therefore miss the target
  9. would be still better than what we current have ....
  10. I agree... sadly it seems any FC is pretty much dead by now ..redfor players waiting for years now for any visually / other improvements ....
  11. ok fine ..but why a Su25T (1984) in DCS has element of a Su27SM HUD then in it ?! so i would argue that symbology was already implanted before the SM and was already available in the S versions (1985)
  12. if F-16 can have unrealistic 4 HARM loadout, Redfor can have for sure an SM HUD i think
  13. Its from a Su-27SM but i found literally not 1 RL picture of an Su-27S HUD with its symbology ...anyway would be nice to have it because it gives more information to the the pilot
  14. thank you both it finally worked
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